Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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Have to drop out of the pre-reading grind for a few weeks.

Sorry folks!

Hello authors,

Let's take a moment to go into what a Pre-reader means. It's really right there on the tin. I'm here offering to privately read over your story/chapter before it hits the public eye. Why would I do that? To catch issues with characterization, continuity, pacing, tone and emotion, and all of that fun stuff. I'll ask the questions a reader might ask. And, of course, I'll point out where things work especially well.

Are you looking for someone to correct your grammar, spelling and structure? That's a proofreader or an editor. I might do that too, by coincidence, if something glaring jumps out at me, but I profess no great skill there. Don't tap me as your only source of help when aiming to get on EqD.

Also, as a sidenote, I tend to be biased toward constructive criticism. I'll gush and squee if something is particularly awesome, but I do my best to focus on providing advice and corrections that the author might find useful to improve the work, or their writing style. Some of that might seem harsh, but that's never the intent. Just a warning.

Nice, simple, minimal-reading-required instructions are at the bottom. In eye-searing red. Please at least read those.

Tag Preference:
I love fiction, but what I'm here to read, and gush over, is FiM. As such, I won't pre-read things that are more tangentially related to FiM:
No Human stories, No Crossovers and No Random (if that tag is on your story for lots of OOCness and meta humor).

Everything else is happily accepted, from adventure, to dark, to romance, to things that will make be cry like a child.

Gore is fine, and so's clop. Keep in mind, however, that I do most of my pre-reading at work. So anything not safe for such will take longer for me to look at. If your story has explicit sexual content, or even a mature rating, please also tell me if it's safe to read at work, or not, in your post.

Favorite form of Communication:
PMs here on FiMFiction are by far the best way to get hold of me. I don't have IMs, Skype or any such thing.

Google docs is my favored way to pre-read, since I can drop comments on relevant sections quickly and easily, and can point out errors. Reading things here is okay too. Just make sure to PM me the password to look at a story, if it hasn't been put out for public consumption yet.

I'm not able to open word-processor documents here at work. So unless Gmail can open it in-browser, which it can for things like .doc, then things might get overly-complicated.

Special Notes:
1) I'm not, necessarily, volunteering to take part in long-term projects, as your permanent pre-reader, if I review some opening chapters. My time is limited, these days. If I'm particularly intrigued by your story, or I think it has a great deal of potential, I might offer to continue to work on the story with you. But please let me be the one to make that offer. :unsuresweetie:

2) As a corollary to the above, please try to keep your requests for pre-reading to a reasonable size. Don't put your 250k word adventure epic in my lap all at once. Try to keep your requests under 30 or 40k words, else I won't be able to get to them in a timely or in-depth fashion. If you have a sprawling epic, just ask me to review the opening chapters, or some such thing.

Obligatory and Standard Instructions:
To request a review of your story, please do the following:

1. Read the general rules on the front page, please.
2: Read the rules the kind reviewer has set. If he doesn’t want a specific tag, don’t waste anyone’s time by posting a story with that tag.
2.5 Read all of them. Don’t be lazy. Laziness is a terrible quality.
3. Fill out this form about your story:
Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag):
General Summary/Description:
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional):
Other important information:
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:
4. The reviewer has one week to accept your story. Please understand they are people too, and may not accept your request as soon as you post it. If they fail to accept your request after one week, and you are sure you fit into the group/reviewer’s rules, then report the instance to the admins.
5. After the reviewer has successfully reviewed your story, then be sure to mark your post as completed in some form of noticeable lettering. It helps everyone see the reviewer is doing their job. :D
6. If any problems arise that you and your reviewer can’t solve together, contact the admins and we’ll help you.

TL;DR Instructions!

-Make sure your story isn't Human, Crossover, or the variety of Random mentioned above.
-Hit 'Reply' on this post, so I get a notification when you post here.
-Copy and Paste the stuff from number 3 under the Instructions. Fill it out.
-If your story is rated Mature: Make sure you mention if the fic/chapter is SFW or not.
-Add the post.
-Receive a Pre-read in hopefully short order!

Question: how do we send in a chapter and do you read sad fictions

In my case, having a Google Docs/Drive version is the best.
If not, you might be able to send it to my email in some format like .rtf or .doc and that that Gmail can open. PM me if that's how you want to do it, and I'll provide my email.

After doing everything the rules here require, that is!

As for Sad, yes, happily. So long it is also not one of those three tags I listed as ones I won't take.

Right then, the fic is rather gory as of late however the main tag of the chapter will be Sad
No clop, no over the top gore, and no humans, plenty of original characters running around though

Master Lyra
Group Admin

Very well done page, Luminary.

Silver Eyes cleared, save for any follow up. All free and open once more.

Ha! Perfectionist tendencies, go!

Hey. Master Lyra, if you want to turn the proverbial Eye of Sauron on this group, and drive more people to its relaunched glory, consider PMing Wanderer D, to ask him if he'll put P,PR&E in the Group Update post for next month.

Master Lyra
Group Admin

I'm seeing how this new set up works first. But that is a good idea. I'll think about it for the future.

I'm guessing I should just plop this here?

Title: The Kingdom of Vertigo
Tags: Dark
General Summary/Description: Applejack delivers a cart of apples to a village in the Whitetail Woods, and discovers the strange experiences she's had along the way have even stranger implications. It's a horror story, or at least an attempt at a horror story, but not one with sex or gore or anything like that.
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: Short one shot at 3333~ words.
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Just the general stuff. Style, tone, pacing, etc. I'm new to writing and am inexperienced, so I don't know how to precisely judge these things. The style in particular I might have gone too far with to the point of affecting readability, although I've read the thing over a dozen times myself so I can't tell for sure.
Other important information: Nothing else comes to mind.
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: PMs on here should work

Sure, sounds good to me.
PM me the link to wherever it is?

GDocs is fine. You can also email me a copy in .doc or .rtf. If it's on FiMFiction, but not published, you may need to set a password and give that to me, along with the link.

Title: A Day without Light, a Day without Night (might change, though I doubt it)
Tags: Alternate Universe, and Adventure I believe.
General Summary/Description: Lyra Heartstrings, Princess Cadence's student, was sent to Ponyville to set up the Spring Love Faire. However, Corona Moon has come back from her banishment to create a world where it isn't day nor night!
Information reviewer needs: Well, it is about 10,500 words. Also, it is a Cadence!verse story, much like the Luna!verse. No mature stuff, gore or ANYTHING like that. Well, there is a part or two that is slightly tipping into "young children bad." But you know, nothing horrible. Also! I don't really know what Google Docs is...
Specific things to focus on: Mostly mistakes in spelling and grammar, and an opinion if you'd like to.
Other important things: Nothing much. Just that I don't take harsh criticism very well, so be gentle if you give an opinion. Though don't hold back if you give your opinion! Ugh, Nevermind.
Communication: I'd prefer using PMs and viewing my unpolished story with a password. Cause, well, I don't know google docs basically AT ALL. And I like this site! :twilightsmile:

Um, thanks for reading.

No problem. PM me the link and password.

I'll try my best to be gentle, while still being constructive.

Rainbow Flash and Snap Apple cleared! All open once again.

I'm mostly looking for immediate impressions, and things that don't seem to work well, or feel right. I asked BBofC for a pre-read as well (not sure if this would be an issue, just wanted to mention it).

Title: Sugarfree
Tags: Adventure, Romance, Comedy
General Summary: After a bizarre disaster at the Castle, Discord has fled and Luna is sick. Overloaded with work, Celestia pops by Donut Joe's for coffee, between shifts. For some reason, magic seems harder to use, and more concerningly, all sugar has been acting very strangely. Joe, Celestia, and Gilda are compelled to investigate a growing epidemic after a run-in with a sleepwalking Luna. Eventually, they will need to stay awake for days, fueled by coffee, lest they fall victim to this epidemic.
Focus: Not sure at all about the way in which this reads. Is it too boring, too vague, too tedious? I have a good arc in mind, but if I lose readers at the start, it won't matter.
Other important information: I'm three chapters in, each one between 3,000 and 4,500 words. You wouldn't be expected to read the whole thing, just skim, and let me know what seems off-putting, confusing, or unsatisfying. Much can be changed at this stage, if needed. Google docs is fine with me, as well.
Form of communication: PM or Skype

Blarg. And this is why I ask for people to hit 'reply' when posting. I don't get a notification unless I do. The holiday weekend didn't help. If you haven't gotten a response from BBofC you might want to poke him too, with a PM or post 'reply'.

Well, apologies for the delay.
If you still need me to pre-read, I shall happily do so! Sounds like a snirkable fic with weird protagonists. Sounds right up my alley for my mood this week. Feel free to send me the links.

I'd like you to pre-read this for me if you'll accept it. I have some friends that have looked at it but I'd also like someone who's done organized pre-reading such as yourself to have a look. It's a one-shot at ~1500 words that was originally designed to fill a time skip for a fic I'm working on, but I decided to put it out there on its own to get my feet wet (so yes, it's my debut fic). :twilightsmile:

Title: My Beloved Sister
Tags: Sad [Rated: Everyone]
General Summary/Description: A heartfelt poetic letter from Princess Celestia to her sister Luna 700 years into her banishment after her attempt to envelop the world in eternal darkness. What regrets, memories, fears, and unspoken words are hidden within the heart of a princess who has defeated three of the most powerful tyrants in history, formed a great nation, and led it through the longest age of peace and prosperity that any has ever known?
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: An appreciation to some degree for poetry, as this story is a poetic letter. You don't need to be a Shakespearean connoisseur to read through it (it's fairly simple diction), but I am looking for someone who can appreciate it as a story as well as a poem.
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Does this story produce "feels" and does it flow well? Are there any parts of the story that need to be developed further? Do you like the rhyme scheme and poem's structure? Do you think it needs to be tagged differently?
Other important information: ABCC DEFF etc. rhyme scheme with 10 syllable lines.
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: fimfiction PMs and gdoc comments.

No have no particular appreciation in any degree for poetry, specifically.

However, that said, I'll still pre-read it for you, if you're looking for the opinion from the perspective of the (figurative) man on the (figurative) ground. And while I doubt I'll be able to judge it based on the actual poetry with any particular knowledge, I can certainly put an eye to it on the layers of feel, flow, story, etc.

Feel free to PM me links, if you still wish. Given its short length, almost anything will do. No need to port it to GDocs if it isn't on there already (Though s'fine, if it is).

(Edit: Finished. All clear again. Keep remembering to 'Reply' to one of my posts, folks.)

Comment posted by The Quill and Sofa Shop deleted Jun 12th, 2013

903574 Here's mine :)

Title: Regret

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Romance, Sad, Slice of Life

General Summary/Description: After 'I am Octavia', Octavia finally caved in. Not everyone can lose their best friend turned life partner, and not everyone can stand up from it. She leaves Vinyl after a devastating phone call, and she regrets it, but will she be in time to reconcile with her love?

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: It might be good to read my prequel, but not really necessary if you have listened to the song it is based on.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): I need ya to critique on stuff like pacing and character development etc. Also, any comments of the use of literary devices?

Other important information: Some knowledge of pop songs are nice o.o (Just one in particular: I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift)

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Just PM me. As long as I have my phone, I can contact you.

If there's some actual shared universe for all that Lunar Republic stuff, I don't know it, so I won't be able to say much about how well it fits in or anything. So don't expect that. But I'll give it a read for other things.

Hopefully I'll get to it today. If I can't, I'll prod at it tomorrow. I'll leave comments on the GDoc then PM you.

(Edit: Cleared)

This one will definitely have to wait until tomorrow. Can't play music where I am. Will have to wait until I get home.

Also, I have no knowledge of pop songs to speak of. I'll listen to that one though, since it's apparently relevant.

(Edit: This one too. Free and clear again!)

1095604 Thank you! It's appreciated. :D

1095617 merci monsieur :)

Glad I'm getting more into the habit of checking this. People always forget to 'reply', so that it notifies me!

Sounds good. And relevant to my interests, even! Lucky!
Do you have more chapters elsewhere you want me to look at? 6k words is hardly an absurd imposition, I can handle more.

903574 Hey there again xD I'm here to bug you on an ACTUAL pre-reading this time round :rainbowwild: So here it goes :pinkiehappy:

Title: [to be determined in the near future]
Tags: Adventure
General Summary/Description: Take Heroes (the TV show), take the concept behind The Crucible (Play / English Literature) and take The Incredibles (movie). Oh and take The Living Tombstone's 'Beyond The Garden/Tomb'. Mash those four together, and you'll have something on the lines of Earth Ponies and the powers they never knew they had. Only a few realise they have, and only a few dare to accept them.

Then insert villain here whose power is being able to know how things work, and knows how the powers work. (Heroes reference). That villain goes off killing different Earth Ponies, but when his cover is blown, he realises he can take the power of others, and aims the other races, including a changeling.

They can't be open with their powers for fear of acceptance and privacy (The Incredibles reference) However, Applejack's friends, as well as Applebloom's friends, know about it. And they're quite open with the idea. But one of them blurts it out, and the town talks about witches. Carrot Top is the main target for the missing ponies and for the strange magic happening around town. Of course, she's innocent. (The Crucible + Beyond the Tomb/Garden reference)

In the end, Carrot Top, Celery Stalk (Carrot Top's brother) and mainly the Apple Family takes him down, but Carrot Top becomes a scapegoat for society and dies. (it's okay. Ain't a spoiler. Revealed in first paragraph of the fic anwyays.)

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: Don't really think you need to read those aforementioned stories/plays/movies/song to understand this story. Those are ideas are what I based it on, so you'll understand it as if you were reading it the first time.
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Pacing is important for this one.
Other important information: Nothing much, except this will be a giant project.
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Same as before. Just PM me. As long as I have my phone, I can contact you. Plus I'm using gDocs for this one.

Well, one out of four ain't bad, right? :facehoof:
(I've seen The Incredibles, well, and maybe one or two episodes of Heroes. The song, at least, I can easily watch.)

Anyway, doesn't matter, so long as it's not actually a crossover. Mere theme requires no special preparation. After all, most of your readers will likely not have seen all those.

Also, always a fan of earth pony magic actually being made to be useful.

I can't exactly tell you to casually read This Platinum Crown to give you an example on how to do active earth magic that feels earthy well, given that it's up to almost half a million words, (More if you count a certain earlier story, which you should) but if you ever feeling like basking in its grandeur, there it is.

Anyway, shoot me a line when you have chapters in hand.

1115510 holy... s-- 500k... I plowed through Chapter 0 in agony already. Amazing writer he is, I must say.

I will shoot you soon, depending on if writer block strikes me or not :pinkiehappy:

903574 I hope you are still active, so here is my request for aid.
Title: 'Do You Remember When I...?'

Tags : Romance, Dark, Clop (Very NSFW), Alternate Universe (no alicorn twilight, and story events happening within the fic not canonical to the original story)

General Summary/Description: Time Written (the one OC of the work) has moved to Ponyville. With his talent of being able to uncover your darkest memories, just what will he take (aka, this is sort of a rape fic)

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: At this time I mostly do stuff on Fimfiction (without posting it) and do not mind moving it somewhere else (like googledocs) if that helps you more. Once again, it is NSFW (for rape).

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Mostly how to improve what is there (I.E. make it read better and flow better), as well as a general opinion on how it works over all. As a side note, this would be a multi-part fic and I would be trying to get a full editor from somewhere else, so that is not a priority.

Other important information: This is a rape fic that will span a large amount of words (I can shoot you a link to the basic story stuff if you are still interested at this point), so I need someone who will help when I get around to finishing a chapter. I am not looking for someone to get it back within 24 hours, but getting a chapter back in less then two weeks (at around 5-7k words a chapter expected at this point) would be what I am shooting for.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: I will use whatever form you find best. I don't mind doing things by fim, or by some other method, I just need to know the method.

Again, this story is highly NSFW, though I am flexible in most of what I do. I thank you for your time reading this and hope to hear from you soon.

Ha! First clopfic for pre-reading. Should be interesting.

PM me the link to wherever it is. If it's an unpublished thing on FiMFic. You'll have to send me the password, I think. Should be fine enough there, hopefully. GDocs tends to be needed only when there's a host of little issues that need pointing out. Or someone wants very detailed feedback. Because doing that via PM is... incredibly irritating.

903574 are you still accepting requests?

Yes'm. Don't have anything on my pre-reading plate but a few follow-ups to earlier things, and Eakin's various Hard-Reset follow-ups, at the moment, which don't take too much time. So feel free to PM me the details, or post them here. Should be able to get to it within a day, or two at the worst.

Sorry for the delay in responding, I can rarely check in here on weekends.

1196320 Is your prereading plate still free?

Free enough! Post up the fic info here. Or PM me.

Title: Love Me, Mrs.Featherfree!
Tags : Romance,Alt Univ., Comedy
General Summary/Description: Cheerilee is out on medical leave which allows a substitute teacher to fill in for a few weeks. A young pegasus becomes infatuated with this new teacher and spends his school day daydreaming about his newest crush.
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: Most of the work is done on fimfiction, but if it needs to be moved to Gdocs than that can also be arranged very shortly. The title and description, both long and short, will be subject to change.
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Just a bit of everything. I've hardly gotten critiques in the past so I'm not sure where my story telling falls short. Ignore the opening if you want to because it's absolutely horrendous and is also subject to change.
Other important information: It's a small one shot that can be pre-read whenever. Take all day if you have to because the night shift has me sleeping during the day and staying up at night. If you absolutely need to contact me about something than 7:00PM-10:00AM are always good for me.
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Whatever is most convenient for you is fine.

Okay. PM me the story link/password!
I'll get to it after I'm done pre-reading the next chapter of Sugarfree, which is the only thing before you in my entirely arbitrary mental queue.

GDocs is only really ever needed if the main thing to dwell on is weird sentence structure, or grammar, or something, where I have to make a million and a half little notes.

As I'm still traumatized by my last bit of voluntary proofing, I think I'll mostly be sticking to critique and advice for a while. :raritywink:

1213274 Take your time :derpytongue2: I'm in no real rush.

Hallo there,

I have joined this group only recently, because it is quite hard to find a trustworthy Proof-reader and that is exactly what I am looking for.

Currently I am writing a fic, which is almost completed and I'd like to ask you, if you want to correct it for me, since you profile seemed the most appropriated:

Title: Last Pony Standing

Dark, Mature, Gore (Not sure about the last one though, there are ponies dying and blood is shed, I guess that counts as gore?) [possibly Adventure or Sad as well]
There won't be any clop or sex within the fic.

During a warm summer day, the city of Canterlot suddenly finds itself attacked by the Crystal Empire. Soon an unremarkable Private of the Canterlot Guard finds himself in the midst of the fierce battle, trying to survive. Things get worse, when he finds out that the true danger actually originated from the inside of the white walls and the invading Crystal-Ponies are only the tip of the iceberg.
Now he not only stands against the Empire's army, but his friends, his formerly trusted ruler, and the most respected ponies of Equestria, as well. Digging deeper into the matter, he discovers that ancient force, that seem to be the root of all evil.

(This is what I came up with as a description for FimFic. Might be discussable, though.)

Information you might need:
My last proofreader quit, because he couldn't bear to read about ponies who might get physically harmed. This fic is about war and during each war people (ponies) get hurt or killed. Without revealing too much of the plot, I can say, that Sombra returned, much stronger and vicious than ever before. He learned some new tricks, including to corrupt and manipulate ponies. In short words, this fic is about how the most powerful ponies fall under his curse, while the most unremarkable ones must save them all.

Things to focus on:
I'd like to ask you to correct my fic for me. English isn't my first language, so there might be misused words or mixed up tenses and such, present in the text. I tried to minimize my derps as much as possible, though.
If you want to point out things, I should look out for in the future (via Googledocs comments maybe), I'd appreciate that, too. Additionally you may send me your opinions, as well, since constructive feedback is always welcome, but bear in mind, that this would only be optional.

Other information:
Right now the fic has 42701 words split into 8 chapters. This may change a little while I polish the later chapters some more. It is slightly higher than your listed maximum, so I don't know if that is too much for you.

I honestly don't know if it will be SFW or not. It might be a matter of opinion. There are ponies dying and being the twisted King he is, Sombra tortures ponies. I'd tried to keep the violence to a minimum, since I don't want to disgust readers, rather than showing Sombra's viciousness. To be on the save side, I'd say it isn't SFW.

If you agree to help me, I could upload each chapter separately to GoogleDocs, or I could upload it all at once. I'd prefer the former one though, since I could upload each chapter to FimFic, when it is done. It might also be less stressful for you, that way, however you might want to read the whole thing first, before working on it.

There wouldn't be a time-limit or something and I won't rush you in any way, however I'd like to get a short note of your progress, every now and then. (Some of my former Proof-readers quit, without telling me, so I waited ages for them to finish the work, which they obviously never did).

Furthermore, I'd ask you to be honest with me. If you don't want to do it or agreed to do it but want to quit halfway through, for whatever reason, that would be OK as long as you tell me so. (Sorry if that sounded insulting, but like I said, I have had some bad experiences in the past)

If you've found grammar issues present in this request, it only clarifies how badly I need someone's help. :scootangel:

If you are interested in helping me or have additional questions, send me a PM. I'll send you the link to the GoogleDoc file/s and/or answer your questions.

I'm sorry, I'm not a proofer, I'm a pre-reader. More to the point, I really dislike proofing, nevermind doing it for a large fic that sounds like it'd be a lot of work.

I know this group is all but dead, other than me, so seemingly all it provides is Pre-reading at the moment.

Maybe try The Proofreader Group?


Oh Sorry, I must have gotten it wrong somehow. My apologies :derpyderp1:
Thank you for your reply anyway.

903574 Rising up out of the shadows... HERE IT COMES!!!!! IT'S... IT'S... a pre-read request for a long sprawling epic!!! (that shall be delivered chapter by chapter and at whatever pace you ask if you think it's worth your while and, as per your rules, I shall not ask you to do anymore than you want to do)

Appologies, but 'tis the nature of the beast for this bit to enter the realms of Lord Wall-of-Text.

Title: (Well, I don't really have one set in stone as of yet, but for the whole thing I'm using a placeholder) The Greatest Legend Equestria Will Never Know

Tags: Adventure, Dark, OC, a little bit of Alternate Universe thrown in as well, but trying to stick to canon most of the time, a wee bit of gore around the end...

General Summary/Description: Well, the whole shebang spans from long before Equestria to probably just after the S4 2-part opener and no farther. HOWEVER, the part I wish to start with is limited in span of time to just after the Wedding of S2 to sometime before the Crystal Empire return in S3. Earlier events are pseudo journal entries in format from my character's perspective. Everything post wedding (save for a single chapter) will land somewhere upon Mt. Third-person.

Big picture storyline: My OC alicorn (don't moan to loudly please) works in absolute secret (or at least strives) to protect the planet where Equestria can be found from the forces of the dark world of Tartarus. Over time he realises that he can't fight the relentless hoards alone and seeks to bar passage to the world he protects. Also, through time he interacts briefly with historic figures of canon and ultimately charges the major cast members of modern day Equestria to help him seal the cosmic bridges between the world of Tartarus and the world he has striven to protect for thousands of years.

Small picture for where my main character is at in the part I intend to start with if you consider my story worth your while at all: He's getting a little mentally unstable because of the weight of his goals and the many obstacles he's had to face over the centuries (despite having help in secret from the canon alicorns) and hides his form, assuming the identity of a thief turned apothecary and settles for a time in Ponyville. He dons a black suit with a white undershirt and red tie and a white mask covering all his features from the collar of the suit up.Little known to him, just after the wedding was a bad time for a vacation, as another sharp dresser with similar style has made his way to Ponyville stalking in the shadows, to an nefarious end. This section of the story culminates in a confrontation of sorts between the two. Meanwhile a present from Luna's father (just a reminder, I tagged this with AU) is stolen and Luna tracks down my character and forces him to help her find it. Celestia, Cadence, Shining Armor, some canterlot ponies, Mayor Mare, Zecora, and the Mane Six (minus one :ajbemused: and one :fluttershysad:) -and perhaps a few others- have their parts to play as well.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: I can send things at your pace whatever it may be. Titles of sections and chapters and even of the whole thing can be subject to change.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): My character is a bit verbose, and action is not my strong suit, so if you think of any better way to have the characters in my story interact while my guy rambles on a bit that would be helpful. Also, with him rambling on a bit, if I could make the conversations more concise without losing any meaning, I'd appreciate some assistance there. Also I need a little help figuring out what sort of setting/character information (for canon characters) I need to give is adequate and what is a bit excessive.

Other important information: Whenever I do something, I like to put forth my best effort. Don't hold back. Please just give me a few grains of salt as you fire away.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:I'm alright with using PMs on Fimfiction. If you accept, I'll find a way to put my story up on Google docs and all that fun stuff. I want to eliminate as much hassle for you as possible if you say yes.

Patiently awaiting you'r response,


Yep. No problem, I can take it.
No promises with going through the whole darn thing, if it's 300k words or something, already. I'm not looking to spend every waking hour for the next three weeks at it. :derpytongue2:

GDocs is almost a must if you want me to do a lot of suggestions on dialogue and such. It takes far too long in PMs. And since I do all of this at work, I often need to close windows and such. Which means a sprawling PM isn't the best format anyway. But GDocs comments are quick and separate.

As for the OC alicorn. If he's good, no groans will be dispensed. If not... well, I won't hesitate to say so! It's not like they haven't been done well before. Look at, say, The Immortal Game, or Upheaval.

PM me the relevant links!

Do you mind if I send you my story via PM? It's unpublished at the moment, and I'd like to keep it somewhat private.

So long as it isn't a Human, Crossover or Random story. :twilightsmile:

It's just the first chapter of an Adventure fic, I'm afraid. Nothing really interesting to see here.

Sounds good. PM it to me whenever you like. I should be around for the next few hours, at least.

Group Admin

Here I should be reviewing other's work, but I had this stuck in my head and had to put it out there before I could concentrate again - Do you mind giving it a once over (or just hit it with a machete)?

Title:A Talk over Tea <-- google document link
Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Rated Everyone - Slice of life - (others?)
General Summary/Description: Twilight finally convinces Spike to release her from a long held promise. Now it's time to confront Rarity over something that has concerned the magical prodigy for a long time.
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: It's a quick one shot sitting at 2,000 words. No plans on continuing it afterwords
Other important information: None that I can think of.
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: G-Docs, email, PM's, whatever you like.

Ha! It's totally okay to produce fanfic in a fanfic community, Aburi. :raritywink:

Heck, I should be writing instead of reviewing.

I'll take a look!

Title: children of the night here <-----doc link (just saying incise you didn't notice it. sorry if you did and i made this for nothing)

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): romance, sad, adventure, alternate universe

General Summary/Description: before luna was nightmare moon. she wanted to start a pony colony for all the orphaned fillies and colts. 1,000 years later. she and a colt named inkwell will make that dream come true.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
i was told that it lacked grammar, and i will probably ask someone else to do that if you don't find anything too staggering while reading. what i would like to know is if the story flows right. i kind of cranked out the plot as i was writing it, so it feels a bit stitched together to me. and the way i see it, precise grammar takes a backseat to good storytelling.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional):
story flow and character development. if its not to much trouble.

Other important information: nothing i can think of. unless the fact that fish can count is important.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: whatever's cool with you man.

I'll take a look at it today. Shouldn't take too long. Looks short.

Though dear heavens is that font enormous. Text zoom-out to the rescue!

903574 Hi. Pleased to meet you. Here are my fic's details.

Title: 86-34 Arc 1: Fight the Power, Fight the Fad
Tags : adventure, dark, mild gore and sexual references
General Summary/Description: (I'll just paste the prologue here) Shortly after the defeat of Nightmare Moon, the tale of the Elements of Harmony prevailing began spreading like wildfire across Equestria, and was all too well known in Canterlot, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, and nearby regions and cities like Fillydelphia and Manehattan. This sparked a rapid growth in the pony entertainment industry,will many pony artists attempting to capture the magic of friendship portrayed by the heroes of Equestria. Plenty of art and music were released that centered around that theme. Some works became famous, and gave rise to “Masters”, pony artists who became specialists in their field of choice, with many fans across Equestria closely following their latest work on the website,
At first, everything seemed to be fine,if not great. The “friendship” was spread further from Ponyville,throughout the provinces in Equestria, some rumors even saying the influence extended beyond its borders at some parts. Everyone welcomed it with open hooves. But, shortly after winter was wrapped up the same year, some strange trends begin to surface...

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: I want to emulate a scenario of what would happen if the magic of friendship became over-popularized and lost it's "essence", so to speak, so you can guess what the Masters and TheEquestrianPost represent. Also as the story progresses, you can see many references to season 1, showing that it runs parallel with the Season 1 timeline.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): I feel that my story is just a string of events just sewn together, feels a lot like patchwork. I want the story to flow naturally, get what I'm saying? Any comments are appreciated.

Other important information: Since this is an emulation, I know that some parts of the fic may sound a bit..."frustrating". I want to highlight that not all ponies see friendship becoming popular as a good thing, and that is the heart of the story. I accept any and all constructive criticism., nevertheless

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: PMs are just fine.

Thanks in advance :)

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