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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Alright, so the next episode is coming on up, and it's time for another thread.

This episode is by Josh Haber, and is called "Dragon Dropped".

There was a time where I could just point to this and say it's a Spike episode. And it probably is. But it could also be a Smolder episode. Or a Ember episode. Or maybe Garble, or Dragon Lord Torch. Seems like there are a buncha dragons these days. And presumably, one of them is going to be dropped.

Could be about Spike getting dropped from the main cast, since it has gotten pretty large. Maybe Ember is dropping out of school. Maybe Spike is literally dropping off of something. Hopefully he has a parachute or hard hat or something. Or wings. I suppose those might work.

Anyways, if you want to talk about dragons or dropping things, this is the thread! Or dragon chairs?

--Sweetie Belle


Could be about Spike getting dropped from the main cast, since it has gotten pretty large.

Depends on how you look at it.

:duck: "Come back, Spike. I miss you."

:moustache: "You miss the old me. You miss someone that loved you so much you never had to love them back."


Out of all the girls to make Rarity jealous for Spike’s affection and attention, it has to be Gabby. Not that I have a problem with Gabby, or anything. I like her. She’s sweet, cool, and somewhat eccentric, but she and Spike do have that chemistry that’s fun to look at.

Does anyone else hear Cher Lloyd’s Want U Back or Avril Lavigne’s Sk8er Boi after watch this episode?

And forgive me for sounding harsh, but what’s the big deal with Rarity for making such a fuss, because Spike’s hanging out with a new girl in town? It’s not like she(Rarity) even cared, let alone in a relationship with him. Besides, she would’ve done the same thing to him when a random, “good looking”, stallion comes her way.

It's easy to take unchanging devotion for granted. And you often don't realise how much until it does change.

6983310 In a lot of ways this is kind of like what Rarity went through with Sweetie Belle. She sort of took the bond she had for granted, and now she has to realize that things have changed and that the bond will change too.

It's not like Gabby was completely selfless either. She was hogging Spike to herself every chance she got, the moral about sharing goes both ways.

In this episode: Years of taking advantage of Spike and using him finally bite Rarity in the ass.

Hmm... it seems to me that this episode wants to be a resolution to Sparity, but fails at that due to a strange reluctance to admit that Spike was ever in love with Rarity in the first place. (Which wouldn't be that weird, given writer drift, except Break-up Breakdown and Best Gift Ever were only last year.)

I will say that the episode was decent at best for me :)

I do have to wonder: Just how many fainting couches does Rarity even have though?!!! XD (reason why is because I saw her bring in another fainting couch around by Act 3 of the episode ^^)

I agree. I like Rarity but she used Spike like such a doormat for so long and taking advantage of him to a point where a started to dislike her. I was hoping Spike would have met a young female dragon close to his age to hang around with but Gabby was a nice surprise. Rarity finally got what was coming to her and I'm glad somepony put her in her place. I would have liked to have seen this point brought up sooner in the series but 'better late then never' I suppose.

I do like how this ended up being a reversal of their usual dynamic. We're used to Spike being super obsessed with Rarity and trying to do everything for her, so it was kinda neat to see her suddenly being the one trying to catch his attention, and maybe seeing just a bit of what his experience is like.

I did find the degree to which she relied on him a bit odd, though - the episode seemed to forget that he actually has a job and can't spend all day hanging off a girl.

6985187 It also made Rarity look helpless if Spike wasn't there to help her. And that couldn't be further from the truth. Plus, there's a glaring continuity error, Gabby and Rarity did meet before. It was during the song "Find the Purpose In Your Life".

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