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Hello, so I am working on a quick short story where a couple characters accidentally summon somepony from another dimension, however while I want the spell to make sense, I don't want the original spell that goes haywire to be a teleportation spell (because that hasn't been done a gazillion times) but something else entirely that also makes sense.

Any ideas, thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated.:twilightsmile:

hmmmmm well there's conjuration magic or they open a portal to peer into anther reality searching for anwser to whatever they are trying to solve and said tear in reality on that side sucks someone in from that reality to thiers unless this has been done

I would say "Pinkie tried to bake a cake in this newfangled invention they call a 'microwave' and the batter disagreed", but you seem to be looking for a more serious tone.

Maybe go the rout of Stargate: Atlantis. In that show they tried to generate energy by tapping into a black hole or something (in this case just pull it from the Aether) and accidentally reached into another dimension.

Ok, break this down a little. You have a scene that you want another character *from another world* to show up in. You have basically two options: pull or push.

In Pull, the scene characters do something that *forces* the otherworld character to their location, such as a traditional summoning with pentagrams or the like. In Push, the otherworld character is most likely already traveling through some sort of aether, and winds up emerging where the scene is (by the characters weakening the barrier, making some sort of flare to follow, etc. The first has been done to death, BUT can still be pulled off with the right amount of flair.

"I don't know." Apprentice Corgith glanced over his shoulder as he followed his friend into the Room of World Pools. "I know the Master did not forbid us from using the device, but he never said we could."

"You worry too much." Initiate Wormwood stopped in front of one of the shimmering otherworldly structures, took the long stick off his back, and dug into his pocket. "Besides, we're only looking for your date to the King's Ball, not some sort of extradimensional monster. We just need--" he produced a small sparkling object, which he then tied onto the line "--the right bait. Matched emerald ear-studs, guaranteed to attract a lovely young lady to hang on your arm and accompany you through the worst of social occasions." Giving the pole a quick heft before Corgith could come up with another objection, he made a quick cast into the middle of the shimmering pool and sat down. "Might as well get comfortable. It can take a while."

Belaying his wise observation, the line promptly went taut, and Wormwood heaved back on the fishing pole. "Oh, this one's big. Hope she's not a porker. Yikes!"

With a sharp 'twang' of high-tensile strength line, Wormwood skidded across the ground, coming up short just inches away from the pool due to Corgith's quick reactions. "She's fighting it!" called out Wormwood. "Get ready with the knife. We may have to cut the line or we'll lose the pole."

"I just wanted a date for the ball!" shouted Corgith. "Not a fight!"

At that, the line suddenly went slack, and a few moments later, a statuesque woman strode through the shimmering barrier with the emerald ear studs gripped firmly in one hand. She was most certainly female, because all six breasts were bound in large but sturdy individual brassier cups made out of cured leather, and her shimmering black hair flowed down her back, done up in a tight braid with small bones peeking out of it. She smiled at the sight of the two mage-apprentices, with the tips of her fangs just barely revealed under her shapely muzzle, before asking, "Did I hear that you're looking for a date to a ball?"

"Yes?" squeaked Corgith.

That evening, as he escorted a primped and pampered Lady Lavine through the well-dressed crowds at the ballroom, Corgith had to admit his friend really knew how to attract a memorable date for such an occasion.

Well, when given vague instructions, Magic will sometimes get creative in the process of answering it's master's demands. So, in this case, magic has decided that summoning/conjuring a pony is the solution that fits the problem.

Some magic that might fit this would be various forms of Divination, wherein the magic summons somepony (like Twilight) to answer his question. or perhaps a seer seeking prophecy of the future gets Pinkie Pie on a cosmic mis-dial.

Wish-magic is a clear favorite, there are any number of ways to fulfill a poorly-worded wish with creative application of pony.

There's summonings, where a mis-pronounced syllable changes the meaning of a hours long ritual, calling Celestia instead of some elemental lord of fire.

Evocation, someone trying to bring something from imagination into being, but someone's cellphone goes off, ruining the caster's focus.

"My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh..."

Simply put, imagine that the universe has a weird sense of humor, and is determined to solve the mage's problems using nothing but gratuitous application of pony.

A scrying pool.
A mirror portal.
A new form of 3D TV that gets hit by lightning,
A ghost hunter triggers an arcane device.




Take Starlight doing something simple, like making chicken soup for a sick Twilight and Spike, overcomplicate it because Starlight. Have CMC run through kitchen wanting to help. Add Trixie if desired for flavor. You now have all the justification you need. It doesn't have to be complicated, nor involve anything other than characters being characters.

Portable hole spell - The character tries to magic a temporary hole on a wall to move something. The wall is thicker than the spell is supposed to be used for and his fudging along with his overmagicking the spell makes the hole cover a little bit more than just a wall. Someone else drops through (in his dimension, that wall is a floor).

Bag of holding - Character tries to move an object into a subspace from where he doesn't have to carry it but can pull it out at will. The first part goes splendid. He ends up pulling someone out rather than the pillow he was going for.

You could go completely absurd; your idea reminds me of the Tumblr post that circulates every so often (I believe based on this Reddit thread) where an old lady accidentally creates a summoning circle by messing up a knitting pattern. It's been passed around for nearly 5 years now and has turned into some of the best, most touching storytelling on the web...if you can find it.

A Growth Spell used on a pony accidentally turning them into Super Mario.

You could try a variant of an animation spell. Someone uses vitality magic, say, to heal a sick friend or animal. Some of the life force spills out into a book and an errant soul is drawn to it, basically forming a vessel to incarnate in.

There was an episode of Teen Titans where Raven made friends with a knight who had been sealed in a book. She made a paper-based body for him to move around in, you can use a similar idea.

For bonus points, have the spell be "Traguna Macoides Trecorum Satis Dee," the substutiary locomotion spell from Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Any further explanation can be summarised as "Basically, he accidentally reincarnated sideways."

If you want to go for humor, you could make it so that the MC botch a spell that should be simple and had NOTHING to do with anything even close to teleportation.
Like: how exactly did you manage to get us thrown into another dimension by accident... by messing up with a spell to make plants grow faster?!?

In my first fic, Midnight Star, it was simply a spell to view alternate universes made to be cast in the astral plane Twilight went to during her ascension. Twilight spent too long casting the spell and got tired, losing control of it. It latched onto Midnight Star and pulled her into Twilight's universe.

Yes it has been done. ^^^

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

What if the spell was supposed to make a chair or couch appear, but it turned out it actually summoned it from another dimension, and someone was sitting in it at the time?

--Sweetie Belle

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