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I'm here to share a concept/idea for a story. I would write this story myself but I have other projects that need my attention, but this idea has been bouncing around in my head making it hard to focus, so I decided to help my self by helping the writing community by putting this idea out there for writers having trouble coming up with a concept for a story. Enough of the intro I'll get right into it.

So this idea was born from the concept of character growth and how character will change over time as a story progresses, and the end the character looks back at all they have achieved and what they have become. So then I asked how far could you take this concept? The answer? Really far. This brings me to the actual story concept.

This idea grew more when I thought about how Twilight started as an average unicorn filly and after much growth become an alicorn. Then I asked how much further could I take this? A fair warning this idea does revolve around Twilight being very powerful, though not at the start. The concept is basically that at the begging of this story Twilight is just a normal unicorn filly and by the end of this story Twilight is the master of her reality and universe. The most important part is what happens in between these points, the journey persay. Basically the idea is "Epic quest for alicorn hood" but on every steroid in existence.

This idea isn't meant to be constrained to just Twilight, but that's what I came up with. I haven't developed this beyond the start and end point I mentioned so any one who wishes to tackle this idea can fill in the blanks how they want.

I hope this helped some of you and I hope you all like my concept.

Again I'm not asking anyone tow write this I'm just throwing and idea out for others to use!


by the end of this story Twilight is the master of her reality and universe

This reminds me of the story I wrote where Twilight does, indeed, become a master of her own reality.

TPrincess of Friendship
After Twilight’s stream of successes, she’s confident that nothing can go wrong. Is she due for a lesson?
Bad Dragon · 5.4k words  ·  290  46 · 7.9k views

Epic quest for alicorn hood

And this reminds me of my novel where a filly who couldn't even use magic anymore attempts to become the ultimate pony.

6451332 "Spike!" Twilight Sparkle's voice echoed around the library tree, making the dragon in question consider pulling the pillow over his head. Instead, he knew the call would only continue until answered, so he did.

"What is it Twilight?! I just got to bed!"

"I need help figuring out these last few points!" Twilight's voice was frazzled, just a fraction away from a complete panic fit that would have kept Spike up all night, so he sighed, got out of his bed, and walked into the library office where Twilight Sparkle was working on the paperwork for her new level. He climbed up into the second chair, looked over the forms with all of the dots carefully filled in #2 pencil, and mentally added up the experience points she had to spend.

"Looks fine to me, Twilight. Pegged most of your points into Intelligence, Intuition, Research, and Esoteric Magic like last level. And you put another dot into Social Skills like I suggested. Not bad at all."

"That's it, Spike." Twilight showed her scratch sheet she had used for calculating point values. "I've maxed out the points I can put into Intelligence as a unicorn. And power, and control."

"Huh." Spike opened the book and checked one of the table. "How about one of the exotic skills. As a unicorn of your level, you can pick out of the really weird stuff. Like Portal Generation here."

"Too much trouble," said Twilight with a huff of breath as she dropped her chin down on the incomplete sheet. "Portals can go anywhere, and you never know what will come out of them. Even Starswirl never got to use the points he put in that more than once or twice. Turned it into a garbage disposal, I think. Besides, I don't have enough leftover points for that."

"Well, you have to buy something with your leftover points, or they're lost." He eyed the sheet and began scanning down the book's point costs. "Seems an odd number. Maybe we can find one that matches. Ah, here we go. Exotic Theories. They're strictly context-driven and plot-specific, so it's a cheap buy. One dot will just finish up your last points and you can send it. There," he added while scribbling a dot on the sheet. One puff of dragonfire later, Spike hopped off the chair and headed back for bed while the letter headed for Canterlot.

"Thanks, Spike." Twilight gave off a wide yawn, then closed her mouth and looked closer at the fuzzy carbon copy of her form. "Hey, Spike! The form shifted when you were filling it out, so I can't tell. Did you put a dot in Exotic Theories or Exotic Transformations?"

"What difference does it make? You're never going to use either of them." It was less of a question than it seemed, because Spike had already vanished under his covers and had no interest in whatever answer was forthcoming.

"It's just that Exotic Transformations has a chance..." Twilight read down the paragraph in the rule book, then sat it to one side and headed for bed also. It was only a small chance after all, and besides. She would be able to put more points into Intelligence if she turned into an Alicorn someday.

Huh didn't know about it. I guess it's not surprising that someone already came up with the idea. I guess I need to be more original.

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