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So what is the real story behind the mysterious and powerful Amulet in "Magic Duel" of the MLP Show?

No one really knows.

But there are many numerous head canons that say that the Amulet is an Element of Chaos/ Disharmony!

(Evil Maniacal Laugh)

And while I support this theory, there is one, well actually many, thing(s) I disagree with.


(*The crowd gasps in horror and shock and cries out in hate and anger and fury and wrath as I proclaim this statement*)

(Go to approximately 0:17 in the video.)

This is a popular head canon, but one I hope to prove is false, or at least make you think about this in a whole new light.
But let's start from the very beginning/ start.

According to the Episode it grants the wearer with "untold powers", okay, yeah, that sounds a lot like the Element of Dark Magic. but let's move on, I'll be referring to this later on (as Point #1, so keep that in mind).
But it also corrupts the user more and more as they use it more.

Hmmm... Corruption, sounds a lot like what power would do to someone (I mean some pony) that doesn't know how to handle it and wants revenge or holds a grudge or hate or anger or something, but moving on. (Point #2)

Okay, and now unto the thing that will break EVERY Head Canon there ever is, was, or will be.

BUT according to the Episode (and Wikipedia), "The amulet has its limits, as it cannot simply perform spells that are considered simply impossible,"


That's right, by this ONE SINGLE SENTENCE ALONE, this disproves EVERY Head Canon there is, sorry everyone.

But anyhow if we apply Point #3 to Points #1 and #2, we see nothing really, but if we apply it to the fandom head canon (fanon) then we see that they were wrong all along, again sorry.

Also to use my own logic, if the fanon of the Alicorn Amulet being an Element of Chaos/ Disharmony is TRUE (and let's say for the sake of argument it is), then Points #1 and #2 mean nothing, after all, if we assume that the Elements of Chaos/ Disharmony have an equal and opposite force and power that to the Elements of Harmony [and let's say for the sake of argument, yes that is true because of Newton's Law that every force has an equal and opposite reaction then therefore (theoretically), the Elements of Chaos/ Disharmony must have a power equal that of the Elements of Harmony. #Science #Win #ScienceWin #BecauseScience] then we can assume that ALL of the Elements would give "untold powers" [just like the Elements of Harmony did to the Mane 6, and if you don't believe me then you obviously never have seen the 'Friendship' Rainbow of Death (as I so politely call it with much respect and love and kindness and wonder. #TasteTheRainbow #Skittles #Advertisement #SubtleAdHint #SubtleAdClue #CleverGirls #CleverAdPlacement #CleverAdHint #CleverAdClue)]

Examples of the 'Friendship' Rainbow of Death.

Anyhow your 'logical' guess of the Alicorn Amulet being the one of Dark Magic was a good one (especially off of no evidence, seriously ZERO, and the creators still won't say anything about it at all), but it was wrong, and invalid, again, sorry.

Anyhow despite the fanon being wrong (partially, and also remember, you can't disprove my NEW Head Canon just as much as I can never disprove yours, unless the writers actually come up with a backstory for something or someone or some pony for once, which I would gladly and openly and warmly welcome. #JustDoIt #DoIt #DoItPlease #ForTheFans #ForTheFanBase), there still is room for improvement and fixing it.

Recently I came across two pictures that I found interesting, yet I disagree with some of its points (names and colors mostly).

Here it is.


While certain aspects of the pictures I agree with or could be true (note, I could have easily made the pun the 'Elements' of the picture, HAHAHA, thank me for not doing so), I disagree with some of the names and colors.

For example, I agree that the color of Dark Magic/ Power should be and even IS Black, and Betrayal and Deceit/ Deception are the 'good' polar opposites of their Respective Elements of Harmony (Betrayal- Loyalty, Deceit/ Deception- Honesty).


Here are the problems I found.

1. Many names are wrong, Lust, Jealousy, and Loneliness are NOT the polar opposites of ANY Element of Harmony.

Sure Lust COULD BE an opposite of Generosity, but is it really the best? Greed is better just because it implies no love or affection for something, or at least in another (maybe even less) sense than that of 'Lust'. But either word is goo, I just think Greed is better.

Jealousy is an opposite of what exactly? Humility? Confidence? Satisfaction? None of which are an Element of Harmony, instead it should be maybe Misery or Despair (the polar opposite of Laughter), but I suppose it could also work with Cruelty/ Hatred [and before you ask why (just in case), let me explain. Remember the movie "Rainbow Rocks", right? Well I don't care what you think of it, I just want you to remember what the color the mist was that the Sirens spread HATRED and CRUELTY and ANGER and HATE with, hmmm.. I think that it was... GREEN.]

But Loneliness definitely should be changed to Misery/ Despair.

2. The Colors.

As I said before, while I agree that the Element of Dark Magic/ Power should be Black, here is what the other SHOULD BE and an explanation as of why.

Despair/ Misery- Dark Blue. Because Sadness, opposite of Joy and Laughter.
Greed- Orange. Because of the Green Lantern Comic Series and Animation Shows.
Deceit- Green. Because Reasons.
Betrayal- (Dark) Gray. Because if you have no loyalty then you will not be light or dark, you will be in between and a mix of the two, and since black and white represent darkness and light respectively, therefore the only color that fits is gray, one of no loyalty, one of complete neutrality.
Cruelty/ Hatred- Red, just like the Alicorn Amulet. And that is my theory/ head canon, that the Alicorn Amulet is the Element of Cruelty/ Hatred

Anyhow the REASON I think this is so is because of Point #3, if the Alicorn Amulet COULD NOT perform the 'impossible', it clearly DOES NOT a. EITHER HAVE the magic equal to that of the Elements of Harmony (and before you argue that Twilight Sparkle didn't have it on her, she STILL represents it, therefore your argument is INVALID), or b. IT IS NOT THE ELEMENT OF DARK MAGIC/ POWER (The Most Logical course to follow in this case.)

Anyhow I think that ONLY the REAL Amulet of Dark Magic/ Power could ever hope to match what Twilight Sparkle faked to do.

Anyhow the reason why Red would represent Cruelty/ Hatred (and not Betrayal or something else other) is because in many parts of the world Red is associated with EVIL. For example, in Egypt Red is bad because it represents blood and anger and the desert sand (which frequently rose up in storms and could destroy and kill others, and also by extension storms too as well), and it also is associated with the god Set who just so happens to be the Lord of Chaos, how convenient and very coincidental...

And according to the internet it represents,

"fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love."

And also

"Red is the color of extremes."

So as you can see Red is not a really good color to be associated with, even if it popular these days (and black as well, because of the night and death and darkness, but more on that later).

And as for Black it is associated with,

"power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown."

"The symbol of grief."

"black means power and control"

Huh, that's funny, I noticed that POWER just so happened to be right on the top and was repeated, how odd and unusual and coincidental...

(Refer to the "Coincidence, I think not!" Video up below for reference.)

Anyhow that's all for now, I think I have rambled on for long enough now and made my point, well anyways peace out until next time and I hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts and ideas, and please feel free to comment down below.

BUT according to the Episode (and Wikipedia), "The amulet has its limits, as it cannot simply perform spells that are considered simply impossible,"

Phew, thank God that's settled with because it was keeping me awake at night. Now, thanks to a single sentence in a show that never tries to keep canon straight, which is taken by a book that Twilight reads whose author or credibility we never know, the record has been set straight. This is basically Gospel for all intents.

Oh, I almost forgot. #Sarcasm, #I'mjoking, #youarenotthecanonpolice

But anyhow if we apply Point #3 to Points #1 and #2, we see nothing really, but if we apply it to the fandom head canon (fanon) then we see that they were wrong all along, again sorry.

You say sorry, but all I read is smugness. I wonder why.

yes that is true because of Newton's Law that every force has an equal and opposite reaction then therefore (theoretically), the Elements of Chaos/ Disharmony must have a power equal that of the Elements of Harmony. #Science #Win #ScienceWin #BecauseScience]

I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure that magic is well known for its property of not being able to apply physical laws onto it. Not rules of its own, but actual laws of physics. I'm just saying.

then we can assume that ALL of the Elements would give "untold powers" [just like the Elements of Harmony did to the Mane 6, and if you don't believe me then you obviously never have seen the 'Friendship' Rainbow of Death

Rewatch the scenes you posted. It takes all six of them together. A single element does jack squat. In fact, if you wanted to disprove that the Alicorn Amulet might be an Element of Disharmony or whatever, that was the point you should be making.

'Friendship' Rainbow of Death (as I so politely call it with much respect and love and kindness and wonder.

P.S. it hasn't killed as much as a bug yet.

Anyhow your 'logical' guess of the Alicorn Amulet being the one of Dark Magic was a good one (especially off of no evidence, seriously ZERO, and the creators still won't say anything about it at all), but it was wrong, and invalid, again, sorry.
Anyhow despite the fanon being wrong (partially, and also remember, you can't disprove my NEW Head Canon just as much as I can never disprove yours, unless the writers actually come up with a backstory for something or someone or some pony for once, which I would gladly and openly and warmly welcome. #JustDoIt #DoIt #DoItPlease #ForTheFans #ForTheFanBase), there still is room for improvement and fixing it.

There it is again. You seem to have made this post not to 'educate' but to rub your 'superior intellect' on others faces.

Here are the problems I found.

Yes, this obviously fanmade picture is wrong. I don't disagree. But I also don't think anyone is taking this one as the Holy Book Of Using Elements of Disharmony Correctly.

2. The Colors.

With so many cultures, mythologies, and whatnot, you can give them any reasoning you want and it works. You can have the Element of Death Magic be white and say it works because it takes its color from white lillies that cover the creator's grave or some nonsense. This is purely aesthetic.

And that is my theory/ head canon, that the Alicorn Amulet is the Element of Cruelty/ Hatred

..Meh, I don't see it.

Anyhow the REASON I think this is so is because of Point #3, if the Alicorn Amulet COULD NOT perform the 'impossible', it clearly DOES NOT a. EITHER HAVE the magic equal to that of the Elements of Harmony (and before you argue that Twilight Sparkle didn't have it on her, she STILL represents it, therefore your argument is INVALID)

Representing is much different than being. An athlete in the Olympics might represent my country, that doesn't mean he is given the power of millions of Greeks.

b. IT IS NOT THE ELEMENT OF DARK MAGIC/ POWER (The Most Logical course to follow in this case.)

Again, none of the elements have shown to have any powers on their own. In fact, the Alicorn Amulet is vastly superior as power goes to any of them as far as we have seen. None of the wielders has gotten as much as a McDonald's toy out of them, never mind a power boost.

Anyhow I think that ONLY the REAL Amulet of Dark Magic/ Power could ever hope to match what Twilight Sparkle faked to do.

I'm sorry, you say that the Alicorn Amulet was something other than the element of Dark Magic because it couldn't match to do what Twilight did, when by your logic Twilight should have been able to do since as she represents the element of magic she should have been able to do it, but she didn't and that's why she faked it-- what?
Keep a line of reasoning and stick with it. Even if your theories were true then this line proves nothing because you say that element of Dark Magic and the element of Magic should be equal. You say that Twilight has the power of her element because she represents it. Then you say that the Alicorn Amulet wasn't able to do what Twilight herself couldn't so that means it's not the element of Dark Magic.
Buddy, your reasoning only gives incentive to the idea that it could be the element of Dark Magic, not that it isn't.

the god Set who just so happens to be the Lord of Chaos, how convenient and very coincidental...

And according to the internet it represents,
"fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love."

Bacchus wore red clothes and wine is red. I propose that the color red now represents the Element of Drunkenness. It makes just as much sense, and the internet wisdom could apply to it as well. A drunken guy has all of that too. He is filled with energy to screw up everything, he'll pick up fights, he thinks he's the stronger biatch to walk the planet, he might even think he's He-Man, he's determined to make himself an ass, and if something shakes it's booty... well, that's where passion, desire, and love come in.

Huh, that's funny, I noticed that POWER just so happened to be right on the top and was repeated, how odd and unusual and coincidental...

That's because it is. Here. Blue represent the power, majesty, and sheer presence of the overwhelming oceans.
That crap's easy.

I think I have rambled on for long enough now and made my point,

Yes, you did. No, you didn't.

Ok, time for a proper response. Dude, I love hearing theories. In fanon everything can be legible and if it has a good foundation then almost everything can work. I never cared for the Alicorn Amulet = Element of Disharmony theory, ever. I don't subscribe to it, I don't read its newsletter, and I don't wave back when it says hi to me when I'm on my way to work. In a work full of magic I like to think there are more than two or three sources for everything and that there are other artifacts almost as powerful as the elements of harmony or even more.

No offense, but please, next time tone down the smugness. Offer your ideas and keep in mind that everyone can be wrong and on such a show with such flimsy foundations to establish our fanon on, everything can be shaken down. We don't really much care in this kind of site, not as long as it leads to good and interesting stories. They might not have consistency with the show but they can have consistency within themselves.

Post your theories or your reasons why they can be wrong. But stop laughing at people's faces because you "proved" them wrong or abusing those poor hashtags. It was funny the first time. Not the rest.

Peace out.

You might be over thinking this a bit.

It seems to me just to be an amplifier that also brings out the negative parts of the personality as far as Trixie.

If another magic user (say twilight) used it and it did the same it would show more promise, but until more is offered that's all I can really think on it.

Note: if something happened in the comics then I haven't seen it


(edited: Meh.)

But I didn't think any of that. I doubt most other people did either.




Next time, try putting that effort into something that anyone cares about and take your smug sense of "intellect" and burn it behind the toolshed.

Okay, sorry (everyone) if I came off like a jerk,
But when I'm using logic and trying to make a point IT IS REALLY HARD TO CONTROL my jerk side. (I REALLY WISH I COULD THOUGH, but I just don't think when I become emotional, which I why ironically enough I don't like feeling emotions... caused by other people... except the good ones.)
Granted he's mostly gone now due to my generous humble nature as an Author, but he's still there and always will remain a part of my dark side and shadow, no matter how much I try to deny him or his presence.
Anyhow Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to take this in mind for the future.
You make a lot of fair points and have made me rethink my post.
(Also you're really lucky that I handle sarcasm/ jokes/ jerks well enough.)


when I'm using logic

I just don't think when I become emotional

"I become too emotional to think when I'm using my logic to think"

Oh so that's why your post reads like a crazy ramble.

On the topic itself, I haven't even ever heard the theory about the amulet being an element of chaos or whatever, or if I did I probably immediately dismissed it outright. Mostly because it doesn't take an hour of research to figure out that that idea makes no sense and is completely unfounded.

Like, guys. Guys. Can't magical artifacts of evil just be magical artifacts of evil? Why's everything gotta be linked to everything else? Can't a dark wizard invent some spooky shit without having to look up catalogs of good artifacts to make dark versions of, or congregate with his fellow spooky sorcerers to create a specific set? Like, dude.

Ooh, funny idea: if I was a dark enchanter about to create a magical object of evil, I'd write "3 of 7" somewhere on it, just to laugh at the heroes when they inevitably drive themselves mad trying to find the other six objects that I never created.

I like you.
You remind me of what an evil overlord would do.
Want to be friends? [assuming of course that we both assume one of will stab each other in the back (quite literally in some cases) as evil overlord villains do?]
101 Things to do as an Evil Overlord List
152 Rules as an Evil Overlord

5706552 Good god! Look, as an actual autistic person, whatever the fuck you have need to be checked out by a therapist. The right help can make a world of difference.

That said, your rant did not disrupt my headcanon at all. Here, let me be concice as possible.


That's just retarded Meep.

Pone don't have fingers to wear rings on.

5707892 Duh! But everypony knows that unicorns put rings on their horns!

So then how do non-unicorns wear rings?

Or is that a question we don't want answered?


So then how do non-unicorns wear rings?

On their ears?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


How many times was Zecora married, anyways?

--Sweetie Belle

5707920 11 If the rings are to be believed.

Although Zebras might do things differently. She might have killed eleven ponies, it explains her house...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, there's another on the other ear, so that'd make it 12.

And it could be both. Maybe the 12 ponies she killed were her spouses, and instead of getting married a 13th time, she got trained as a shaman?

--Sweetie Belle

5707931 I don't blame her for it.

13 is an unlucky number.

@ everyone here using "autism" as an insult... think about the show you all watch. "Autism" is used an insult to bronies more than an insult to actually autistic people. So don't be stupid. Plus it's just fucking rude. You're all better than that. :unsuresweetie:

Anyway, the theory in itself didn't really make sense. Idk though, I've never looked into it. But don't beat the guy up about their ramble. They probably just had a good idea in mind and once they started to type it realized it didn't really make sense. But what does it matter, the show's just fun and we should all try to support each other in the community, regardless of how silly we act, huh?

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