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So, it's nearing Hallowe'en (yeah, I'm pretentious, so I spell it like that). I just want to know what you think the fears of the Mane 6 are. These are my opinions:

Twilight: Fear of bad endings.
Pinkie: Athazagoraphobia (Fear of being ignored)
Applejack: Fear of Oranges
Rainbow Dash: Acrophobia.
Rarity: Murophobia (Fear of mice).
Fluttershy: Omniphobia (Fear of Everything).


Rainbo dahs has a fear of heights?

5581007 I thought AJ had a fear of pears


Applebloom-fear of change
Scootaloo-fear of disappointment
Sweetie Belle-fear of common logic (sorry after the five-legged sweater I had to)

5581007 Personally, I have a fear of pretentious spellings.

These all seem solid except for Dash, cause she's clearly not afraid of heights.

Group Admin

Well, I know Twilight's afraid of snakes and... quesadillas.



Fear of heights... For RD?! WTH?

Twilight has a fear of failure.
Applejack has a fear of disappointment and probably wild timberwolves.
Pinkie Pie has a fear of going hungry or loneliness.
Rainbow Dash has a fear of being forgotten.
Rarity has a fear of mice, spiders, and snakes sneaking into her dresses.
Fluttershy has intense stage fright and a fear of dragons.

Exactly! If she had fear of heights, she would have never had become a Wonderbolt!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Personally, I think that's kinda silly...

--Sweetie Belle

5581043 Knowing Conjure as well as I do, he probably either put that as a gag or put it thinking it was something entirely different. I'll have to ask him about it.

Twilight's fear has already been covered in Winter Wrap-Up.

There was a bite of chill in the evening air as Princess Twilight curled up in her bed and reached out with her magic to close the shutters on the window. A crystal castle was amazing, but as winter approached, it was looking to get quite chilly, and once the snow began to blow, she was afraid she was going to wake up some morning to a few snowdrifts in her bedroom.

“Warming spells,” she muttered, crawling under the chilly covers and pulling them all the way up to her nose. “I was reading some notes on them just last month. Where did I put them?”

She would have called for Spike, except he was curled up in the next room and already fast asleep. Besides, after a moment of thought, she remembered where she had put the book last. Sticking one hoof out into the chilly air, she reached underneath the bed in the muddle⁽*⁾ of books she had stuck there and began to work her way down the collection by touch.
(*) A muddle is much like a heap, only organized by the Dewhoof Decimal System.

“History,” she murmured. “Equestrian Lit. Fashion. Really need to get that one back to Rarity sometime. Biology.”

Twilight stopped and poked the book a few times. It was very un-booklike, as it was somewhat smooth and covered with small scales. She poked it again with one hoof before starting to crawl out of bed with a muttered, “Spike, you said you were a big dragon now and didn’t need to sleep in my room any more, but if you really want to—”

She cut off abruptly as Twilight Sparkle got a better look under the bed.

It was not Spike.

Her scream woke up half of Ponyville.

“Out!” declared Twilight, standing in the doorway of her bedroom and pointing at her bed with one stern hoof.

Fluttershy frowned and bit her bottom lip in an adorable pout which was not having much effect on her friend. “But your fight with Tirek tore up so many of the creatures’ dens, and you always said, you’re willing to give a friend in need a place to stay.”

“I’ll dig him a new tunnel if I have to,” snapped Twilight, still pointing an unyielding hoof. “I’ll dig him two, just get your snake OUT FROM UNDER MY BED! He’s not welcome here!”

“Can she at least leave her eggs here until spring?” asked Fluttershy with an uncomfortable fidget.

Rarity only stumbled a little on her way down the stairs to answer the strenuous knocking on the front door of her boutique, but her yawning cut off abruptly as she caught sight of Princess Twilight Sparkle standing in her doorway wearing flower-print pajamas and holding a pillow.

“I need a place to stay for a few years,” said Twilight. “With no snakes.”


Rarity: Old Fashioned Costumes

Remember folks, gay costumes are half the fun!

A phobia is a fear raised to the level of mental illness. Being afraid of something is not the same as being phobic of something.


"For if you open that door, it reveals your deepest fears..."







And of course...


* Oh you know...

** Werewolf crotch. Seriously, it's a thing.

5581226 RD and Shy's one doesn't make sense.


Ah, phobias. We all have them, even the most courageous of us. And of course, this little phobia craze doesn't exclude our favorite multicolored ponies all the way in Equestria.

To begin, Twilight Sparkle most likely has the fears of Ophidiophobia and Atychiphobia. Also known as, the fear of failure and snakes. We can also add quesadillas to the list, though I doubt there's a proper word to refer it to, since it's so unheard of. Yet then again, we don't purple unicorns here on Earth, either.

Moving on, Rainbow Dash, we can label also with Atychiphobia, being the fear of failure, and possibly Anthophobia-- the fear of flowers, based on the episode, 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?'. This also just may be a fear of being labeled as feminine, which is a far more believable scenario.

As for old Pinkamena Diane Pie? Eremophobia, the fear of being a lone, for sure. We can also add Arachnophobia to the list, as it's been shown on multiple occasions that the pink pony is indeed terrified of spiders. Kakorrhaphiophobia, a biggy, but failing to live up to others expectations is definetly on Pinkie's list.

But the fear of everything is not called omniphobia. It is called pantophobia, and we know this thanks to this gentleman:


In the play "Equus," Daniel Radcliffe portrays a young man who blinds six horses with an iron spike.

There's also a nude scene.... which Daniel Radcliffe displays very distinctive pubic hair that goes halfway up to his belly-button.

Twilight: fear of failure
Applejack: fear of losing someone close to you and fear of alcohol
Fluttershy: Stage Fright
Rarity: Fear of being unnoticed
Rainbow Dash: Fear of being unnoticed
Pinkie Pie: Fear of being alone


Twilight is afraid of snakes and quesadillas. Other than that, she has suffered from anxiety caused by her obsessive compulsive personality.

Fluttershy isn't literally afraid of everything - she is totally fine with just about any type of animal, for example. She hangs out with a bear for comfort, for goodness sake. Rather, she suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She also has a specific phobia of dragons. (Which is actually kinda curious considering how rare they are in Equestria.)

Rainbow Dash appears to suffer from a mild superiority complex. It's sometimes hard to tell how much of her behavior is genuine confidence, and how much is compensation for hidden self-doubt.

Applejack fears letting others down, especially family, which manifests in various ways such as hyper responsibility, workaholism, over-protectiveness and pathological honesty.

Pinkie's only fear is fear of abandonment. She actually seems unable to really relate to other fears.

Not sure about Rarity - she's actually very well-adjusted, and even exceptionally brave for a pony of her personality type. Is it canon that she's afraid of mice? I don't recall that from the show.



Everyone is afraid of that.

Also, on a related note: I now know what to dress up for on Halloween.


She also has a specific phobia of dragons.

No, she's just the only sane horse in the show. Dragons are giant, fire-spitting lizards. You're supposed to be pants-shittingly afraid of that. It's scary. It's the horsies who aren't afraid on sight who really need to get their heads checked.


Pinkie also has been shown to have Arachnophobia. Which you can find in episodes like A Friend in Deed, Scare Master, and even inside her chapter book.

Rarity is uh. Probably faliure? :twilightoops:

Rarity might actually be made out as a legit case of germaphobia. She's not fond of dirt to the point of compulsiveness.


You are also supposed to be afraid of bears. Because they're goddamned bears.

Not to mention manticores, which in this context are lions with wings and poison stingers for tails. That entire sentence is made out of nightmares.

What I'm basically saying is, Fluttershy is not afraid of things on a rational basis, and in fact she is more likely to make friends with big dangerous fang monsters than the others. With that in mind, her fear of dragons really does seem to be irrational, especially the way even the idea of seeing them at a distance can cause her to panic.


I doubt it has to do with a fear of germs. Rather, she dislikes dirt due to her obsession with appearance. She associates getting dirty with being unkempt, which is unacceptable to her. I don't doubt personal hygiene and health is important to her as well, but I think that's secondary to her primary priority of looking pretty.


What I'm basically saying is, Fluttershy is not afraid of things on a rational basis, and in fact she is more likely to make friends with big dangerous fang monsters than the others.

Yeah, but the difference is bears and manticores are animals, even if they are both creatures of nightmares (ever seen a shaved bear?). Dragons on the other hand are individuals who are just as smart as ponies. She knows how to act towards and how to treat animals, but she doesn't really have any trust in herself with mere ponies, how confident would she be to deal with one that can flatten her/burn her to a crisp/eat her?
Hint: Less than much.

5581007 And then Spike has a fear of disappointing Twilight.


Actually, seems he's afraid that Twilight will reject him if he's not useful to her, and that's why he doesn't want to disappoint her.

Spike is an interesting case, I think: My take on it is that, since he is more or less unique as a "ponified" dragon, he's worried that he has no place in Equestria except by Twilight's side. That's why he takes his job as her assistant so seriously, and why he becomes a bit desperate when he has nothing to do. It's incredibly important for him to have a purpose and a place to belong.


You are also supposed to be afraid of bears. Because they're goddamned bears.

Still better than fire-breathing dinosaurs.

I doubt it has to do with a fear of germs.

You're right, she probably doesn't. It's just the closest analogue I could find. Google told me they're used more or less synonymously, but for all I know, there might be a specific term for "compulsive fear of appearing dirty or unkempt." A psychiatrist I am not.

5582203 Germanphobia isn't irrational at all, very odd bunch they are...

It goes in tandem with our racial ability, Touch of Common Cold.

5584167 I like that analysis, Spike really can be explored even further later on (hopefully season 7).

Instead of making him repeat his mistakes as a greedy baby... Oh wait, he's still so young, of course he will repeat mistakes.

Maybe see his interactions with guys and more "Guys Night"?


Oh wait, he's still so young, of course he will repeat mistakes.

That's one thing I don't really mind, as long as they don't use it as a reason to revisit the same idea only slightly changed. It's very rare for anyone to learn his lesson after making a mistake just once. It makes them far more believable as characters if they do repeat their mistakes but maybe realize it later on. Struggle and all that.

And if I'm not mistaken it was 5584167 who made a really cool analysis of Discord in another thread which was pretty amazing. Buddy, maybe you should think about making a blog post where you collect all these. You seem to have a knack for them.

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