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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Tomorrow, the episode "Top Bolt" officially gets released everywhere but the UK, and as usual, this is the official discussion post for it. I'd like to make sure everypony doesn't post spoilers for the finale here. You can still use the UK leak thread for that.

I haven't watched Top Bolt or the previews for it. It obviously sounds like a Wonderbolt episode, and I'm gonna guess that it's kinda like the movie Top Gun, only with Rainbow Dash. (Don't think I've seen Top Gun, actually, but that's still probably right.)

The credits for this are "Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco; story by Meghan McCarthy, Joanna Lewis, & Kristine Songco". Now, Joanna and Kristine also did Gauntlet of Fire, The Hooffields and McColts, Rarity Investigates!, and Castle Sweet Castle. Rarity Investigates even had Meghan McCarthy involved (and MA Larson, of course.)

I really liked Gauntlet of Fire and Rarity Investigates!, so I'm hoping this turns out good. I'm sure some of you already know, of course...

--Sweetie Belle

Orkus #2 · Oct 15th, 2016 · · 1 ·

5564332 This is no spoiler, but one of the main characters in it is a blatant proxy of Tom Cruise in both appearance and speech. All he needs now is to profess his belief in the Cult of Scientology.

I watched the UK airing of this. It was pretty good.



Group Contributor

If there isn't a Danger Zone montage, we riot.

5564332 Already watched. Without spoilers, this episode was such a treat!

5564332 I'm probably gonna be the first person in this group to ever ask this question:

Will there be a season 8? And yes I know its too early to ask this question.

Ahh, the fanfiction fuel in this episode is just everywhere.

5564332 I don't ship Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail, it just seems like an abusive relationship waiting to happen. Everyone expects Sky to be a mind reader, and they never seem to think he might be intentionally choosing to ignore how Vapor is helping him by scarificing her own potential. Vapor deserves better.

Can I take a brief moment to mention how adorable Misty Fly is?

Anyway, I enjoyed the episode, and it's easily the best Wonderbolts episode since Season 3. While Sky Stinger took a while to get used to, he and Vapor Trail were interesting characters in their own ways, and it felt nice seeing them repair their friendship in the end. Angel Wings was also adorable, and her comments about wings falling off when Twilight and Rainbow first arrived was humorous. I also liked how Twilight, Rainbow, and Spitfire's methods all helped the recruits with what they're best at, even if the third pony wasn't called by the map and not the focus of the episode. :twilightsheepish:

So yeah, it's a surprisingly fun episode and one of the season's best in my opinion.


Don't think I've seen Top Gun, actually, but that's still probably right

Is there anyone who doesn't know what happened in Top Gun at this point?

Like any good episode, it had some truly wonderful ponefaces.


Not another wonderbolt acadamey

5565438 Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :applejackconfused:


5565439 well the episode was written by merriwether Williams so...

5565441 So what? You're not making sense.

It's always nice to see on a larger screen and in HD.

*edit* what? So I watched it early... On a tablet... In 480.


5565453 sky stinger was a bitch

5565466 And does that make the episode worse than "Wonderbolt Academy"?


5565470 well when your character learning the lesson is horrible you expect the episode to do better

And he received no punishment for cheating

5565479 So it's worse than "Wonderbolt Academy"?


5565482 well lighting dust was bad enough but but sky stinger was supposed to learn some kind of lesson, which makes it seven more shameful

Also RD is a hippocrate and tiwilight does nothing

5565500 How is RD a hypocrite? And Twilight actually had the right idea from the start, Sky Stinger needed to know the truth, not be lied to and lead to think he wasn't doing anything wrong.


5565520 she was chastising sky for being arrogant and self-centered

Let that fucking sink in


And she was riiiiiiight.

5565524 I think the difference is, RD usually tries to right the wrong she did when she realizes she's been so self centered. Sky didn't. And that still doesn't explain why you say Twilight didn't do anything.


5565536 sky obviously didn't learn his lesson, maybe he should be kicked out like they should have done to begin with

Twi never solved anything she just enjoys problems that aren't hers


5565534 she has no right or authority to say that an arrogant pony is arrogant


5565379 what makes an episode where the character learns nothing a GOOD episode


Ahahaha, that's funny. She can say whatever she wants. You don't need permission to talk.

Case in point: you're talking.


Twilight and Rainbow are called to solve a friendship problem at the Wonderbolt Academy.

Two trainees catch their attention: the boastful, “I'm God's gift to ponykind” Sky Stinger, and his wing pony Vapor Trail. Sky believes he is so skilled at flying that he will be initiated into the Wonderbolts after a day. Vapor does not have the heart to tell him the truth: she has been using gusts generated by her wings to help him obtain higher altitudes.

This has gone unnoticed for years until Twilight and Rainbow see them fly. A dilemma unfolds: telling Sky the truth will break his heart, yet doing nothing will lead to embarrassment in solo training exercises. The two Mane ponies confront Vapor. She reveals she and Sky have been friends since childhood. Sky, one of many siblings, had trouble getting the attention of his parents. It did not help that he was a weak flier. Vapor was an only child whose parents doted on her too much. Wanting to get away, she saw Sky and his difficulties staying airborne. She secretly gave him a boost with her wings, and they became friends. The secrets weigh heavy on Vapor's shoulders. All the while, Sky is oblivious. The truth is eventually blurted out to Sky, who is incredulous, then angry. He and Vapor end their friendship.

All seems lost until Twilight realizes a solution. Sky may be a bad flier, while Vapor is good at flying but lacks skills in tasks such as cloudbusting. Both need training. That does not mean they cannot help each other. The key is how they help.

Vapor can be at the sidelines cheering for Sky as he practices solo. Sky can show Vapor techniques on cloudbusting and other exercises, then let her try on her own. Both can receive proper training and grow in talent, while still being there for support.

The idea works, and Vapor and Sky are back to being friends.

Top Bolt is a good episode. The story makes sense, the conflict is interesting, there are neat character moments (which I will get into in the extras), and it is well paced. Not once is it bogged down by unnecessary filler.

The theme of the episode is a vital one, and gives it extra weight. One can only ride on another's back so long before falling off. Without self-reliance, getting back up is much harder. This does not mean one should never accept help. It means learning is sometimes flying solo.

Gah, I liked the episode on its own merits, it was the second-best Rainbow Dash episode in a season that had about two too many for my tastes. But good Zod it is bringing out the PITA knee-jerk white knights in people.

Lots of pegasi family background. Not RD's, damnit, but that ought to put a pin in some of the more exotic speculation about pegasi. The cloud cities are basically suburbs.


sky obviously didn't learn his lesson

Except for the part where he put his ego aside, made up with his friend, and gladly cheered her on to help her become more confident. Did you forget that part of it? Or does learn his lesson mean never being confident again in his life to you?

she has no right or authority to say that an arrogant pony is arrogant

Well, let's see here. She's a full fledged member of the Wonderbolts talking to a pony trying to become a cadet which gives her some authority over him. Spitfire (you know, the commander of the group?) let Rainbow handle the situation. Right there's two whole examples of having the authority. As for right, pretty sure Celestia didn't put in laws preventing ponies from saying certain things.

It sounds like you didn't like the characters and thus your mind made sure to twist every single scene into the worst interpretation as possible; even going as for as completely ignoring any context and possibly repressing the memory of not-so-arrogant Sky being glomped by his friend after helping her get into the cadets.


5566432 yes but rainbow's just a big of a bitch as sky was

Who expects Sky to be a mind reader? I can't think of a single person, real or fictional, that expects this of him.


You mean OOC: The Episode? That's such a poor example of characterization that I have to wonder if you're trolling.


You mean OOC: The Episode? That's such a poor example of characterization that I have to wonder if you're trolling.

If you're referring to the episode, Wonderbolts Academy, I have to strongly disagree. I've personally watched the episodes multiple times, and not one single character ever does anything that you'd never expect them to do. Pinkie Pie, slightly tilting there occasionally, from time to time, however.

If you're talking about the episode, Newbie Dash, nobody was OOC there, either. Obviously, the other Wonderbolts are way older, and used to the 'Bolt ways. Rainbow Dash, just like the title says, is the newbie. And well, the 'Bolts probably just wanted to have a little affectionate fun with her. Nothing all that different from trying to get into your school's group of basketball players circle, or fitting in with the 'popular girls' at lunch.

Anything more about the topic can easily be explained in this two videos:

yes but rainbow's just a big of a bitch as sky was

Well, apparently, they aren't the only one.

Anyway, Rainbow Dash and Sky are most definetly not female dogs, young sir, as the latter isn't even a female. But in all seriousness, that rather smug and brash attitude the two pegasi can occasionally let on are just a part of their character. Rainbow Dash can just filled caught up in her own ego sometimes, same with this guy-- though he most definetly has a bigger one than lil' Dashie. And you just can't go off calling somebody a bitch for being a little prideful about themselves. After all, everyone can get a little proud of themselves.

Sky obviously didn't start out as this. We're shown in his flashback that he never got attention from anypony, until Vapor showed up. And well, maybe Sky is just filling up the rest of the space that Vapor isn't able to. He needs to fill himself with attention and admiration, because for a long period in his life, nobody else did.

This statement could also be said with Dashie. We're shown in the only flashbacks of her as a filly we've seen that many pegasi picked on her. Fluttershy was the only filly who wouldn't even dare laugh at her, and maybe, maybe that's when Fluttershy became Dash's Vapor as a filly. To cheer her on when others can't. And to act like the sister/family she might've never had.

-- NotSoWickedWitch

This episode was just really.... good. I think it is even better than Wonderbolt Academy in my opinion. Vapor Trail and Sky Sting were an interesting pair to have a friendship problem with. I already ship them. Too cute!
I have to note though, Vapor Trail's voice sounds a lot like Gidget's in the Secret Life of Pets. But, eh.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


It was pretty good! Vapor Trail leaping on Sky was really cute!

Sky was acting like a jerk before that, though. I hope the lessons from this stay and he doesn't go back to just taking her for granted...

--Sweetie Belle


Actually, I was referring to Mare do Well, which was what he mentioned before he apparently edited his comment. I'm not fond of when people use editing in that way, but whatever.


Ooh! Mare Do Well. Well, then you're right, it wasn't very good with the ponies’ characters.


Oy! When Twilight's your substitute teacher, she gives you the whole megillah!

(No, really, looks totally like it!)

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