Scootaloo 2,575 members · 3,273 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

We haven't done this in a while, but we're finally taking nominations again for stories to be in the Hall of Fame.

The only two rules are that it has to be complete, and be about Scootaloo.

Before you nominate a story, please check to be sure it's not one of the 11 already in the folder. Other than that, if you think there's a story worthy of the honor, let us know in this thread, with both a link and maybe a short blurb why you think it deserves to be elevated above all other Scootafics.

Scootaloo is best filly!

I'm going to nominate Awaken, Scootaloo by xjuggernaughtx.

It's been quite a while since I read it, so I'm just going to let its own description act as my blurb, if that's alright. :scootangel:

Dreams are such delicate things, and Scootaloo’s are more fragile than most.

But in Equestria, dreams are protected. Sometimes a filly just needs a helping hoof to learn how to hope again.

Group Admin


I'm having trouble remembering it, but xjuggernaughtx is a good author, and it literally has my seal of approval in the comments, as given by me, so I have no issue with it. I clearly read and enjoyed it... 155 weeks ago.


Group Contributor

5839663 Scootaloo's growth: from baby to champion It is the story that made me become a fan of Scootaloo, it's also a fic every Scootaloo fan should read

P.S: Scootaloo is best pony not just best filly

I think I'll nominate moguera's Flying to the Future. It's a pretty decent next-gen fic, although it is part of a series. It's got drama, romance, and slice-of-life moments. It's really just one of the cutest stories I've read.

5839663 Since AU fics seem to be acceptable, I'll nominate RUN by Stereo_Sub. You do have to deal with an aged-up Scoots with a personality a bit different to her canon one, but if you can do that this is (to quote myself) a "gripping, moving tale of love, death and parkour in Manehattan". There's a dystopian-feeling background, but Scootaloo, her lover and their world are always the focus. It's also superbly written.

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