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Okay, I've been thinking about ideas for fics, and this I think is pretty good.

Canterlot High was once peaceful, until the next year, where new freshmen come to the school. At their old middle school, there was a popular group and an unpopular group. No neutrals. Either you're one or the other. But six of them are wanted to compete in that year's Friendship Games - three of them popular, the others not. At first they decide that it's every man for themselves, because they've never been mixed together before. But eventually, when it's time to go against Trottingham High (not Crystal Prep because of what happened in the movie), they realize that they most work together as a team.

I will also need another six to be a part of the Trottingham High team, and in the template I would like you to use below, please exclude the part, P or UP (popular or unpopular). It'll make things easier. So, in all, 12 OCs for the whole thing.


Skin Color:
Hair Color and Style:
Eye Color:
P or UP?:
Trottingham High or Canterlot High?:
Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?):

If you feel I am missing anything in the template, please tell me. I hope to see a bunch of OCs! :pinkiehappy:

Slots for CHS:

Prince Universa with Naturia Harmony
darkironpony with Golden Horseshoes
Misspegasister7858 with Little Song


Berserk with Freestyle
Skye Mist with Skye Mist
The Fan Without A Face with Coalstone


Slots for THS:

Colt in the Moon with Quicksilver
Kittycat01 with Rose Petal
Galaxy Is Mah Favorite with Layla Hearts
I-am-a-Nightmare with Silver Shadow
TheFanficFanPony with Crescendo Hearts
VitalSpark with Vital Sparkle


My OC is pretty developed but she's shy, and gets social anxiety. She's very athletic but I'm not sure she'd go for the competition.

5012341 Hmm well I might as well let mine join in the mix :twilightsmile:

Name: Naturia Harmony (or just Harmony if you wish)

Skin Color: Violet

Hair Color and Style: White hair with a golden ribbon making a sort of ponytail

Outfit: She'd wear normal clothes like a long black skirt with a white t-shirt

Shoes: Hmm, I'd imagine her wearing some sneakers

Eye Color: Fuchsia

P or UP?: Rather popular for different reasons

Personality: Intelligent, calm, caring but when she needs to be, stern, cold-blooded, and vicious though she's still the sweet mare inside.

Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: Hmm, I'd say Canterlot High

Strengths: She a great mechanic as well as a good doctor

Weaknesses: Not a well-versed fighter, she'd rather support her allies in the healing and tech but that doesn't mean she knows how to get her hands dirty.

Name: freestyle ( if your looking for normal names the Michal Couch will do)
Skin Color: light blue (darker then rainbow dash)
Hair Color and Style: slicked back. The color is black with a silver stripe on the side.
Outfit: black sweat pant and hoodie.
Shoes: old beaten up running shoes.
Eye Color: dark blue
Height: 6.1
P or UP?: people know him but he's not popular
Personality: a work hard steady guy who busts his ass every day to get better at what he love. He's shy when he's meeting new people and won't really talk to them especially girls, he's not good around them. He's humble guy and doesn't like to brag . Hangs his head up height no matter what.
Strengths : he's a B average student. The sport he play and trains for almost day and night is wrestling. Kind hearted guy who likes to help just cuz. In TOP shape for his age (Weight class is 195) practice wrestling his hole life. His main sport is wrestling but he is also a starting linemen during football. When ever he doesn't train and just kinda walking he wears a weighted vest and ankle weights for a total of 60lb.
Weaknesses: he will over work himself training for wrestling and is to stubborn to ask for help even if he needs it. When ever he has to cut weight he can get very mean and agitated.

Name: Skye Mist
Skin Color, Hair Color and Style, Outfit, Shoes, Eye Color: References here.
P or UP?: UP
Personality: Unfeeling, Never shows emotion, Always apathetic, Snarky or blunt at times, Anti-social nature, Doesn't like having friends, Keeps an emotional barrier up around others
Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: CHS
Strengths: Stealth, Agility, Academics, Motorcross, Archery, Singing (she doesn't let others know about that much)
Weaknesses: Can be easy to irritate (though she doesn't show it too much), Likes to work independently, Laughs at the idea of 'opening up' to others, Can get pissed if someone mentions that she's an orphan, Clumsy at roller skating, Hates when someone gives her sympathy

5012341 I'll provide a picture for reference. I commissioned this beauty from Wickedsilly on deviantart. Hehe.

Name: Golden Horseshoes
Outfit: A modified white shirt. He tore off the sleeves so its essentially a muscle shirt. Wears black pants. I'm thinking on the back of the shirt is a picture of his cutie mark. If you can;t make it out its a speed bag.
Shoes: White running shoes.
P or UP?: P. Due to him speaking his mind and being an athlete. A lot of people find themselves watching his matches. If not to watch the matches than to watch him.
Personality: determined, short tempered, dramatic, blunt, and he is wary of people.
Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: I guess Canterlot High. (Though he could go to Trottingham. Either is fine really.)
Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?): He's the champion at the boxing club of his school. Its said he is ready to enter the professional arena already. His movements are insanely fast. This means as an athlete he is very desirable by other teams. His incredible speed, toughness, and skill makes for a fierce competitor.
Weaknesses: Other than sports he is helpless. While he has managed to get Cs he got those by the skin of his teeth. Academic he isn't. Also due to his blunt nature he'll tell how it is to others no matter what which can lead to conflict with the team. Also he will more often than not act without thinking. Which can result in numerous setbacks. He is obsessed with training. This issue causes to hinder his max potential. If he didn't overtrain he would unquestionably have went pro. But as is when he graduates he'll have to become an amateur instead.

Name: Coalstone

Skin Color: Tan but not dark tan

Hair Color and Style: Stone grey in a wild mohawk style

Outfit: Dark green pants with a white muscle shirt and black short sleeved jacket and black fingerless gloves,

Shoes: Black with grey lines

Eye Color: Grey

P or UP?: Unpopular, mostly due to his intimidating appearance and antisocial tendencies spending more time with himself, carving what people consider creepy statues like Gargoyles and Dragons

Personality: Coalstone is a fairly reserved kind of guy, who doesn't have a lot of experience making friends, due to the fact he tried in the past to make friends but it never ended well, causing him to close himself off to others and spend more time with his statues which he likes to talk to. he's very protective of said statues and is also very thin skinned when it comes to criticism of said statues, along with having a short fuse when he is mocked for too long. At the same time he is kind and doesn't actively seek to be cruel or mean to people and if he does find true friends will come to their aid. Is ultimately just lonely and deep down wants to make friends with people but his lack of success in the past makes it difficult for him to do so.

Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: Canterlot High (Question are the Mane 6 gonna be involved at all in this? Just wondering

Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?): Coalstone's main strengths are actually physical strength. due to his constant work around rocks and using his sledgeahammer's his physical might is extremely impressive, able to swing his hammers with rock crushing power and even lift up large pieces of rock with ease. Though he doesn't involve himself in any sports, he is capable at street fighting if needed, using a style of combat that involves swinging his closed fists like hammers to effectively smash anything that gets in his way and he also uses an extremely strong headbutt that is pretty much like getting hit with an actual hammer. If needed he can adjust to different physical activities quickly enough. Academically he's fairly balanced getting B's and A's but mainly excells in creative subjects like Art, Literature, English and History.

Weaknesses: Mainly not as good at areas like Math or Science and is terrible in areas that involve using different languages like French or Spainish. Additionally while he is extremely strong and durable, his speed is somewhat lacking and he is more used to using his arms then legs, so sports like Soccer and the like will prove more challenging for him.

Also here's a picture of him for reference.

P.S, he has this mark on the back of his jacket

5012459 I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who's made a boxing oc for mlp.

I got a picture for ya!

Name: Quicksilver
Personality: Incredibly helpful, nice, funny, awkward around the ladies
Canterlot High
Strengths: Literature (*Ahem* Comic books), useless trivia, entertainment, music, some sports (Badminton, volleyball, could do motocross)
Weaknesses: Math, science, physical stamina can be a bit low

I'm going to make a completely new OC from scratch if you don't mind...

Name: Renesis Rotary

Skin Color: Light brown

Hair Color and Style: Striped with yellow-blue-yellow colour scheme. The physical style of his hair is short with a diagonal cut.

Outfit: Black shirt and plain, dark blue denim jeans.

Shoes: Blue sneakers.

Eye Color: Black (I would like to add something here: he has small, Asian-like eyes)

P or UP?: Unpopular due to his tendency to prefer being alone, and his obsession with Mazda (the automotive company).

Personality: He's almost exactly like his eldest brother: calm, serious, calculating and will almost always prefer solitude.

Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: Trottingham High.

Strengths: Motorsports on the race track (even more so on a mountain pass). He trained himself the art of racing back when he was twelve through simulators, with advice from his eldest brother, Bathurst Rotary. By the time he became sixteen and moved to Trottingham High, He had absorbed almost all of his brother's tricks and matched his skill wherever he raced. This is also the main reason why he is also highly skilled in drifting. His love for the very basic nature of materials and how they act in rotary engines has brought him far enough to understand physics, chemistry and engineering as well. His racing expertise really shows if he is driving an RX-8. Claiming the fastest lap time on Suzukolt circuit in an RX-8 is proof of his unrivaled mastery.

Weaknesses: Like his whole family, Renesis lacks in physical endurance and, for his whole family except Bathurst, mental endurance. While he would never go into a tantrum, he is still easily disturbed, and easy to physically knock out. His proficiency in English is also subpar (He originated from Suzukolt (MLP world equivalent of Suzuka), Japan). Business studies is where he falls down completely, however, because of his complete lack of interest on the matter.


Name: Little Song
Skin Color: Very light yellow (Even lighter than Fluttershy's)
Hair Color and Style: White and Black
Outfit: White off-the shoulders blouse, light denim short-shorts
Shoes: Black t-strap high heels
Eye Color: Pink
P or UP?: Popular
Personality: Extrovert, outgoing, diva but not really mean. She doesn't like to try new things and is a social butterfly,
Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: Canterlot High
Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?): Music?
Weaknesses: Basically anything she doesn't want to be seen doing, embarrassing things. She also is easily angry.

She's also very short, even if she wears high heels everyday.

So... you're not entering your OC?

Sorry, but all the slots for the unpopular kids have been taken. Same for popular. If you like, you can have your OC be on the Trottingham High team.

Okay, I'm glad you're fine with it!

Name: Rose Petal
Skin color: Pink
Hair color and Style: Purple with bangs and ponytail with butterfly clip above hair tie
Outfit: Pink t-shirt with little red hearts all over and purple skirt.
Shoes: Eh just some pink tennis shoes
Eye color: Purple
P or UP?: Popular
Personally: Shy, silly, weird, fun
Trottingham High or Canterlot High: Trottingham High
Strengths (such as, are they good at motocross, academics...?): Rollar Skating :3
Weaknesses: Not being able to help a friend in need
Here's a picture I drew of her awhile ago (it's in regular pencil since I drew it at school):

The shoes are like that because I'm terrible at drawing anything else on the feet XD

Name- Layla Hearts
Skin color- blue. Like, Rainbow Dash blue.
Hair color and style- Raspberry. Curls are in a style similar to Twist, but seem to be placed carefully.
Outfit- Strapless raspberry colored knee length dress. If cold out, a purple jacket with two chat heart bubbles (cutie mark) is included. Soundproof Headphones in case she doesn't want to hear anything.
Shoes- Purple flats.
Eye Color- Raspberry.
P or UP- Popular. Really flirty too.
Personality- Super flirty without knowing. Likes helping people with life problems, but sometimes really doesn't want to know. When she doesn't know what to do, she tends to hyperventilate and go on major worry mode. Likes All pop punk bands, more so Green Day. Also, she's Super sarcastic and sassy when somebody gets on her nerves. Easy to make friends with people.
Trottingham or Canterlot High- Trottingham, but neglects to have an accent.
Strengths- Has a good patience when needed, Awesome at Academics, Great with timing everything perfectly and has a photographic memory, Flirtiness.
Weaknesses- Drive for perfection, flirtiness, sometimes lazy, lets people win even though she's good at a lot of things. Doesn't care a lot of the time. Short fuse when somebody's slow. Never holds focus for long, aka has her head in the clouds for a lot of time. Physically weak.

* Flirtiness is a double edged sword. It can distract boys (and girls sometimes), but can also be a downfall when she needs to do important things.


Name: Silver Shadow
Skin Color: gray
Hair Color and Style: electric blue, fading to dark blue, messy pixie cut
Outfit: purple t-shirt with her cutie mark (a silver moon, wrapped in a black/very dark blue tendril of shadow. Jacket like Sunset Shimmer's (only the sleeves are rolled up), dark gray leggings, biker gloves, sometimes wears headphones
Shoes: blue sneaks
Eye Color: dark blue
P or UP?: UP
Personality: Not only intelligent but also a good artist. People don't really think she is the "smart type" by the way she dresses and acts. Don't talk to her when she is grumpy... Trust me on that one. (though she is usually cheery) Great at witty comebacks. Bit of a loner, liked by people but doesn't want to be popular, so turns them away. Great at keeping personal secrets.
Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: Trottingham
Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?): Academics, mosty art, math, science, and literature. Also agility, and maybe archery.
Weaknesses: Can brag about achievements, sassy and sarcastic, impatient, mean if grumpy, introverted and kinda socially awkward, doesn't share almost anything to anyone, although she has strong emotional barriers she does have strong feelings.

I suppose I voiced my thoughts without reaching a conclusion. I would like to, but I'm unsure how well you'd be able to capture her essence. Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I don't trust very many people with Rainstream.

If you want to submit her, please fill out the template above. I will try my best to capture her essence, and if you have any complaints when the story launches, you can tell me.

Also... what's Rainstream? I'm pretty sure I don't have it... I may, but I don't know what that is...


Name: Crescendo Hearts
Skin Color: Pink
Hair Color and Style:
Outfit: Black dress with a white jacket over it and purple glasses.
Shoes: black boots.
Eye Color: Blue
P or UP?: Popular
Personality: Smart, a bit snobbish, and flirty.
Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: THS
Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?): Academics, flirting, writing, singing
Weaknesses: Sports

Name: Vital Sparkle
Skin Color: Pale brownish-pink
Hair Color and Style: Short, fairly neat, blondish-brown
Outfit: White t-shirt and black denim shorts.
Shoes: Black boots
Eye Color: Blue
P or UP?: Don't care. (Probably popular with the boys, less so with the girls.)
Personality: Inappropriately flirty
Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: TH
Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?): Fit and healthy
Weaknesses: Maybe kinda dumb.

5012341 And I forgot to press the » button.

Rainstream is my OC, and I'm very nervous about letting somepony else write her, but what the hay? If I have your promise that you'll fix something if I point it out, I suppose I can simply supervise.


Skin Color:Light Gamboge

Hair Color and Style: Cerulean (with dyed scarlet highlights) shoulder-length, mildly groomed

Outfit: vivid cerulean jacket with light cerulean undershirt, red skirt

Shoes: deep cyan athletic shoes

Eye Color: deep cerulean

P or UP?: UP, by necessity of crippling social anxiety

Personality: shy, timid, introverted. But strong willed, honest, and kind. She doesn't make friends easily, but keeps one or two very close friends. She also doesn't talk much, relying heavily on body language and facial expression to communicate. She also likes rain. A lot. She's very absent minded, and not very academically strong, but she studies weather patterns as a hobby, and almost always knows when it's going to rain. The rain brings her a strange confidence not seen otherwise. She can talk to people, reach out, even be comfortable in a crowd.

Trottingham High or Canterlot High?: Trottingham

Strengths (such as, are they good at motorcross, academics...?): very athletic, practices freerunning a lot.

Weaknesses: social anxiety, panic attacks

I'm sorry, it's too late. VitalSpark commented before you for the last slot, and I counted him. Sorry. :fluttercry:

eh, whatever. have fun writing

Okay, look, I'm not trying to be mean, and I apologized, and I really am sorry that your OC can't be in the fic. But seriously, what you just said to me sounded really rude and sarcastic.

It's how you perceive it. %90 percent of communication is nonverbal, so with only 10% capacity to communicate it's darn near impossible to do cleanly.
I really do mean what I said there. It's cool. I understand. I'm not mad. A tad hurt that after all that convincing the slot closed up, but I understand that it happens. And I love writing, and I know you're doing this because you love writing. I've you've ever gotten a story reviewed by me, you know that I always end with the phrase "Never stop writing". I know that writing is a lot of fun for people, so I'm wishing you fun as you create this tale.

Really, I'm not mad.:pinkiesmile:

Oh, it's fine. It's just that on the Internet, when someone says something like, I dunno, "I hate you!", you take it has it actually is, rather than IRL, where you can actually sense the sarcasm in someone's voice.

You're welcome!

5015992 nah that's cool. I shouldn't have been lazy and joined earlier.

which is why I find it odd that other statements such as "have fun writing" are taken as sarcasm. It's as though we're hardwired to assume the worst.

5014249 Layla Hearts and Crescendo Hearts. Would make an interesting prompt.

5012341 Is it too late to change something about SIlver????

She LOVES the arts, I forgot to put that as one of her strengths! (Mostly acting and drawing and all that jazz)

Nope, it's not too late! I'll remember to apply that!

5012341 so I got to ask will their be shipping in the story?

Hmm... sure, if you want to! You'll have to ask the owner of the OC, though. I'll tell everyone else!

Hey, guys, look above at the comment I posted to Berserk. If you want to ship your OC with another one, I will have more information in the Author's Notes of the fic.

I don't care :3 Ship her with anyone XD It could be awesome :3

There's more info in the Author's Notes, just in case you need clarification. You'd have to ask somebody, unless you don't want to be shipped.

I think it's fine the way it is :3

Shipping, eh? Go ahead. Knock yourself out. Misty won't mind.
*muffled protest*
Absolutely postively won't mind.:scootangel:

In all seriousness (as far as shipping goes, anyways), you may ship Skye with anyone else.:moustache:

:ajsleepy: If you want to be shipped with someone, you have to ask that person. I need permission from both people.

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