The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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Group Admin

Wait, you say, what's a 255? Well, here and here are some examples.

A 255 is a complete story told in 255 words minimum to 500 words maximum. Usually, these tales are TCB related, since that's where the 255 concept originated, but for the purposes of this event we'll relax that requirement. 255s are good for practice, concepts, orphaned ideas, and just plain quick fun.

What's your prompt? Right here:

Your OC has changed tribe! Unicorn to Pegasus, Pegasus to Earth Pony, Earth Pony to Unicorn. How? Why? Did somepony do this on purpose or is it a fluke of magic? An Accident?

This event will last from Local Midnight on Friday, October 19th until Local Midnight on Sunday, October 21.

You can submit your links right here, in this threrad, as well as any questions. Because of the brevity of 255s, they're too short alone to be posted on FimFic, but if you write several you can submit them to FimFic in collection form, as I and Silvertie have done.

And folks, above *all* else, have fun :pinkiehappy:

Minor Edit: While I suggest the rotation for tribe change listed above, any change is fine, as long as you wind up pony. For you non-pony OCs out there, try Griffon to Diamond Dog, Diamond Dog to Dragon, and Dragon to Griffon. I suggest, however, making them a pony for the purposes of the event.

Group Admin

I am all over this, already got my idea in mind :rainbowlaugh:

Blunicorn mode activate.

Ocean Breeze
Group Admin

Ooh, Breezy is not gonna like being an earth pony..

Group Admin

Alright, completed my first one, the Gdoc is linked below, and the FimFic link is coming soon :rainbowlaugh:

Gdocs: Those Awkward Conversations
FimFic: Those Awkward Conversations

Hmm, I think Special Agent Bentgrass could get down on this...

Hey wait. Aren't you the guy I called a DI instead of Drill Sergeant on some /fic/ thread?

And yes, that is a small, trivial, and random thing to remember.

Group Admin

And here's an entry from me: Sky's Call.

Hope you enjoy it:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Hey, y'know what, have another! Bit grimmer this time around: Purist 3

I'm glad the [Human Liberation Force] isn't like that. They would never hurt [innocent people to prove their political point.]

Here's my contribution: The Fission Magician.

Question: What's more fun than an unicorn foal?
Answer: Why, two unicorn foals, of course! (Duh!) :trixieshiftright:


PS. 505 words - without the Note at the top. So sue me.

Krass McWriter
Group Admin

I posted one.

its under moving on.

Might write another.

Totally went 16 minutes past deadline, but totally don't care.
Streets of Manehattan

I'm far more reckless than the guy above me. I submitted at what ever time I felt like.


Poly wanna crack... er I mean a saltine?

Nice to see Chase again.


With Vegemite, of course. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Well gang, the deadline has come and gone for all of us at this point, officially closing this first experimental 255 event. We got some great (super) short stories out of the deal, and I truly hope you enjoyed exploring the prompt.

So now, I have a post-Event Question or two for you guys: First, Is there anything I should do different next time? Secondly, was your prompt too specific, or not specific enough? Third, did any of you become inspired to, perhaps, expand on a scenario you thought up in the course of the event? And lastly, Have you, perhaps, decided to compile a collection of 255s of your own?

Once again, I hope you all had fun, and watch the boards, you never know when another 255 event will sneak up. :rainbowdetermined2:

Anything you should do different? Not really. Fimfiction group and IRC are pretty much the only places you can "advertise", so to speak. The prompt was great. 255 prompt can be very specific, but this still gave quite a lot of leeway. For those last two I must say no. I wrote mine in the last 20 minutes of the event, and while I may stuff some of them between some other works, no 255 collection for me.


I wrote a 255, but I don't think it's good enough to publish.

1. I can't complain about how you handled this event, not one bit.

2. The prompt was just right. I had no real trouble coming up with a scenario I found interesting. The prompt left me neither lost nor boxed in.

3. The general premise of what I came up with? I love it! The story I created? Not so much...I don't think I'm that great of a sad story writer, and sad is basically the only way it could go in under 500 words. I might turn it into a completely different non-sad fic.

4. I've got a piece of non-TCB microfic I wrote that I'd love to post eventually, but I don't think I'll add this event's output to the pile.

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