The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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Whelp I feel a kick from the group coming up from this but I guess we don't have a general message/rage board, but lets keep it clean. So no swearing, trolling, flaming or mention of CGI cats. So go crazy, have fun and watch this video.

Epic - Slinky on a Treadmill

Ocean Breeze
Group Admin

Official announcement by Da Bunnana King:

LesPony is a mare.

Greetings Folks,
I didn't see a folder for introductions so I thought I'd just make my introduction here if thats all right.
Greetings I am Lord Tristem Grand Marquis of Nidowa pleased to meet you all <bows>. After reading a number of conversion bureau stories I have decided to write some of my own starting with "Letters form Midgard"
Below is a explanation of the story
This story stars the two characters Tristem and Cao and there own personal struggle with the conversion bureau universe how they deal with the issue of ponification (this takes place in Chatoyance's universe) For the longest time they are completely indecisive and are unable to make a decision on what to do, and eventually they decide that there is only 1 person who can solve there problem Princess Celestia. In an attempt to have there questions answered Tristem writes a letter to her and much to his surprise she writes back.
This is the central theme which will occur during the course of a single weeks I will publish this with chapters covering one days time as they come closer to deciding wheather to accept ponification or to die as humans.
So what do you think?

you got the classic elements in there.

the rest is all about the craft to give it justice.

this is most definitely a showing and not telling story.

enjoy this video illustratin my point

I so love the robot devil.

Well than I'll do my best to do it justice.

Sup fillies and gentlecolts, it's me your beloved Australian writer for the group bearing news.

One: We have a facebook page. [Links below]

Two: We also have a skype conversation going. [Skype Name below and Message me you wanting to be in]

Three: We have an IRC on under the channel name of #tcb which we spend a lot of time on... and we have a bot that does really cool thing created by Silvertie, and we also have crazy RP that goes on in there too.

Four: Event 9 has started so check it. [Links below]

That is all so have fun guys.

Facebook page:
Skype Name [highlight for it]: alexanderlinnosto and message me something about joining the conversation or something.
Event 9 Link: LINK

If you haven't heard there's a new Conversion Bureau song who is sung by a voice that sounds like honey. So check it out below.


I heard that song, but I didn't like it.


You know lately I have been thinking. For the longest time the conversion bureau universe has reminded me of something, but for the longest time I couldn't put my finger on it. Now however I've finally figured out what it reminds me of. The entire Conversion Bureau Universe no matter which one it is all seem like an episode of The Twilight Zone.

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond is another dimension a dimension of sound a dimension of sight a dimension of mind. You have crossed the precipice you have entered the Conversion Bureau!

Well, in another group related to the Conversion Bureau, they were talking about what would happen if Equestria appeared in other Environments, so to speak, each with results that are quite... amusing to see, and have their own problems when building around each scenario...

For Warhammer 40k, for example, there's so many planets to work with that I'd chuck a dart at some of the offical "Middle of Nowhere" areas (that is the Calaxis sector for a Dark Hersey-based group, Kronos Expance for Rogue Traders and Jerico Reach for Deathwatch guys), since putting it on that Earth leads to a very short, very brutal TCB fic, though on the other hand, you're also putting Celestia within spitting distance of Daemon Princesshood as well (if she, and in extention, Luna and Candance, are not already one)

Warhammer Fantasy I'd think would be something to see, once you start fudging with the rules a bit on terms of Magic (thanks to a certain Chaos God's shenanigans with the stuff), and find a good spot to place Equestria (and it's related nations) without causing too much damage (intentially or otherwise), and you'd have to refine the terms used to fit Warhammer Fantasy, but could carry it's own challenges (Although it would be a short route from bad to worse if one isn't careful, thanks to Daemons)

In the TCB-related IRC Chat, I even joked the Barrier business is Celestia's own A.T. Field, though putting it in the environment of Evangelion carries it's own problems (NERV and the Potion, Angels complicating HLF and PER movements, and the threat of Third Impact), though would make for a nice challenge in between the 3rd Angel, and eventual Third Impact.

Sorry if I'm ranting but hey, something to all think about right? :unsuresweetie:

If anyone see's this please give it to Chatoyance, and tell her I'm sorry.

How? How could I be defeated? How could I have been so blind to the obvious. I'm sorry I'm so sorry I thought you were the delusional one I thought you were out to get us that all conversion writers were misanthropic, and yet I now see we're two spooks on the same wheel. My hope with my stories was to create a story were humanity adopts the lessons it learned from contact with the equines and rebuild there society based upon that model, but now I see that story doesn't even make sense since my characters are being delusional when it comes to the equines.

If I had known about what these nay sayers were doing to you I would have never taken there point of view. You know you are right it is kind of silly I can't believe I took these stories so literally and read into it a little to deeply and thought I saw things that weren't actually there, and for that I am sorry. I have taken out my real life frustrations out on your sub-fandom, and for that I am also sorry.

The only thing I can do now is to beg for your forgiveness even though I don't deserve it. I'm sorry Chatoyance from now on I promise to take your stories and other conversion bureau stories on the basis of the metaphor you described and not on such a literal interpretation. I still can't believe I did the very same thing I have accused certain religious groups of doing with there holy books. I hope that we can eventually put this behind us and that we can eventually become friends. I guess that's all I have to say once again I'm sorry.

I do not know if you will ever see this, but I hope you eventually do.

Sorry if I have to ask but are you serious or trying to mock her? I’m asking because it sounds a bit too melodramatic to be true.

If you’re serious then I hope that Chayotance will read and accept your apologizes. Some people in this group are here pals, I so perhaps one of them could send her a PM with it? Things have gone quiet nasty recently so it’s always good to see that people trying to get along.

Don’t blame yourself to hard. TCB stories are a controversial topic and everybody has a strong opinion about them. One word leads to another and then it goes downhill. The important thing is that we try to act like civilized people and that’s what you’re doing right now.

Group Admin

422528 He was being serious, spoke with him several times through PM.

Alrgight, I had an idea for a TCB comedy story and would love to hear your opinions.

It’s a TCB comedy story based on Ten Round, but with switched roles.

The hopeless outnumbered Ponies fighting their last stand against a horde of Zombie-like humans who try to humify them. Like in Ten Rounds the Ponies get killed/ humanified one by one but still succeeded in blowing up all the humans with a magic bomb.

Basically it’s a parody of the behavior of the Ten Rounds Ponies, but I only want to write it because it sounds like a good plot for a comedy story and not to insult the author or the story itself.

So what do you think about it?

Oh that's good, I really like it. In fact and already had plans to let them nonsense about stuff like NASCAR or hamburgers. How could I miss the violent video games?

Don't forget sitting on the porch drinking beer and shooting at squires with a 12g shot gun.

Go for it, but make sure you have a story structure for it.


Self inserts are really hard to pull off. And by that I mean the last good one was called "The Divine Comedy". Typical things that are seen in crappy self-inserts (but not limited to):
"Chosen one"
Being particularly needed by anyone
Loves/loved video games
Is socially awkward
Bullied at school
Being "spontaneous" or "random"
Being immediately liked by everyone. Or anyone, really.
Angsty life story
Shows up in Everfree Forest
Conveniently right outside Ponyville
Friends with Main Six
Party thrown by Pinkie Pie rather than being hid from and feared Bridle Gossip-style (applies to human self-inserts only)
Romance. At all. Ever. Seriously, if you're writing self-insert pony fanfiction you don't have the swag in real life to break someone like Fluttershy out of her shyness when first meeting her. You'd probably creep her out more than anything.
Anything special separating insertee from other ponies
The Princesses specifically giving a crap about you
Anyone giving a crap about you
Being treated with anything more than a "hello" or "good day"

But since this is TCB, the ponies will be nice when they tell you the main character to fuck off. You The MC better hope the Conversion Bureau offers temporary housing when first arriving or they accept what little human currency you the MC has.

>I take it you don't like the idea?
I don't like shit, and a lot of self-inserts beyond "what would I do in the situation" are shit. If it's good then it's good, I'm just not into self-inserts, good or not, and I'm not into a sotry about someone moving into a town, good or not.

>Most of that stuff you mentioned I had no intention of doing in the first place

>as for your last 3 statements plus the last paragraph well I must say you have a very strange sense of reality good try though it shows cynicism, and a total grasp of unreality.
Right, because every government in the world hands out free money and time for every immigrant that comes in when they have important things to worry about, and Celestia is going to care more about you then all the other newfoals that come in (of course assuming you were going down that path, and this isn't just a "slice-of-life" of a regular newfoal, which is the only thing that would redeem the story's concept). :ajbemused:
Notice how I said "specifically"? I meant no one would give more of a crap about you than the other hundreds of newfoals. If another pony wouldn't be treated to X degree, you sure as hell won't.

>No I think I'm gonna gov foreword forward with this idea.
I'm so offended! You sure got me! Seriously, I really don't care. I was just telling you what a lot of crappy stories do.

>Just don't be surprised when its not what you expect.
>implying I'm going to read it

>Besides I've already inserted myself twice.
>implying you've done the last insertions properly, making the statement mean anything
>implying I really care

You seem to be taking this personally. Stop it. It's annoying. I was just informing you of things other stories do wrong.


Oh, no, no. I don't care at all what you think. You see, this is how I role. I ask people what they think about my ideas and then I ignore them and do what I want. but But, I do enjoy playing with people like you who whine (>implying I'm whining); it's fun :pinkiehappy:, really fun! In short, no, I don't care. all All I care about is what I think, and I think you're full of it.

I hope you have better grammar when you get to your actual story.

Having fun yet? :trollestia:

A bit.

Well that was interesting I wonder what those last few post were about?
and why is my name on the replies?

It was you being whiny about me not liking a your self-insert, and then you deleted your posts when you saw that I had a point.

By the way, when a post is deleted, the name disappears so there's just numbers, not your name. For example, here's the one you used to respond to 437001 before you deleted it.

I wish I screencapped the others, they were just too funny. At least anyone can see what you wrote in my responses.

Though you know I was going to apologize for my behavior, but now you can just go and jump off a cliff. I don't care who sees this. Do your worst.

Holy shit, it's like you're running into a brick wall over and over again. Just drop it, you're the one making yourself look like an idiot.

Why I'm having way too much fun and at this point I don't care bring it fool. You don't stand a chance and I don't care what happens this sites expendable.

Stand a chance against what, exactly?

My onslaught fool we're at war.

Who do you thinks even going to care about our little quarrel?

Group Admin


If you two would please be so kind as to take this elsewhere, the general message board is not for this kind of thing. PMs are much more suitable. Or better yet, stop it entirely. Thank you :twilightsmile:

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