Fallout Equestria 5,398 members · 2,623 stories
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I'm currently writing down all the information i can get from Fallout Equestria to make my story as canon as possible to it. I want to avoid minor mistakes like Applebot in Project Horizons when Applebloom died in FoE in Fillydelphia at the StableTec HQ and Stable 0 (now a Steelrangerbase). Such a mistake isn't the end of the world but I'm a perfectionist, err... yadda yadda

What I want to talk about is a part I completely disregarded the first time reading FoE. Probably because I haven't played the game that much the first time reading... Anyway, I found the wreckage of the alien reconcraft Theta in Fallout 3 and here is the part of FoE I was talking about:

chapter 20 - page 475

As Homage closed the safe, I took notice of the last item mounted inside the safe. It was some sort of magical energy pistol, but not of any make I had ever seen, and with a grip that wouldn’t fit in any pony’s mouth.

Curiosity sparked, I asked Homage about it.

“Long story,” she told me. “One night, Jokeblue and I were poking our hooves around Fetlock, trying to find a Stable we’d heard rumors about, when there was a strange explosion that lit up the clouds above. At first, we thought it was thunder, but then all sorts of debris started raining out of the sky. Chunks of the strangest sky-wagon you ever laid eyes on. We took cover in a burned-out passenger wagon. When it was over, I found that thing amongst the rubble.” Homage chuckled. “Okay, maybe not that long a story.”

“What is it?”

“Nastiest magical gun the Equestrian Wasteland has ever seen to my knowledge. One shot from that thing will turn whatever you hit into vapor. And not like the magical energy weapons you’ve seen, which do that only once in a blue moon. Every. Single. Time.” Homage actually sounded scared of the gun. “I believe you could kill a dragon with one shot from that thing.” And with those words, so did I.

All the main games featured the Alien-Blaster as an energy weapon (in Fallout 3 a DPS of up to 390)

It strikes me as one of the loose ends kkat didn't die up. The whole arc of Homage and Jokeblue was something thought out but never worked on, at least not by kkat.

I'm not sure I want to pick it up in my own story, but I want to ask you what you think of my assumption of Aliens in Fallout Equestria and if there might be a story out there covering this particular topic. Or it might even inspire another writer out there.


EDIT: I don't suppose that really says anything. Aliens are 'present' in the canon, so I don't see why not. Eventually, I'll have aliens in my own, but I'm so off canon that it's pathetic (well, maybe not really, i don't know). I know We're No Heroes has aliens in it (hell, the thing actually revolves around a centuries old space-liner/superspaceship) and that Broken steel has aliens in it (Appletart gets This Machine from a shuttle crash).

So aliens are present, but they aren't seen very much, maybe a scene or two. Having an in-depth look at them would be interesting, something like... Fallout Equestria: Mothership Zeta or something, I dunno...

Group Admin

There is as many interpretations of the aliens and star metal as there is writers.

A rather popular idea, and one that I personally don´t like, is that it is us humans that is the aliens.

If you want to ask a person that can point you at the stories with a focus on allies, or are able to point you at many of them, then send a PM to Tonto the Trotter, he is our loremaster wikileader guy after all, and must have read more stories with allies in them than any other have.

I want to avoid minor mistakes like Applebot in Project Horizons when Applebloom died in FoE in Fillydelphia at the StableTec HQ and Stable 0 (now a Steelrangerbase). Such a mistake isn't the end of the world but I'm a perfectionist, err... yadda yadda

Uhm... ? I don't think there was actually an error there. It was confusing, no doubt, but it fit with canon. I think you might have gotten something mixed up.

Zebras (was it just Xenyth?) regard Homage as having been 'touched by the stars' because of the gun, by the way. They, at least, have a mythological concept for aliens and alien artifacts.
Personally, if someone were to make a story about that sort of thing, I'd hope they'd go the route of Roadside Picnic.

A picnic. Picture a forest, a country road, a meadow. Cars drive off the country road into the meadow, a group of young people get out carrying bottles, baskets of food, transistor radios, and cameras. They light fires, pitch tents, turn on the music. In the morning they leave. The animals, birds, and insects that watched in horror through the long night creep out from their hiding places. And what do they see? Old spark plugs and old filters strewn around... Rags, burnt-out bulbs, and a monkey wrench left behind... And of course, the usual mess—apple cores, candy wrappers, charred remains of the campfire, cans, bottles, somebody’s handkerchief, somebody’s penknife, torn newspapers, coins, faded flowers picked in another meadow.

In this analogy, the nervous animals are the humans who venture forth after the Visitors left, discovering items and anomalies which are ordinary to those who discarded them, but incomprehensible or deadly to those who find them.
This explanation implies that the Visitors may not have paid any attention to or even noticed the human inhabitants of the planet during their "visit" just as humans do not notice or pay attention to grasshoppers or ladybugs during a picnic. The artifacts and phenomena left behind by the Visitors in the Zones were garbage, discarded and forgotten without any preconceived intergalactic plan to advance or damage humanity. There is little chance that the Visitors will return again, since for them it was a brief stop for reasons unknown on the way to their actual destination.

828299 I was going to use the idea of 'Little Grey Ponies'

First of all i want to note I've read to only few spinoffs and a few of them I actually stopped reading for various reasons.

The starmetal I always assumed as simply being stuff from comets, not something like... a melted down spacecraft to get it

It's been a while since I read PH and I am not above of admitting my mistakes.
I was under the impression when going into a crusadermaneframe there is no turning back to die at someplace else?
It has been more than a year (i think) since i read FoE, I read it when it was complete, rushed through in the week before galacon2012
Now that you say it, yeah there was something about Homage that Xenith said... I'm not at that part yet again. I analyze it and read way slower while writing lots of stuff out of it.
Zebry-mythology is always considered hooey, because... religion of any culture is always hooey, no offence.
There is little to no clarity in FoE itself.

I never managed to get to Mothership Zeta in Fallout 3, although I'm quite sure it is in the Game of the Year edition.

Group Admin

Admin hat on. Please no comments about how right, wrong or "hooey" any culture beside the fictional we read in the stories are please. Because while I love a good flamewar are they never a nice thing.


I was under the impression when going into a crusadermaneframe there is no turning back to die at someplace else?

It wasn't a Crusader Maneframe operation, Applebot is a straight up copy made by Mr. Horse (or based on his Sweetiebot design).

Zebra mythology--this is what I got from Fo:E specifically but I do admit I am heavily influenced by PH in this regard--seems to be a schism of whatever ponies believe (or it may be the original belief system for the whole of the planet for all we know, with the ponies relations to Celestia and Luna being the primary reason the two are separate). They believe Luna, despite her apparent control over the night sky, was touched by the stars and thus became susceptible to the jealousy that led her down the path of Nightmare Moon. For having ever been touched by the stars at all, the zebras harbored a grudge with her that ensured the war would never end if she were the executive power in Equestria.
That's all in Fo:E, but it's not as important in that story as it is in PH (where these points are beaten into the reader repeatedly with small variations to imply that so and so is lying or doesn't know the whole truth).

While it's not 'hooey' in this particular instance (and if it were, it would be racist as hell), there is value in discussions over the validity of mythologies in fiction so long as the purpose that mythology served or is serving is considered as well.

Group Admin

If you read my comment again would you also say that I think that it is more than fine talking about the mythology from the story. how you can draw lines between the stories in our group and different religions, and other in all other instances where we look at it from a standpoint from literature.

But not okay to talk about which "real" religions that is "hooey" or other words like that. I hope that my opinion as admin is clear now.

I'm kind of in a very... aggressive mode right now. I misread your comment, sorry.

Group Admin

No harm done, we do all have days like that, even I at times. It is just good that we both know what the other meant, or it looks like that by now :twilightsmile:

Good-User Hat on.
My apologies, that wasn't my intention.

Fictional mythology for fictional people:
Zebra-mythology: This is cursed - that is bad - that is evil - Luna is Nightmare Moon
It's (quite unfounded) prejudice.

And how would Xenith even know at that point Homage had an Alien-weapon

Not to turn this thread into a discussion on mythology, but I was convinced that Zebra mythology was quite founded, considering Nightmare Moon. Inordinate reactions were supplied by all involved, but there was precedent for the majority of it.

And how would Xenith even know at that point Homage had an Alien-weapon

I would chalk that up to Xenith relating Homage's position and behavior to teachings she'd received on the subject as a child, but it's morel likely to be some kind of Pinkie sense thing.

828275 Sorry, but I'm going to write a FoE fic where Neighpon is filled with genetic mutations, (including the Puffs, a type of pony bred to produce wool), and aliens still somehow seem too "out there" for me.

Group Contributor

The ailen fic I read was Probed the story about a raider who was abducted.

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