The Conversion Bureau 770 members · 387 stories
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Group Admin

I've mentioned it on my blog, it's called 'Adrift Off Fiddler'. It is a Conversion Bureau story.

I was quite amazed to find that my popularity on Fimfiction has not diminished during my long hiatus. Already, with only one chapter, the story is being downvote bombed into oblivion, and there is the expected effort to flood the comments with spam and insults. Hate is still fame, and attention, so there is that. What makes me sad, though, is that there are so many people out there, with lives so empty and meaningless, that waiting on me - me - on the very second that I should post anything new... the attack started literally within the first hour of the story being posted.

I have three spouses, I have hobbies and interests, I study and learn constantly. I make things, create works of art, I draw and sculpt and paint and make music. I have a life.

These people don't. And that makes me feel sad for them. This is what they wait on? This is what they live for? A chance to bother me? Within the hour. Possibly within minutes.

Yes, I know, people get messages about things over that crazy internet thing. I get that. But you know what? I get email like anyone else, maybe I check it once every other day. Or two days. I peek at Fimfiction once a day, or every few days, depending on whether there is anything I am involved in. I have a life. I'm too busy to worry about who posts what on an hourly... or minute-by-minute basis.

Sweet goddess. Think about what all of this means. I have discovered that many of those who fuss over me are in their late twenties, some have families with children. This... baiting me... is worth that sort of attention?

Of course I am flattered. But... how miserable is a life where saying mean things to some person on the internet is more appealing than caring for your own beloved child, or making love to your spouse, or even... just taking a quiet dump?

I thought that the piles of steaming foal-rape and cheap pornography on Fimfiction was why I felt the site, and most of the fandom, was pathetic. Those are good reasons.

But there are roughly 1200 people on this site that are invested in trying to torment me... and even if only one person is sockpuppeting countless accounts to harass me... instead of, say, eating a nice ice cream bar... then all I have left is the most serious pity... and abject disappointment in the human species.

On a positive note, hey! I'm still famous! Who could have imagined?

Not me. I honestly thought nobody would even notice my new story.


3441399 first off I just want to say I'm glad your writing again.:yay: second I want to say that I'm sorry that your haters are so pathetic that they have nothing to do but to torment you. If you think about it their just proving you right.
yes dear Chat you are still famous, seriously was there any doubt? your awesome, how can you not be famous?:pinkiesmile:
I'm looking forward to reading your new stories.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Hang in there there, Chat! Actually, you have hung-in there already. In the meantime the bozos show no sign of having matured a bit, or at least much! :rainbowlaugh:

3441399 For all the talk of you being a "whackjob" or something from these people, they've certainly shown quite a dedication to this, which tells me something about them. Also l liked the "Hey, she's a misanthrope cuz she thinks humanity has some issues and might not be nice, so let's be complete arseholes and prove her soooo wrong and hard lulz!" excuse that I've seen. As much as I like the occasional poking and joking around, I'm just sick of people being so dickish to each other in general, and this just goes beyond that. So yeah, call me a "misanthrope", "white-knight", "ass-kisser", or whatever other unimaginative and rehashed insults for not wanting someone to be treated like this (and many other unfortunate folks too.)

Anyways, as someone in his early 20's and trying to find his way in life as best as he can in the current sad state of the world (and about to get even worse if things are not done to reverse the trend, not to mention a massive shift in thought), I still really like your stories here (as I've said so many times); may agree with alot, may disagree in a few spots. I rather wish I wasn't as timid posting back then when this was all starting out, but had my other silly reasons too, (like being worried I'd have an influence on the story and it'd go wrong or something like that) and wanting to stay out of fights (I even got really anxious and physically sick just looking at some of the stuff that went down, though probably nowhere near as you were feeling.)

/ends bottled up rambling, though still fizzy...

Plus for all the attention you've been getting from them, and us most of all, you're doing something right! And as others said, happy to see you writing again! Keep up the typing; I'll be reading them a little less quietly from now on! :twilightsmile:

Hey, in his defense some arse is down vote bombing it. He's allowed to have an opinion that is different from Chat's.

I think the big issue people have against your stories is that you portray humans as essentially worthless. Why put so much hate on your own species?

Now, I have not actually read your stories, but from I have heard is that you really don't allow people who don't like your point of view to have a point of view. And that really doesn't help your case because it makes you look like insecure and unable to take criticism.

That, and I kinda take offense on the fact that your stories state that humans don't have souls. The hell?

Group Admin


That is the Big Lie about my works. I actually portray humans as being the most creative, adaptive creatures in the multiverse, able to survive our universe, and - even after transformation - stand tall as vital contributors that rejuvenate an entirely different universe.

"Oh, you clever, clever apes... oh, well, I guess they aren't really apes anymore. Former apes. Still right clever. You've thought of something no pony has ever thought of, haven't you? Humans... steal their planet, put it back, scatter them to the end of the universe, gobble their planet into another universe, turn them into ponies. Irrepressible! Just irrepressible and amazing the lot of you! Becoming ponies hasn't dimmed your light one bit, has it? Better watch out Celestia, you've got some double clever super-ponies out here."

"Celestia had let these remnants of former human thought and culture alone. Her ace in the sleeve. Because without Equestrian culture to shape them and model them, here were ponies that could do countless things no culturally assimilated pony would ever think to even try."

- Chapter 10, Tales of Los Pegasus

You should not accept the words of hate. Judge with your own eyes, and your own mind.

Humans are better than those that harass me. Or at least, they can be.

3441399 Hate, it keeps some people alive and helps other with pooping.

3442899 Heh, Kingofsouls are you a trusting soul? Why take other people's word for your own? Pick a story from an author, make some time to read it and then take a dump (seriously, let some shit sink in while your shit sinks out). Then you can come back with a clear head and a straight face to tell us what awful and crazy person said author is. Or something else. Opinions are great but shitting on someone's work many, many times is fucking rude or is the sign that you got diarrhea. Either way, that is not healthy or right.

Disclaimer: I'm not the Scatman. This man is!

See? Not allowed to have an opinion if it different, and I'm not hating. If I was hating, I would have been a little ruder about it.

you know what? You're on. I'll read a story and I'll tell you what I think about it. Honestly.

3443217 If you weren't allowed to have your opinion, then why is your post still here given how ultra delete happy and censoring the folks here are supposedly? Just saying...

Most of us are just sick of the bullshit that seems to crop up nearly everytime Chat does something. "But you people started it!" Well maybe if some folks would be the better person and just would ignore it and do something better with their time instead of grabbing 50 or so people to downvote bomb and spam, or posting a blog about a blog about a story and riling everyone up all over again, we wouldn't be having this thread would we? "But you're posting stuff now!" Again, be the better person, do better.

3443217 Good. Show the fool your moves!

Hey, she started it. I'm ending it.

Group Admin

May I suggest 27 Ounces? It is perhaps my definitive Conversion Bureau novel.

If you like short stories in a collection, may I suggest Tales Of Los Pegasus? I consider it my single best themed, short story anthology.

Oh hey, recomendations! how nice!

Sure, I'll take a look at 27 ounces. Thanks.

3442899 of course he's allowed his own opinion, but it kind of seems like he's trying to start something.:unsuresweetie: I hope you find your troll. good luck.

Eh, I don't troll.


Now, I have not actually read your stories, but from I have heard is that you really don't allow people who don't like your point of view to have a point of view.

Can you please explain how one person can remove another person's ability to have a point of view?

3443166 What do you mean "too Alpha and Omega for my tastes" and how does that make the story misanthropic?

What I ment is that Chatty doesn't allow people who don't have her point of view to have one.

3446210 I was unaware that she possessed the power to reach into other people's brains and remove opinions while otherwise leaving them unharmed.

It's called the delete comment button.

3446260 The power each user has to delete an unwanted comment on their stories is given to us by the creator of this site, Knighty. If you don't think that users should be allowed to do this, try sending him a PM.

She's done it to others, not just the comment owners.

Group Admin

Of course I will delete comments.

I just recently deleted about twenty comments. They were all the same, identical. They were this:

"You just masturbated but you didn't come!"

Over, and over, and over.

I blocked the person who wrote it, too.

I will also delete comments like this one, that I recently got rid of (and blocked the author)

"You are a sick fuck and I hope you die in a fire!"

I don't think such comments rightfully ARE comments, and they fill up my comment area with horrible, obscene garbage that just looks terrible.

Those are the sorts of things that I delete, and those are the sorts of things that I am disparaged for deleting. I am reviled, because I don't want people telling me that they hate me, that I am a freak, that everything I do is shit (another deleted comment), that I am incapable of writing (Really? After more than a million words?) and that I should be injured, hurt, and in some posts, killed. No, I don't want those sorts of 'comments'. I will always delete them.

And that is all I delete. Blatant hate, trolling, insults, and spam. I don't think that is wrong to delete.

Yet, people claim that just this sort of thing is their 'opinion' and that I am wrong to delete it.

Do you, personally, think twenty examples of saying something rude is anything resembling an 'opinion'? How about telling me that I should die? Or simply telling me how deeply, and completely that I am hated and loathed? Or personal attacks regarding my gender, appearance, or weight? I don't need that in my comments. It's empty and meaningless crap.

If a person is genuinely polite, if they do not attack me, if it is not abuse, if it is not a passive-aggressive attempt to upset me for lulz, if they are civil, you will find their opinion untouched in my comment areas. I never, ever delete a genuine, heartfelt, civil comment. Not ever.

3446463 I agree that Ten Minutes: Aftermath is not Chat's best work, but she wrote it as an entry to a contest where writers were asked to further a complete story. She opted to change the ending of a story that ended horribly.

She wasn't just your typical Pagan god with limited power (as she is in most fics that have her as a god) she was more like Abrahamic God, you know "I can destroy existence with a single thought" sorta thing.

In the first few minutes of the pilot episode, we are shown that Nightmare Moon, Luna, Celestia's younger and not as powerful sister, tried to kill every living creature by denying the heat of the sun and freezing everything. If you buy into season four, then Luna is a dreamwalker. Funny thing about dreams: they do not happen in real time, a dream that has events lasting an hour may only last six minutes in real time. In order to interact with dreams, one has to either be moving and thinking at that same rate or be able to manipulate time. You can take your pick, however, there is no evidence to give reason that Luna is actually sleeping when she is dreamwalking, meaning that her conscious is great enough to be in at least two places at once. Furthermore, there is nothing to say that she isn't watching the dreams of every single pony while they sleep as countless versions of herself without showing the slightest hint of strain from stretching her conscious to that point.

This is all the power of the younger of the two sisters, so I imagine that Celestia does have the power to “destroy existence with a single thought”, however, she is devoted to life so greatly, that she banished her own sister, the only other being in existence who can understand her, out of physical space to a place where even they could not communicate for a time longer than most people can imagine.

In TM:A, Celestia stops the pointless murder of … Earth, most of whose occupants are humans, by using her powers to stop a hypernuke from detonating. There is nothing misanthropic about this. I do not know what was said in the original, and you'd have to take that up with Krass anyway, but Celestia's anger in this story is completely understandable as she is trying to save the entire planet, and the pissy few who had it good and don't want things to change were in the process of killing everyone rather than face a new life where everyone is equal. The only instance of “rape culture” that I can imagine in the story is how the soldier human's pony wife tricked him into drinking potion. Generally speaking, I am very pro-death: if my arms and legs were blown off, my hearing and vision gone, and all I felt was pain, I would not want to continue living this life and would demand to be allowed to die (hence my DNR), however, if I was lying on the ground like this, and someone gave me potion to give me a new perfectly working body free of all pain, even the pain of aging, then I could not say no to that. Considering the plot device within TCB that humans don't have souls, anything less than ponifying him would have been an act of evil.

I don't think you understand this word “misanthropy” it means “hatred of humans”, but the way you say that “Lovecraftian stuff is misanthropic” makes me think that what you mean is “because humans are not all powerful and cannot overcome whatever the antagonist is in the story, the story and it's writer must be evil”... This is an incorrect use of the word and a fallacy. In the case of TM:A, an act of hatred against humanity would have been to let the bomb kill everyone on earth while she teleported the ponies and herself back to the safety of Equestria.

3446735 Actually, that just describes the horror genre. However, as far as I know Cthulu never actually appeared in Lovecraft's books, and it was only the cultists who believed in such a deity, who were not the protagonists but the antagonists, that caused all the trouble.

3446810 Is TM:A the only TCB story you have read?

3446841 I don't mean to put words in Chat's mouth, but I am sure that she would not see the detonation of the earth as a victory for anyone, therefore, TM:A was her attempt to give a hopeful ending to a hopeless story. Also, just because a writer continues someone else's story doesn't mean that they are obligated to hold the same ideals and intentions.

At the time, I think Chat, like I, believed that anyone who would write about ponies, would write about them because they liked ponies. That is why it is called “fan fiction”: the author writes about it because the author is a fan.

By the way, truly great authors can write a story from a point of view that makes their protagonist appear to be an antagonist, and expect the reader to identify the protagonist based on outside knowledge. Because of that, seasoned readers would not have expected what has come to be known as hate fiction: the act of writing about something because the author hates it. I, at least, do not understand why people write about things that they don't like, so I believe, to her, the original would have appeared to be a tragedy, in which the reader is meant to feel sad for the heroes who failed in their quest.

All drama aside, I'm really looking forward to another Chatoyance novel and that's what I'm more interested in than this nonsense. I've preemptively upvoted it because if a bunch of kooks can mindlessly downvote something they obviously didn't read if they instantly downvoted it after it being posted, I can at least nullify one of those.


Lovecraft was a misanthrope by his own statements, but his fiction is not so much directly misanthropic as portraying humans as being of little to no significance in the universe. His Great Old Ones simply don't care. Their actions could easily wipe out humanity without it being of any concern to them at all. Also, Cthulhu did appear in Call of Cthulhu.

In any event, I consider "misanthropy," even if it were true, to be among the dumbest possible criticisms of a work of literature. Seriously, we should chuck Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, H.L. Mencken, Jonathan Swift, and too many others to name if that were actually, in and of itself, a valid criticism of anything at all. "Misanthropy" in the sense it is used against TCB stories seems to be a buzzword of the HFY crowd, and essentially meaningless.


Then I need misanthropy, because of people like that.

Group Admin

Any person who takes 'Ten Minutes: Aftermath" as any sort of indication of my work has made the gravest of errors. No author should be judged on a last moment writing contest entry written in forty-five minutes in order to please a friend. A friend at the time, anyway. Not any more.

Any remarks about 'Ten Minutes' are irrelevant to me, I don't even include the story in my list of my works on Fimfiction. I leave it up only because if I took it down, it would make a bunch of morons and assholes too happy, and I don't want to make morons and assholes happy. That's the only reason it hasn't been pulled entirely.

And that is the final word on that.

Group Admin

It was the requirement of the writing contest to disregard the intent of the original author and invent a completely different direction. I fulfilled my assignment to the letter. You are apparently unaware of the clear statement to that effect on the story itself.

Please be nice to Peachclover, and everyone here, and try to understand what you are talking about a little better. It reduces needless argumentation.

Saying that I did not follow the original author's intent is simply saying that I can follow writing prompt instructions correctly.

Will you now praise me as fully as you erroneously condemned me?

"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"
- Mark Twain


My least favorite lie is the one about the converted turning into mindless grinning zombie slaves with no memory of their past lives. I usually try to ask for an example of any single character in a legit TCB story who can accurately be described that way.

It irritates me when there are a number of things in the whole TCB premise even a reasonable person could disagree with, but they feel compelled to make up utter nonsense.


My least favorite lie is the one about the converted turning into mindless grinning zombie slaves with no memory of their past lives.

That should totally be a story. I would read it and enjoy the weirdness. I could see a Spy vs Spy or Zombieland thing going on with each side having their own version of the potion that changes species in funny ways.

Group Admin


I worry that your haters are getting to you, and that you are starting to see pikes where there are only plows.

You are likely right. I was sure that the haters had finally given up on me - who the hell am I, right? - and that I would be able to do my story in peace. I admit to being utterly shocked that some came back and are causing trouble. It has definitely thrown me off balance.

I mean... I've not written anything but the odd short story in months and months... I don't know how long. A long time. And I'm not even anyone important on Fimfiction...except to those beloved few who kindly bother to read my silly works. It was a reasonable expectation.

I think that I am a little on edge. I apologize, I think that I came on too defensively.

I do feel protective of PeachClover, and quite a number of others here that I count as steadfast and kind souls. I don't want bad things to ever happen to them, simply because they are nice to me.


I admit to being utterly shocked that some came back and are causing trouble.

Trolls like to see people react to what they do. If they know you will react, they simply wait for you to appear on their feeds, then come trolling because they expect a reaction will follow. Then when you do in fact react, that reinforces their previous decision to keep you in their feeds for next time.

Here's the correct way to make them become tired and give up: delete and block outrageous comments, and for non-outrageous ones reply "LOL!" and leave it at that. In other words: a few clicks of yours to several of theirs, one word of yours to several of theirs. They perceive they're spending more time on this than you are, that it's a bad cost-benefit investment of their "lulz seeking" time, and go give trouble to someone else.

But as long as you take the time to comment on how you feel about the down votes or them coming to give you trouble, they'll keep down voting and giving you trouble. It doesn't matter to them what you say, all that matters to them is that you're spending time with them, and that it's more time than they spent. As long as you keep giving them your time, irrespective of how you give them your time, they'll keep coming back, and back, and back, and back, without end.

As the often quoted line of War Games says: "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."


I don't want bad things to ever happen to them, simply because they are nice to me.

Oh, I myself don't mind trolls. I have a talent for out-trolling them, and find doing so extremely funny. So, feel free to send all of them my way, I'll love it!

Yes, I'm weird. :pinkiecrazy:


That's actually a hell of a story. And for a change, gives me a situation that actually can be analyzed from a pure perspective of utilitarianism pretty easily.

I'm going to make the most pessimistic assumption possible: this really does amount to the death of the individual and their replacement by a different individual who then goes on to lead their own life.

There is one choice. Do this or don't. The outcome is the same, though. For both alternatives, I die. In other words, I have no real skin in this game, since I get nothing out of it no matter what decision I make. So even though the decision involves me, I can completely disregard myself and make the decision objectively.

If I choose not to do it, the pony who would be me never gets to exist. Considering that no harm comes to the world from their existence and it is of some worth, there is a positive result from going through with this. Refusing to go through with this benefits me not at all, but harms this future interest.

Therefore, I go through with it and the only real question is how long to delay.

This presupposes there are no souls. If there are, then losing all your memories and personality amounts to nothing more than a transmigration without physical death. Since this is indistinguishible from the situation where you die and presumably are going to be reincarnated anyway, probably as a pony or something, the outcome of either decision is identical.

A lagniappe is I might be able to cheer up one of those poor volunteers in the story.


The Rolling Stones, in "Sympathy for the Devil." Of course, they were after Twain's time.

3448630 *Hugs* Thank you for caring about me, Chat. ^^

And I'm not even anyone important on Fimfiction...except to those beloved few who kindly bother to read my silly works. It was a reasonable expectation.

I don't know if I have said this here, but until just before you completed Tales of Los Pegasus, I had a serious problem with reading. I believed I wasn't good at reading – each book was an adversity that took great care to trudge through, but I loved yours so much that even though I was afraid to start it, I wanted to read your most current work at the time. This lead me to discover the problem, and defeat it, but recently as I have branched out, I have realized that your stories are different.

One of my little problems is that when I get better at something, I forget what it was like to get started, so it was only yesterday that I realized that many if not most fan writers here are more fascinated by the fact that they are typing out words to put into their favorite characters' mouths rather than creating a story. I will tell you a secret: when Skybreeze wanted me to read The Big Respawn, I went kicking and screaming because I don't like stories with humans (they tend to make things shitty). However, the story was great and I continued reading your works.

You are of a greater caliber then most writers. If I may compare you to famous writers of youth fiction that have become popular among adults: I have read four of J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter series and three of Brian Jacques' Redwall, and your stories are just better than any and all of them. I know that that is not your actual genre, but very few books aimed at adults even attempt to reach the emotion that yours do on every page.

I have tried to describe to others what makes your books special, but lately I have just been referring to it as magic, because those who can understand don't need an explanation and those who don't understand can't understand it as anything else. I have pondered what it would have been like if instead of writing in the TCB universe, if you had written for the canon series or all about Derpy or perhaps the secret life of Luna. I wonder what you would have written if instead of MLP, you wrote for another cartoon (I'd like to think you wouldn't go after this new stuff). Then there is your own original take on unicorns and dragons... I believe that there are other dimensions of reality, the simple ones are where we made different choices, and what makes me sad in the strangest way, is that in these other dimensions, you may have written for all these other things, and I love your writing so much I want to read them all, but the me that is now, cannot.

Some days, you may feel like shattered glass on the side of the information super highway and some people may treat you that way, but isn't it amazing then, among all this shattered glass, I have found you: a diamond.

I've always been a reader, but for the last few years, have been nearly unable to read fiction, either because of time or disinclination. I also used to write a lot, and until recently, had been out of practice for literally decades other than Internet forum crap, which is almost the opposite of writing.

You might be surprised, but I actually stumbled on your work after reading some of the exact horrible misrepresentations of it that upset you so much. Partly, I like collecting horrible fan fictions, but partly, the descriptions were so over the top they made me question whether or not they could possibly be accurate. Also, a couple times, before I had any idea who you were, people accused me of being you because of things I'd said.

So I read from the start, the first because it was short, and my first thought was wow, over a million words of this stuff? Then I continued. By 27 Ounces, I was hooked and read every word. It's also inspired me to get back writing, even if the exact thing I started for here specifically is giving me fits.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is thanks. This isn't just high quality fan fiction, it's high quality fiction period.

3448291 Who am I to say no to a person with an avatar of a chicken man holding a gun aim toward me? *raises hands over head and reads the story with smile*

I do feel protective of PeachClover, and quite a number of others here that I count as steadfast and kind souls. I don't want bad things to ever happen to them, simply because they are nice to me.

That's the playground for you - things happen with other people interacting. Sometimes you get punched in the face, other times you get kiss on the mouth and most of the time nothing serious happens except you grow. Can't also grow and heal and learn stuck in a room with no risk. There is always risk interacting with someone.

It's not your fault.

We all choose for ourselves how to act.

It is sad yes that they feel so compelled to attack you and your ideas Chatty even after all this time has elapsed

I'm glad to hear you feel pity for them rather then anger cause nothing good ever comes from that. Still as someone who ounce upon a time disliked you I can understand why they do its cause they fear what you write about they are so attached to there human forms and there own mentality that they cannot comprehend ever having either or both altered, and of course people always fear that which they don't understand. Its there's always hope they will after all I ounce feared your ideas and considered them terrible but now I've come to accept and even embrace the idea I often find myself wondering what it would be like to have my form altered, and now a days if tomorrow Equestria appeared and offered conversion I think I'd be among the first to sign up (well maybe not the first first I think I'd still want to make sure this was all legit)

I'm still a humanist like I was in years past but I also embrace the idea because rather then despite it for I feel now that if ones a true humanist one would want to see ones kind improve and rise above there current failings. That and in regards to your stories why wouldn't a like them to cite your most recent story where else am I gonna see a pony pee on another pony and have it be funny rather then be some weird fetish :rainbowlaugh:

In anycase don't sell yourself so short Chatty who could forget one such as you your easily the most interesting person on this whole damn site.

Thanks for caring about us Chatty, but don't worry about me I can handle whatever they can throw (besides I think they're people here who already hate me for holding certain opinions so whatever


This isn't just high quality fan fiction, it's high quality fiction period.

That is pretty much exactly what I think, except with 'full stop', not 'period' because I am Australian. I think Chatoyance should publish books (though I do worry what the haters would do with them).

I am sure we can deal with these haters. Them giving the stories downvotes doesn't prevent them from being good stories :twilightsmile:.

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