Artist's stories 36 members · 66 stories
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I would like more comments and positive feedback on this story of mine.

TA Talk With A Bully
After the CMC come home with black eyes, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity take it upon themselves to find out what happened.
Artist · 3.5k words  ·  23  22 · 591 views
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In a nice way possible, criticism is good for your story. Sure yes there are toxic rude people that comment on it, and its best to delete their comments afterwards. heck, one time I have to deal with a troll that was spamming on my pfp in Devieantart, and I have to delete his comments and block him.
In this case, and according to Hawk Nightwing: "criticism is good, and you’re gonna get it whether you like it or not. The only way you’ll improve is if you get criticism. It’ll help you grow as a writer a lot more if you know what you need to work on. I don’t know how you can think that constructive criticism is a bad thing. It’s not. All writers get it, and it’s good"
I would also suggest just ignore the haters, just don't let them get into your head. Just delete their comments, and go on to your day. I've seen you already did that with another story you have, where you deleted all the troll comments.
Plus, I would also point out from yesterday where Ulcuran did state that you should think about why you don't handle criticism very well. Is it because of the personal trauma of getting trolled hated on your old story? If that's the case, I would just talk to a therapist or a supportive parent or guardian about this, cause saying that you want help, to then don't want any help, and now this, yeah I think you need a break from the screen for a while. A mental healthy break from the screen is healthy and clears all the negative thoughts away, and talking to a therapist/supportive guardian to help you.
My apologies if this sounds like a rant, I'm concerned about your mental health

Group Admin

I don’t think you need to worry about my mental health, you’re a stranger and I don’t know you, so why the hell should you be worried, I mean I appreciate it that you tell me all of this stuff and yes, I know that criticism can help me improve my story, but when somebody says to me that my story is not enjoyable to them because of the problems that they found with it, I can get very easily triggered by that because I was bullied in school and was often told I was worthless and then I didn’t belong, then when I came onto this site in 2017, I published my first story and someone left criticism on it but instead of being nice to this man, I told him to fuck off and him, and his friends went after me for that, ever since then I’ve tried getting into writing again, even left the site for a bit because I was upset.

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