Equinox 84 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

This is a big welcome to all fans of our story Flurry in Time.

If you have read the story, you are most likely aware that it feels like it is a part of some large and detailed universe. This is true. We've been working on this saga for several years, as the intro to this group has stated. The purpose of this group is to provide a bridge for FiT fans so that you can continue following along with the saga as it is developed. As of this writing, December 2020, Flurry in Time is close to being finished. We'd like you all to stick around and follow the development of Equinox, which is the saga that FiT is but a small part of.

In the Equinox saga, you will find answers to all the questions that you may have as a result of reading FiT. You'll learn how ponykind ended up splitting into various factions across colonized space. You'll learn about the powerful alien races and their agendas, as well as how the ponies fit into the galactic picture. You'll see all the wars and political maneuvers which have shaped the galaxy. You will follow along with the Orion and her captain, Nyx, as they embark on a critical mission deep into uncharted space. Complex intrigue and subterfuge will play itself out before your eyes as major factions clash in both overt and covert ways. And finally, you will witness the ultimate fate of ponykind as all forces converge at once in a clash for control over the galaxy.
You'll even find out what's up with Flurry and Whammy. :trollestia:

In addition, you will travel far back in time, over a thousand centuries, to witness the dawn of ponykind on their world of Equus. You'll discover the great and terrible secret which was woven into their very nature, that threatens their existence as a species, and yet also potentially becomes their salvation. Great tragedies will be revealed which reset pony civilization time and time again, only for them to recover stronger than ever.

The saga's narrative begins roughly seventeen centuries before the end, with the return of a corrupted immortal, much like in MLP. Soon after, you will follow along with the arrival of a most unusual child named Nyx. This child, you will quickly find, is not at all how you may have expected her to be if you are familiar with her inspiration from Past Sins. We trust that you will find our vision for her to be remarkably original as she is introduced to civilized life, which she is far from ready for. You'll come to know her friends and family as she grows up and matures into a young adult alicorn, going through a series of incredible challenges by the time she becomes who she is meant to be.

Ultimately, you will no doubt notice several characters and settings have taken loose inspiration from MLP, though do not be fooled -- the similarities end quickly, and you will soon find yourself immersed in a wholly unique world with characters you will grow to know from scratch. This is not MLP. But it was inspired by MLP. We have put a great deal of care into making Equinox a compelling and enjoyable tale, and we hope you will come along with us as we finish building it and begin putting it to paper.

Lastly, it is an unfortunate fact that we cannot publish the series here on Fimfiction because only MLP fanfic can be published here. Our world building efforts will be found on World Anvil, and the published chapters will have a home in a place yet to be determined -- possibly Wattpad or Royal Road. In the interim, all chapters in the saga will be linked in this group and available as Google Docs until we find a more permanent solution.

Thanks for your interest and your support! Creating Flurry in Time has been a tremendous honor, and it has been great getting to know many of you who post regular chapter commentary. Please, make yourselves at home here, feeling free to participate in this forum as a fandom of sorts, making threads and asking questions as you see fit.

Hey there! I am very interested in seeing this universe and the future fanfictions that take place in it. On the other hand, a quick question, what happened to the World Anvil website? I clicked on it and it just shows my profile, not your efforts of Equinox. Is it taken down for rewrites or something else? I just can't wait to see this universe from its beginning to the present time!

Sorry for the late reply! Here's the link to the worldanvil page. We'll be working on our timeline so we'll be hopefully adding new material soon!

Group Admin

Yeah we haven't actually added content to World Anvil yet, apart from the front page and a couple test pages. I have to figure out how the site works and determine what it can do for us. But yes, that looks like it is going to be very useful!

Most of our content exists on Google Docs right now. That's where we have been developing the saga for years.

Group Admin


On the offhand chance you haven't seen it yet, here is our World Anvil homepage! New content is added frequently.

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