Chess Players of Fimfiction 38 members · 62 stories
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Group Admin

This one should be easy: white to move and frustrate black (the game lasted for 72 moves)

And since this one is easy, have a fun one I found on twitter (white to move):

Wrong coloured bishop, just take the pawn :derpytongue2:

Second: Qxh6 gxh6 g7+ Kh7 gxf8=N+ Kh6 Rg6+ Kh5 Rg5++ Kh6 Rh5#

For the first one, I'm thinking you could just do Bxg3. Harry can't promote since bishop doesn't support h1.
For the second one, Qxh6+ gxh6, g7+ Kh7, gxf8=N+ Kh8, Rg8#. Never had a game, so far, where I could actually do a knight underpromotion.

Isn't one of black's pawns on h6 though, so Kh6 wouldn't happen

Group Admin

Indeed. Trolling people with endgame knowledge.

That's the right solution. I think I underpromoted to a knight twice, once to deliver checkmate and once to fork a queen and the king (for some reason I needed to promote with check)

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