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I expected to score around 50% as usual, but then I beat the #1 seed in the first game and afterwards I kept showing that I'm a bit underrated when it comes to FIDE rating. I scored 6 points in 9 games (five wins, two draws, two losses).
Game summary:
1. Black pieces, opponent's FIDE: 1736. Queen's Pawn Game: Colle system. Early on I walked into a tactics and lost a bishop, but I managed to open my opponent's king and win some pawns. I could've and should've repeated moves, but I had a brain fart and thought repetition wasn't possible, so I played on, winning another pawn and eventually my opponent blundered a tactics and I got a piece back. I kept pushing and eventually I traded down into a completely winning king and pawn endgame. 1/1

2. Black, 1510, London system. In a slow, closed game, my opponent's knight got trapped, but he managed to open my king and draw by repetition. 1.5/2

3. White, 1248, Sicilian Defense: Hyperaccelerated Dragon. I kept a more active position and managed to trade down into an endgame with a pawn up, a rook each and a bishop against a knight. I quickly forced a rook trade, the knight ended up in the wrong part of the board, dominated by the bishop and I eventually reached a position where my opponent couldn't stop the pawn promotion. 2.5/3

4. Black, 1381, Caro-Kann: Advance Variation, Botvinnik-Carls Defense. Perhaps my luckiest win: my opponent lost a lot of time early in the opening to stop me from undermining his centre, but I ended up losing two pawns and my only compensation was the white king forced to stay in the centre. I managed to capitalise on that, looking for a perpetual check/grabbing the pawns back. However, this proved to be too much for my opponent's time trouble (down to five seconds at some point) and he eventually blundered a queen. 3.5/4.

5. White, 1680, Scotch Gambit. A game against the eventual winner of the tournament. I sacrificed/blundered a pawn and got counterattacked pretty badly. 3.5/5

6. Black, 1465, Hungarian Opening. I castled queenside and attacked my opponent, but we ended up in an endgame where I had a bishop and my opponent had two pawns but I couldn't stop both. 3.5/6

7. White, 1322, Sicilian Defense: Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack. I walked into a worse position but then I managed to repeat moves by attacking my opponent's Queen with my rook (he couldn't leave too far or else his rook would fall). There was actually a way out of this, but he failed to find it. 4/7

8. White, 1410, Caro-Kann, Fantasy Variation, Maroczy Gambit. After the initial shenanigans of accepted Maroczy Gambit, we ended up in a completely symmetrical knight endgame. This, however, was too much for my opponent, as he let my king go deeper into his position and grab two pawns. Took me a while to outmaneouver his knight, but I eventually promoted a pawn and won. 5/8

9. Black, 1137, Caro-Kann Defense: Classical Variation, Karpov Variation. The only game where my opponent was theoretically weaker, so I played a solid opening and waited. Eventually I moved my queen into a position where it forked a pawn (three squares away) and a bishop (on the other side of the board). My opponent promptly blundered a bishop and his position collapsed soon afterwards. 6/9



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