Chess Players of Fimfiction 38 members · 62 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

We're on for a change and even though it doesn't look like, black did castle in this game. Unfortunately, everything else in this game went wrong: it was modern defense, bishops got traded, Harry the h-pawn got pushed and now it's time to find a finishing blow for white.


Nxg6 seems pretty deadly.

Hmm ... that looks like it wins ... this should work as well

1. QxR+ Kxf8
2. Nd7+ K moves
3 NxQ going up the exchange to winning endgame.
Some following moves might be
3. ... NxN
4. Rh8! Ne8 (to stop the rook penetrating the 8th rank) - Otherwise you get the bishop chased around with Rb8, Rb6 followed by Rxa6
5. Ne2

Group Admin

Indeed. It's better to give up the queen for a knight then (my opponent played Ke8 which leads to trauma conga line Qxf8+ Kd7 Rxf6+ Qxf6 Qxf6+ and the knight also falls.)

This is also winning, I guess, but there's a more winning move (watch for pins).

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