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Group Admin

... but it's move 4 that really counts (black to move):

1. … Nxe5 2. dxe5 Qxd1 3. Rxd1 Rxd1+ 4. Kh1 Bc3 5. Qxc3 (otherwise 5. … Bxe5+ 6. g3 Rh1#) Rxc3

So it looks like the "natural" sequence goes 1. ... Nxe5 2. dxe5 Qxd1 3. Rxd1 Rxd1 4. Kh2 Rc2 (This kills the Queen.).

Interestingly, Stockfish says 2. dxe5 is inferior to 2. a3 which after another couple moves leads to position which evaluates as very strong for Black, but without any obvious path to victory.

Ah, you're right, my last continuation doesn't make sense because f4 exists

Yeah, my first thought was to focus on the king and try to dominate the e5 diagonals, but White has too much material to defend with to make it viable. Certainly not in 4 moves.


Maybe Nxe5, dxe5, Qxd1, Rxd1, Rxd1+, Kh2, Bc3? Probably missing something.

Group Admin

Yeah, this one is the best. Also, Stockfish sees that taking the knight results in white being down a rook with most of material traded, so being down a knight in a more complicated position is preferable. Though then, white's isolated d-pawn is still a weakness.

There's a more forcing line, though (since Bc3 is not actually "give up a queen or get checkmated kinda deal)


Hm. What about Bxg2, Kxg2, Qd5+, K to one of the dark squares or f3, Qxb5? Not seeing a clear 4th move, though.

Group Admin

The first three moves were fine. Rc2 is better than Bc3, though, as it immediately wins the queen back and black is up a rook.


Ah, now I see it. I'd considered that, but didn't realize that the queen was trapped. Very nice.

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