Chess Players of Fimfiction 38 members · 62 stories
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Group Admin

White to move.

Well let's see ...

1. Rxe7 Qxe7 2. Qd4+ getting 2 pieces for the rook. Loose pieces have a tendency to fall off the board. :twilightsmile:


Maybe start something with Qd4+, f6 or King retreats, Qh4 double attacking the knight if the latter, Re8, Ng5, then maybe Rh8 to defend. White seems to have options at that point, but the finish eludes me.

Group Admin

Well, this is the importance of move order. Indeed the goal of the tactics here is winning both knights for a rook, but if we start with Rxe7 and then play Qd4+, black can block check with Qf6 and after Qxb6 play Rxc3, leaving white down the exchange. However Qd4+ first and then Rxe7 works because black doesn't have Qf6.

Qd4 is the best first move, but later there's a much quicker way to win material (hint: the queen is rather overloaded).

Oops!! :facehoof: Should have seen that ... getting old. :derpytongue2:

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