Chess Players of Fimfiction 38 members · 62 stories
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Group Admin

I have a lichess account (I'm a rather uneven player, tbh...)

I play where I can but I don't have accounts in them sorry I can't help most games I play IRL with no computer at all.
(wish I could show the game I just played.) I won with a king a pawn and my white bishop I played white my opponent red (also know as my father) had a knight his black bishop and both rooks.

Group Admin

Cool! I wish I played more over-the-board games, but COVID messed up my plans.

ya, it was hard enough trying to find a place to play before all this stuff started. but there is one good thing that came out of it. my father, is really good at chess as in could play professionally tournaments and the like. but it got to the point where 1. people wouldn't play him. 2. people would throw fits when they lost and accuse him of cheating I'm talking he a 4 grade student beat high school senior chess champion. and 3. he won all the time and it got to the point where it wasn't fun anymore. I studied since i was 10 years old, to become good enough to make it fun for him again. I'm 26 now we play every day I still lose more then I win most times. but he says I make him have to try and that he truly has fun playing me (as I do playing him) that more then anything makes me happiest of all.

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