Mega Crossovers 126 members · 39 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Group Admin

This thread exists to store reasons why stories were removed. Nine times out of ten, it's because the stories don't meet the minimum five crossover worlds to qualify.

For instance, that's what these two stories were removed for:

Equestria Ninja Girls X Power Rangers
by AmethystMajesty25

Go go Megaforce 2: The Eternal Nightmare
by Time Agent pony

One had only three franchises and the other only two. Since I didn't have time to actually READ them all the way through, anyone's free to contest and tell me there really WERE five in here.

You can also leave complaints on this thread if you think there's a story in this group that doesn't belong. Basically something that got through my security.

-GM, master off posts.

I have a question for clarity. I have a story, Sharp Dressed Men. It is a Samurai Jack/Equestria Girls crossover, it is linked to two other stories that exist on two other sites. One being, Welcome to the Family on Fanfiction, it's a Samurai Jack/Swatkats crossover and the other being Ballroom Blitz , which is a Samurai Jack/Rwby Crossover. Later on the three, will be interacting with each other via several different mechanisms. Would this count as a mega crossover?

Group Admin

Samurai Jack + EQG + Swatkats + RWBY = 4. That's just under the minimum, sorry.

Otherwise, It would count the moment you all started interacting with each other, but you couldn't add it before that.

...I feel like I've heard of these stories somewhere before. Huh. Deja vu. Maybe someone else wanted to suggest them.

-GM, master of LTSpice.

Group Admin

Halo: Celestium
by Free Shavacado

Was removed. it was just a halo 5 and pony crossover. Not even close to a mega crossover.

-GM, master of management.

Group Admin

An Erotic Shimmering Dance from a Sunset

Was removed (along with another story I think is best if I don't mention here due to its VERY M-rated nature). Neither of them were mega-crossovers. Far as I could tell there was even some question as to if they even needed the CROSSOVER tag.

...So yeah, these being added was pretty ridiculous.

-GM, master of really, dude?

Group Admin

Removed many submissions of stories by The Cowardly Christian added by The Cowardly Christian.

It was honestly hard to tell which ones did or did not qualify as mega-crossovers since they all seemed to pick from random things in such a nonsensical way it was... rather hard to determine what was going on. And I was NOT going to read them through just to figure it out.

I only kept the ones that explicitly mentioned being mega-crossovers and that were easy to tie back to them.

-GM, master of cockroaches.

Group Admin

Maneater: Equestrian Edition removed since it only had three crossovers, not five, which is the minimum requirement.
-GM, master of boinks.

Group Admin

Age of Devil Fruits removed as it was just a One Piece / MLP crossover.
-GM, master of fruits.

Group Admin

The Magic of Gravity Falls removed as it was just a Gravity Falls / MLP crossover.
-GM, master of devil fruits.

Group Admin

Ashes of the Wind removed as it was just a RWBY/MLP crossover.
-GM, master of Penny.

Group Admin

Sonic Frontiers: Into the Unknown removed for only having four crossover components. If this was done in error please send me a list of at least five crossovers present in the fic.

-GM, master of Cosmo.

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