Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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This looks like the sort of thing that would fit here and people would have fun with, considering the scope of the story and it already dabbling in meta.

So United Superweapons. Practically overpowered insanity given form. As described by a guy on Spacebattles forums:

Righteousness said:

It's Phantom Llama and Bugiopopuu's pet project from about a decade back. It's one of the SB Overpowers, with the others being OBS, Microsoft Imperium (Hollewanderer's), and the Hats (Captain Hat). (MJ12 also made one on a similar level, Metacraft.)Each represented a specific type of hyperpower, Microsoft Imperium was overpower by insanity (think toon force), Hats was overpower by scale, OBS was overpower by one-upmanship and USW was overpower by capability. USW had extremely high capability, taking pre-emptive strikes and higher knowledge to a whole 'nother level. You have some uberwank device that could destroy them? Too bad they killed you before you even managed to consider firing. Of course, they're (and the other Overpowers, for that matter) so obscenely overpowered that there's basically nothing in fiction that could remotely compare to them, omnipotents included.

To quote Phantom Llama on a quick overview of what it is.

Phantom Llama said:


There is United Superweapon, which was the ultimate result of about three years of Buugipopuu and I trying to one-up each other with progressively more powerful technology. The only guideline was that you had to come up with a mechanism by which it worked and derive capabilities from that, rather than just saying 'Our new uberium armour is 10 billion times stronger than diamond!!1'.

It has spawned a great many things, including Macrohadronic Armour, which is stronger than the space it occupies, Exclusion Spheres, which bend space to such an extent that the inside is not topologially connected to the outside, femtosecond afternoons, no less than four weapons capable of destroying all existence, and The Computer That Has Thought Of Everything.

In it's current incarnation, it is more powerful than the rest of sci-fi combined, including all the unpublished fanwank-verses I have seen. (Yes, that includes OBS, and mj's SB military) This is largely due to the fact that it has more than 5 seperate cop-out autowin tactics to call upon.

So yeah, practically created to be stupid overpowered. Literally the one of the weakest "ships" is capable of multiversal annihilation by moving.

Righteousness said:

Anyways, off the top of my head (I can fish for some quotes if I put my mind to it)...
*A 'Piano Wire' Class Battle Universe has a diameter of three point five trillion lightyears with point defense cannons larger than the observable universe. It shreds multiverses it passes through with its safeties off and it can accelerate at 10^38c/ns (3*10^52 km/s/s). It has ten billion lightyear thick marcohadronic armor, which as said in the quote above is thicker than the space is occupies (it's also four dimensional). IIRC Bugiopopuu calced it taking more energy than contained in the universe to destroy a square inch of that stuff. And those are just its basic systems, with weapons not included. Oh, and it's the weakest, most basic and outdated model of battle universes and regarded as little more than an annoyance. Here's a picture of it

*A standard sidearm is a 'Jesus Cannon', which fires and burns up an omnipresent deity every shot.
*their capability is so precise that they can instantly arrange enough individual subatomic particles into a star with little effort.
*they created the second dimension of time just so they could travel through it more easily.
There's a lot more. And after writing this, I'm seriously thinking of just compiling their feats.

So yeah. I don't really even know what to say at this point. Point defense cannon bullets are larger than our local group of galaxies, and everything in that quote. It's absolutely broken.

All the surviving pictures from photobucket below, from largest scale to smallest.

And apparently there is another thing like this called the Sluggsverse, which is so overpowered that even this would not even register on their radar. I couldn't make any sort of sense of that, so you'll have to google it if you want to know anything.

Group Admin

Ah yes, this came up when designing the SotS multiverse. It was deemed that it was just TOO BIG to include, though the "piano wire" superweapons were later adapted into the weapons of the Xeelee, a Class 1 society, though they aren't exactly the same as shown here. The 'Jesus Cannon' was just a bit too much. It also assumes universes are physical balls with things on the edges, which SotS does not. It was chucked as being 'too far outside the Tower to actually exist.'

As for Suggsverse, that is a thing literally invented by a guy who was tired of losing versus debates so he created his own fictional universe that nothing could EVER beat. There's so much BS that doesn't even make sense in the descriptions about that place it's just a nightmare to parse. It's a powerful story, yes, but even the Tower has to go "WAIT HOLD UP" from time to time.

-GM, master of red beans.

Group Admin

Though good on you for finding this, it is an example of higher-multiversal stuff that we do like around here. It just got a little too stupid big.

-GM, master of fish.

And all these weapons are of course nothing compared to the dark tower, which can preemptively decide that their story would not be worth telling.

Yeah, this is way too powerful for your multiverse setting. Although nothing says that the multiverse necessarily is the only one in existence...

It also assumes universes are physical balls with things on the edges, which SotS does not.

To be fair, that's just a representation on paper. While the piano wire-class battle universe might a perfect hyper-sphere, the universe itself should still be an amorphous blob of existence "floating" in a higher-dimensional space. If I remember correctly, in your setting, anything that exists outside of a universe and comes into contact with the sea of infinite possibilities is entirely and without fail eliminated from existence? So for the superweapons to work in this setting they would have to generate their own universe bubbles around them, which would kind of ruin the whole point of weaponry that can exist outside of the universe, or at least severely limit their efficiency.

Group Admin


anything that exists outside of a universe and comes into contact with the sea of infinite possibilities is entirely and without fail eliminated from existence?

This is correct.

Swip and TSAB ships create their own universe bubbles around them. But yeah, it would ruin the point of weaponry that exists outside a universe.

-GM, master of bubbles.


Ah yes, this came up when designing the SotS multiverse. It was deemed that it was just TOO BIG to include, though the "piano wire" superweapons were later adapted into the weapons of the Xeelee, a Class 1 society, though they aren't exactly the same as shown here. The 'Jesus Cannon' was just a bit too much. It also assumes universes are physical balls with things on the edges, which SotS does not. It was chucked as being 'too far outside the Tower to actually exist.'

Piano wiring intensifies....

Joke battles wiki intensifies...
Jbw is where everyone immediately made everyone beyond omnipotent and battles are decided by meme status.

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