Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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Group Admin

Songs of the Spheres

130 - {S} Climax

Funding Status

In Bank:

$1,527.92 USD

Last payment (hopefully:) 52.00 USD for the video editing.

Spent: $1683.10USD (plus around ~$400 with in-person paper money, so in the end it did cost about 2000 dollars.)
Images completed: 55 COMPLETE

Income Sources:
The Vampire Chronicles
Patreon: $104 a month

madina55rus (10 images)
Paid: 333.00 (done!)

Lola (8 images)
Paid: 187.09 Expected: (Done!)

HoodwinkedTales (4 images)
Paid: 297.00 (Done!)

Ebony Sable (5 images)
Paid: 160.00 (Done!)

Devilaphoenix (11 images)
Piad: 275.00 Expected: (Done!)

LizardTales (six images)
Paid: 263.00 (Done!)

Lytre-Yarn (two images)
Paid: 25.00 (Done!)

$200 USD May 20 from TheDriderPony
$1,000 USD June 4 from Zebulon
Zebulon's income matching for June 5 to July 4: $355
These made up most of the funding for 130, and all of it was used. Thank you!

If you don't know what any of this is, maybe go read this blog post.

You can put any and all questions you may have in a reply to this post.


Group Admin

Just got $200 from TheDriderPony that was... a great confidence boost that this might work! THANKS!

-GM, master of ants.

Fellow readers,

I believe I'm not the only one who thinks GMBlackjack has created something special through writing Songs of the Spheres. That's why I'm putting out the call for folks to help GMBlackjack accomplish their vision for chapter 130. To incintivize donations for the completion of SotS 130, I will match all contributions made towards this effort over the next month. Upon the conclusion of 4 July, once GMBlackjack totals up the contributions he's received between 5 June through 4 July, I will make a matching donation up to $1500.

With y'all's help to contribute towards this $1500 goal over the next month, along with my donation match, GMBlackjack should be able to reach the $4000 needed to make Chapter 130 awesome with some margin available. Let's do this!



P.S. My social media presence is nonexistent - please help me spread the call for folks willing to contribute towards GMBlackjack making SotS chapter 130 amazing.

Group Admin

Thanks! I'll get to posting my things in a few hours (I'm about to leave) but don't worry, I'll do what I can to spread the word.

Again, super, duper, amazing thanks. I won't repeat my excited rant I already sent you, but everybody, find a way to show this guy some apprciation.

-GM, master of Z.

To all who enjoy Songs of the Spheres,

Happy Friday! If you've been looking forward to seeing the climax of GMBlackjack's epic story - now is the time for us to fuel his vision for chapter 130! Let's channel our generousity this weekend by donating towards GM's efforts to make SotS as great as it can be! As a reminder, I will match contributions towards the completion of chapter 130 made through the 4th of July. Let's make this happen!

Have an excellent weekend,

- Zebulon

Ack, I meant to donate by now (lets just say it's been a difficult month, ok?)! Can I please stick a placeholder note in until GM gets back from his break so I can discuss it with him?

Group Admin

That's up to him entirely.

I'm still not back, but here's what I've calculated (not counting whatever... triv might be doing):
New Commissions: 255
New patrons: 100 (This is not how much I will receive when I payout, since Patreon cuts off some of the top, but it is what was donated).
total: $355

-GM, master of not being here.

Runtrivena, I'll match verbal or written commitments to donate, even if the money doesn't hit GMBlackjack's account before the contribution matching period ends. To give folks time for any last minute commitments, I'll match contributions (promised or paid) through 2359 Pacific time on 5 July.

GMBlackjack, I'll send the 355 now. Please add Runtrivena's promised contribution to any other last minute commitments/contributions through the end of today, and I'll match those as well.

Thank you, everyone, for y'all's generousity in helping GMBlackjack achieve his vision for Songs of the Sphere's!



Group Admin

Edited the status above to reflect your new contribution: I cannot stress how far this will go. Depending on if I keep finding cheap artists / calling in favors, we might have enough to pull it off now.

Not that I can know for sure. Really depends on how everything goes.

haven't got anything from you yet.

-GM, master of mousemallows.

I'm going to donate AUD50; for matching purposes, call it USD35.

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