Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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By Masterweaver's suggestion, here is a glossary of helpful multiversal terms. Keep in mind many items on this list are called several different things in the multiverse, their most prominent/helpful name is just what's used here. I'm splitting it up into two sections: a glossary for the multiverse as a whole that will be true no matter what era of the multiverse you're writing in, and stuff specific to Merodi Universalis citizens. Feel free to ask for words to be added or defined as you wish. It is not going to be complete when first posted.

Terms for the Multiverse In General

Aware: Naturally gifted with SOME form of an ability to detect ka or the narrative.

The Dark Tower: The structure at the center of the Multiverse that is responsible for ka. Built in the 'early' lifespan of the multiverse by the long-lost Builders in an attempt to define meaning, the Dark Tower is connected to every universe and has reaches and doors that lead everywhere. The room at the top of the Tower holds many great secrets. Few are physically allowed to enter the Tower, and those that are are changed by it in a way few recognize, including themselves.

Earth: The most common 'world template' in the entire multiverse. It has been this way for as long as the Tower has been around.

Eldritch: The word 'eldritch' is used in two different ways. The first, and most general one, simply means a being that exists so far outside the standard three-space physics that looking upon it causes a headache if not causing outright madness. These tend to be things like Cthulhu, Majora, and other beings of twisted darkness that Should Not Be. The second definition is more specialized, referring to a type of esoteric ability. While some abilities come from within (spirit) and others from the ambient (arcane), the third class comes from devotion or adherence to an ideal or being, known as 'eldritch' or 'power beyond understanding'. The definition here is notably muddled, but it includes things like Demons and Divine creature's powers, with a neutral 'Deviant' class where most of the things like Cthulhu sit.

Equis: The standard name for a pony-based world, though it's not as definite as 'Earth'. One of the most common world templates for non-human worlds.

Ka: The force that forces reality to conform to stories such as models of heroes and villains, climaxes, and epic battles. This is produced by the construct at the center of the Multiverse, the Dark Tower. Ka itself is able to be manipulated, but no being or world is free from it. The exact nuances and 'rules' of ka are poorly understood, which makes sense considering how it's supposed to be a mysterious story-driving force.

Metatime: In any given universe, the flow of time may be a twisted mess of knots and loops or may not exist at all. Despite this, the multiverse always moves forward in a single dimension of progression, making a 'past' and a 'present' that includes all these loops and non-standard times. Since time travel messes with the perception of causality a lot, you'll find a lot of people referring to 'metatime' to keep everything straight. You may travel to a place three billion years in the past of Universe A but from the 'metatime' standpoint, most other universes experience about a second, depending on the rules of time travel involved.

Prophet: A person who's fictional works are used by the Tower to define reality. They are rarely aware of this ability. Prophets almost always have hundreds of thousands of alternate versions that are not real Prophets, making it exceptionally hard to find a Prophet by choice.

Translation: stepping from one universe to another through any method.

Terms for Merodi Universalis

Division: One of the twelve (secretly thirteen) primary Divisions of Merodi Universalis, including Relations, Expeditions, Military, Expansion, Aid, Cultural, Commerce, Education, Oversight, Justice, Research, and Labor. (+ Intelligence).

Merodi: Shortened version of Merodi Universalis. Usually used when referring to people from the nation while the full Merodi Universalis is used when talking about the nation as a whole.

Second: The second-in-command of a Division, working directly under the Overhead. Given higher authority than a universal representative.

Overhead: The leader of one of the Twelve Divisions of Merodi Universalis. Serves for life unless they step down or are forced out.

Universal Representative: the representative chosen by a member universe of Merodi Universalis. They have authority under that of a Division's Second. Some universes have more than one of these in cases of major disagreement, but most just have one.

Prophet: A person who's fictional works are used by the Tower to define reality. They are rarely aware of this ability. Prophets almost always have hundreds of thousands of alternate versions that are not real Prophets, making it exceptionally hard to find a Prophet by choice.

So I'm a Prophet...? And I'm an "Alternate Version...?" curioser feat. curiouser... We both were on the understanding that the Tower made my Universe... and I was allowed to watch it and chronicle it...

Who'd have thought it?


Perhaps. Or maybe we are the step above the Dark Tower. It is all up for interpretation

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