Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,150 members · 291 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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As some of you may know, I created a Need help with a new RGRE story I'm making with a friend forum and I posted my new story The Warrior in a Mare's World last night. Somehow it gained a lot of popularity so fast that it was able to be featured! I'm so happy about this because I've never had any of my stories featured before so this made me really excited and honored to have one of my stories given so much love and I only have one chapter currently.

This has really motivated me to actually work more on this story with my friend as chapter two is currently in the works as we speak. While we're on the subject, someone commented that I need an editor for my story and I kinda have to agree with them. I'm calling out editors familiar enough with RGRE stories to help me and my friend out by editing the first chapter and any future chapter I can get out. If you're interested then please comment down below or PM me and we'll what we can do.

Thank you for your time and especially for getting my story in the featured section of Fimfiction, have a great day!:pinkiehappy:

If you don't have any luck here, try this group:

Just be sure to follow the instructions! I'd love to help but I've never published a story before, I am learning the ropes as of now.

I would do it, but my computer won’t get on fimfiction so I have to use my phone. Sorry

I’m in the process of writing a review for your story right now. I’ll warn you that I am a harsh reviewer and I’ll check the entire story in order to find inconsistencies, bad writing/grammar and any/all areas that can be changed/edited in order to improve the story.

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