Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,151 members · 293 stories
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So me and my buddy GrandNECROM1998 are in the process of making a RGRE story with my OC RonI and in this one he's a warrior/adventurer from a fantasy/advanced technological Earth where the people have access to Ki, elemental powers, etc and its also filled with bizarre and powerful monsters he has to deal with on a daily basis. On his way home from completing a job, he is suddenly pulled into Equestria via a portal appearing out of nowhere and ends up in the Everfree Forest. I know it's probably unoriginal at this point but that's what I'm going for at this point.

Anyway once arriving in the Everfree, RonI decided to try and leave the forest and find civilization while figuring out where the heck he is. That is until he comes Rainbow Dash with a broken wing and about to get eaten by Timber Wolves so he jumps in to help her but when she discovers that he's a male...she's not exactly happy as to her and most Mare's in Equestria Males are the ones that need protection not the other way around.

I want to know what her reaction would be from being saved by RonI due to living in an Equestria where the female/male gender ratio is screwed all the way to hell and back and the mares are much more in command. Does anyone have any good ideas for us?

If ya do please comment your thoughts and I'll get back to ya soon, thank you for your time.

Probably she'll act tough like she was faking the injury and waiting for an opening or the right moment.

I agree, at the right moment/opening she would probably try to tell him off for putting himself at risk, then sigh and thank him for saving her.
She would then try question him about things such as "where is your mare?" And other questions related to that topic after they have left the everfree



Ok, thank you both for your input. I kinda wanna base this hella loosely of Distorted Flare's story The Scent: Lust of Mares which is my far my favorite RGRE story of all time.

I have two suggestions depending on the severity of the gender roles.

1. If the roles are simply switched between genders then RD might have some hurt pride but hide it. In the long term, RD might end up making friends with Roni or simply respect him and acknowledge that he is quite capable.

2. If the roles are very extreme then RD would take a more bull-headed approach and drag his ass to Ponyville like the marely mare she is, but might have her reluctances.

It defiantly options two my friend, however, with RD being hurt there's no way she'll be able to drag RonI anywhere so he has to carry her

Even without RGRE elements rainbow is brash and depending on how far she is in her character development would either play off her state of distress and berate the protagonist, or try to act "cool." How bad is the ratio between mares and stallions here?

About 96% are mares and the other 4% are stallions. Luckily this is only limited to Equestria and not other parts of the world.

Can ponies create pony offspring with other species? Also, in that case I feel like the protagonist might be carted off against his will to be protected if that's the case (until they realize he's not a pony). Rainbow would probably not let him leave her sight at the very least.

I assume that's the kind of angle your going for If lust of mares is the inspiration.

Sorta yes and Mares can breed with other males from other species but they usually avoid Equestria due to the mindset that males are weaker than them and them trying to protect the male. Also, they will try to cart him off against his will however my OC is a fighter due to living in a world where he has to fight monsters and people with powers on a daily basis.

Your welcome, I'm also working on another story which is in an RGRE style Equestria, only the gender ratio is 85% mares to 15% stallions, so I had this kinda planned out already.

I'll tell you more about the story if you want to hear it.

She sure as hell won't like it. "Put me down, this is my job" "I don't like this, but I'm horny as fuck" "Can you make me a sandwich when I take you home?"

Will equestria try to kidnapping more males then (by force or secret)? The extinction of their species could be a powerful motivator.

I can see Lightning Dust doing/leading that.

They have in the past before but the other races didn't like that all too much and worked together as one, they basically treated a global war against Equestria if they try shit like that again.

Why her specifically? I feel like it would be more a government sanctioned op than just random civilians.

Seriously why does Lighting Dust get so much hate? As far as I know, we don't know jack shit about her besides that one episode where she nearly kills Twilight and crew.

Mainly cause she would try this just so Rainbow did get a male she liked.

I agree we know nothing about her backstory and the like.

I think it was because she never tries to get redeemed and wants nothing more than to One Up Rainbow Dash.

Agree with both your points but gotta say she might have a breakdown in the second option when Applejack questions her oj what happens. I can just imagine the face of RD when she knows she can't fib on how a male saved her.

Fair point




Wait that gives me an idea, what if LD shows up out of nowhere and challenges RD, they fight, and they both end up crashing into the Everfree breaking their wing in the process and RonI has to save both of them?

Hmm, LD could do one of two things;

  1. She tries to fight Roni and prove Mares are better.
  2. She tries to seduce Roni to try and One Up RD.

I don't think we honestly need LD. Her attacking Rainbow feels out of character for her.

Well if you think so, but I will have her show up later in the story.

Does it though? Her last words to RD was "RIVALS FOR LIFE!!" after she nearly got Scootaloo killed and called her a wuss or something like that for 'chickening out' of the stunt.

That's fine, just try to avoid the pitfalls of shitting on her too hard, unless it serves a purpose.




So what do you guys think the reaction the rest of the Main6, Celestia, Luna, and Candace's reactions would be to my OC when they first meet him?

In one word?
Fluttershy = Shy
Rarity = Curious
Pinkie = Excited
Twilight = Study
Applejack/Rainbow/Celestia/Luna/Candance = Cuatious

Well he is a male with bizarre powers and a fighter so it's to be expected

Oh, what about Barbra? (Female Spike)

will be anthro or the originals:rainbowhuh:

Luna and Tia would probably exercise caution, and although he's a male, I don't think they would try to strong arm him into helping their race, they can get other males far more easily than a trained warrior.

I'm the wrong guy to ask about that.

Anthro but they have human feet instead of hooves

I meant what would be her reaction to RonI

Well, if your OC isn't a limp-dicked sissy they would have to repress their arousal in the worst way possible by inviting him to the castle and dropping too many innuendos for it to be a kid-friendly. At the castle, they try to negotiate (Plead) with him to jack off in a cup or just fuck them all then and there. Damn it, all I need is a shot of vodka and a pillow to cry in because I wish I was this lucky. BUT NO, I would get the fuck out of there like Usain Bolt, throwing some insults at them and my ass out the nearest window (Also I'm not of age). Um, maybe between that RD has her doubts about her perception of stallions and whether or not she should keep him as a...whatever the male equivalent of a maid is.

OR, the mane 6 discover Roni being kept in RD's home and claim it to be abuse because Dash miraculously came over female is superior mentality and Roni is seen lounging like a normal fucking person on the couch watching horse TV. Yes, mlp has TV.

Barbra = Friendly

Hell yes. Plus some of RonI's techniques are based or inspired by Dragon's so she would defiantly take an interest in him

One quick question I got. Do...the horse people go naked? That is a whole 'nother can of worms for every character involved. In a good way, don't worry it adds more depth to the culture shock.

Some do, Tree Hugger is a prime example due to being a hippie and Zecora on occasion as she wears the skimpiest tribal clothing possible due to being from the Savannah

Comment posted by FirewaspRambo deleted Jun 21st, 2020

Oh yeah I think Fluttershy would do it too sometimes since she hangs out with Tree Hugger a lot...although she might have to get high enough on Equestria's version of weed to do so:trixieshiftright:

I feel like Equestria's version of weed would be called Steed or something, idk why

Well, as most guys will agree to this on Earth, guys REALLY like it when a girl wants to/can be around them (especially if they're pretty), so, in an RGRE, finding a guy who's tough enough to beat on Timberwolves is exactly the kind of male Rainbow Dash could actually stand to be around. No froo-froo pansies worried about hair or smelling good, but ready to take on life. So, nominally impressed, though, would tone it down around town where anyone but her closest friends could hear her brag about some guy with moves like Daring Do, and flash like a sorceress. Though, she would, of course, particularly play up how busted up she'd gotten in front of Applejack, and make an equivocation to how well she might have bucked the timberwolf in her stead if one of her back legs had been busted.
Remember, two people of the opposite sex are allowed to be just friends.
Two people of the same sex however, and it all goes out the window. They simply have to be a homosexual couple if they show even the slightest bit of kindness to the other. Treating someone of the same sex as an actual person means that interaction is "queer coded".

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