Imposing Sovereigns 349 members · 158 stories
Comments ( 29 )
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Feel kind of awkward making the only thread here, but best place for it given what I'm doing. Since this event coming out coincided with with me getting back into reviews, and a lot of authors I follow put up stories for it, decided, why not review ALL the stories. First part is up and ready to go, doing it in batches based on the type of story, first up is the first half of the Warrior section.

That's pretty awesome. Good luck! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for doing this!

5881796 Your welcome, hopefully be able to do at least one batch of reviews a week, Warrior is two parts, but will do the other sections as one post for all the fics in it.

Group Admin

Well, this should be very interesting. Plus, you beat PresentPerfect to the punch, so there are some definite bragging rights. Thanks for taking this upon yourself.

5881866 :yay:

And thanks, seemed like a good idea at the time. Now to see if it still does after a half dozen more of these. :derpytongue2:

Reviews for each and every one of them? Sweet. It'll be nice to get a more complete idea of all the stuff here without having to read each and every one of them myself. I'll be watching for them, and thanks for doing this!


Haha, another soul risks their peace and sanity for our amusement. Review, good sir. Go ye hero: go forth and die bravely. :trollestia:

5882010 "We who are about to die in some kind of tragic, yet bizarre and humorous typing related way salute you!"

5881960 :yay: Thanks for the support! :twilightsmile:

A neat endeavor, if I do say so myself!

I think I'll hold off on reading the reviews until the winners are announced, though, for my threadbare excuse for sanity's sake. :pinkiecrazy:

5881725 I'll just add another pat on the back for be willing to do this. :twilightsmile:

Part two of the look at the Warrior category is up, finish that group off.

Get it here

And again thank for all the encouragement from everyone. Shouldn't say 'it makes it all worth it' since this is fun enough on it's own and all that stuff you always hear/tell others about it. But it does help a lot. So again thanks.

One set down, time to see how great the Usurper stories are. first one read and... ohhh this is going to be painful to write a review for.....

I know it won't likely happen until the fifth set (if you do 5 per set and I can count), but I still feel compelled to warn you that the link to my entry on the contest page links directly to the specific story chapter, and that the story description is little more than a disclaimer for a reason.

Aside from that, good luck on the reviews as a whole. :twilightsmile:

5890014 Ah, kind of figured that was the case given the fic description, this would be a one shot chapter in a collection type deal.

And not so much 5 each now, that was just for the Warrior one, I split it in half due to it's size. The rest will be all the fics in each category, but yeah still fifth.


first one read and... ohhh this is going to be painful to write a review for.....

Oh boy, that would be mine, wouldn't it? Well, don't be afraid to fire away! I like to think that my time at the Writeoffs has given me pretty thick skin, and I already know that my entry wasn't exactly the strongest. :derpytongue2:

5894296 Heh, fun timing, I JUST finished writing the review for your fic.

So either it's not the one I was referring to... or I am just way to damn lazy.... either is quite likely. Hopefully you'll find out soon.

Sorry about the delay, blame new Pony distracting me, and some really odd work days.

Reviews for Imposing Sovereigns: Partiers are up.

5935525 Thanks for doing these! They've helped me pick out which stories I want to prioritize reading myself. There are a heck of a lot to go through!

5935579 Yes there are, and glad you enjoyed it and it helped.

This contest really did bring out a lot of great talent.

Group Admin

Thank you for taking the time to go through everything. I may not agree with all of your assessments, but I still appreciate that you took the time to perform them.

5935734 :twilightsmile: Thanks, glad you liked them, and well... that's why doing this kind of stuff is great, getting different takes on stuff.

Thanks again for hosting his competition and the support for this idea!

Thanks again for doing all these reviews! Some of my favorite parts were when we'd agree on how we felt about a particular story, but had completely different reasons as to why.

5935808 Those are always some of the best. Especially when you end up going "Huh, I see that now! Yeah.. that just makes it all the more awesome!"

And SEE! I reviewed your whole fic without once messing up a to/too usage. :derpytongue2:

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