Pinkie Pie 494 members · 1,042 stories
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Group Admin

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery! Today is a gift — that's why it's called the present!

List of Applicants

Hello, hello! — your favorite blonde witch, Wicked, here! And today is a special day for all of us lovely ponk fans that populate the planet. No, it's not her birthday — though we'll be doing something for that next year — and no, it's not even nation pink day. Then what can this special occasion be? Well! Nothing but World Smile Day, of course.

Why is World Smile Day so important? Because it's the day we celebrate the one mare that spreads same smiles throughout Equestria — Pinkamena Diane Pie herself. And this year, we'll be having a group collaboration to celebrate it. A group collab that needs your amazing writing skills in order to make it really stand out from the rest!

Introducing: The Pinkamena Pie Group Collaboration

Pinkie recounts the story of how Equestria was made. Or more specifically, how she ended up making Equestria for the second time.

After the complete wipeout of every living creature in Equestria but herself, a group of authors tell her story of how she restored her homeland, friends, and family with nothing but a life-creating tablet from the heavens. Thank you for the story idea, negatorri.

In order to begin with the group collaboration, we'll need a couple of things. And obviously, one of our first requirements is at least 15 authors on board the lovely Ponka Po express. We can't complete this project with a staff, and no doubt you have the potential to turn same project into something amazing, though we do understand if you may be too anxious to apply. We hope that you'll give the project a chance however, as this fic could really raise the roof for our bud of a character group. Remember: we can't have our group be on the bottom of the other M6 groups! We gotta rise the tippity-tippity-top! - or at least as close as we can get.

Each section must be at least 1,000K with a maximum of 4,000K. Please don't try to coax the person in front or behind you into doing a specific idea either, as you should leave that to the imagination - after all, nobody did it to you. Just make sure that you pick up the person in front of you's idea smoothly, and make it easy for those after you. Besides the desc. given, there is also no specific order or outline, so make sure to have fun with it! Do make sure it's teen or lower though.

Each author will have a total of four days to complete their part before the rotation moves on. You will have until 12:00AM at midnight to submit your piece, though I will allow anything ten minutes after - so 12:00 AM at the latest. Come on, guys, I need my sleep.

I stole this idea mainly from the AppleDash and Sunset Shimmer collab - the suckers - so make sure you stick your tongue out extra hard if they come by. Kidding, kidding - be good little kiddos. The order decided will be once the deadline for applicants is due, which will be October 21st. The official start of the project in general will be Halloween itself - to get that spooky-dooky vibe!

I hope to see you all particpate!

Group Admin

Of course! Welcome onboard!

Joined the group moment I saw you were hosting this.
I'm in for the goddess ponk.

I could try. I might not always have the time to write, but I'll do what I can! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Magnifique! Thank you for applying. :twilightsmile:

I'm thinking of maybe joining... I'm still a bit fuzzy on the details, though. Do all of the stories have to build off of the above prompt? And then... the previous author will give you an idea to continue?


Group Admin

’Yello! Oh, we'd be bless to have you onboard! :pinkiehappy:

Basically, my dear Harmony, the person assigned with writing the first chapter will be the one to look at the prompt and create something from it. They'll use the description like a base and write off it.

After that, the person who writes the following chapter now has the first chapter to use as a base, but can create whatever they desire — as long as it ties in the theme.

If you would allow it, I would love to sign up for this. Pinkie Pis is, 100%, my favorite pony and This just seems Absatviely-posolutely FUN! :pinkiehappy:

Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. In which case, put me down for a heartfelt "yes"! :pinkiehappy:

In all seriousness, while I may or may not be busy that month with NaPoWriMo, I'll see what I can do. After all, 1k-4k words should be manageable enough.

Group Admin

Of course! Welcome onboard.

Welcome onboard! If anything becomes too busy for ya, don't feel anxious about coming up to me. I'll try and make things easy for you.

Oh, okay! Sure, I'd love to join, but I don't think I could go first... sign me up please <3

Put me where you feel I'd do best. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Of course! No worries, first can go to someone else. :pinkiesmile:

While it's usually random, I feel like any position you're in would still have your potential shining.

You can do it, Harmony! I saw this and just hoped you would, too! I'll be watching for your part as the story comes out. It sounds like a great Pinkie premise for a storyline.


Are you going to do it?


No worries. As for the placements, I must inform you that I won't be available for the last third of November due to prior engagements. However, I'm fine for the first twenty days of that month and for pretty much any time during December (barring the three main Christmas Days, natch).

January's a little iffier, assuming the collaboration project extends that far. However, the first half should be OK, and I'll get back to you on the rest if need be.

Also, if you're accepting requests, and unless I'm being too picky, I'd rather not be first or last. Second or penultimate is probably manageable. Anything else I don't mind.

I might just give it a try!

6150624 i have a question- we'll be picking up the story off the chapter from the last author, right? Is that the only one we get to read? If so, how do we avoid accidentally writing about the same thing as someone in earlier chapters?

Group Contributor


I stole this idea mainly from the AppleDash and Sunset Shimmer collab

If I could have a link to check those out, I'd really appreciate it.


I think I've found the AppleDash collab, but I'm unsure. This is the fic and this is possibly the thread. Haven't been able to find any others, though that might just be because I'm not looking in the right places.

Better yet is the more recent Sunset Shimmer one. This is the fic: And this is the thread:

I'm guessing the Sunset collab (more accurately the Sunlight collab) is the one we're going to be imitating, as it's the most recent, it's the better organized (for a given definition of "organized"), and it's actually been completed, so we have an idea of what to expect from start to finish.


If the Sunset version is anything to go by, the answers are respectively: Yes; No; You should be able to browse all previous ones in the thread, though I think the whole point is to take our chances either way.

6151559 Ok, in that case, i think i'd like to join. i'm not the best at deadlines, so maybe place me in one of later spots?

Group Admin

Indeed it is! I'm planning for this project to be as organized and neat as possible, and I know that the Sunlight Slinders project is the very definition of collaboration perfection — or at least, very-very close to it.

I'm hoping that you'll be thinking about joining the collaboration, as well!

Group Admin

Of course, welcome onboard.

Sign me up. This should be a fun idea.

Group Admin

’Course! – welcome on the team.

Oh dear. Deadline's looming, and we're still a few authors short of the total. I'm posting a promotional blog entry to raise awareness of the project. Here's hoping we get some more volunteers! This project is too fascinating to leave behind. :rainbowdetermined2:


Also, is it a good idea to promote this project in The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau or The Collab Cage, give or take negotiation via PM's with the admins for the latter? The first group has a substantial following, and the second group seems tailored to recruiting for exactly this sort of project.

EDIT: Since the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau allows repeat promotions after one week, I've taken the liberty of adding another. Please let me know if you'd like it modified and/or removed:


Apologies for the late check, but I must admit I'm wondering if the project is being delayed or is no longer going to go ahead. I imagine other users would be curious too. Not that I mind if it is one or the other - this is your show, after all, not mine - but I'd greatly appreciate confirmation one way or the other.

Thank you in advance. :pinkiesmile:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Main trouble, I think, aside from number of applicants, is that NotSoWickedWitch, who was running it, doesn't look like they've logged in since Nov. 10th. And while I'm an admin here, I wouldn't have time for taking over any sort of collaboration myself.

If someone wants to take over and reboot this collaboration or start a new one, I wouldn't have a problem with it, tho'. Might not be a bad idea to start a new thread and see if anypony new wants in after determining who is still interested, if you go that route.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

*Poof* You are now an admin again!

I may have been occasionally bumping admins that left the site long enough down to contributor...

This probably honestly makes me head admin of yet another group, too. Sounds like a plan to me, though.

--Sweetie Belle


For the record: If it can get off the ground, I'll gladly reserve a seat for this flight. Just need date and time, and I'll be there.


Sure, I can wait. Say the word as soon as we're ready.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's funny how often I'll be one of the admins in a group, then the main admin'll go inactive and I'll end up as the head. I've got a feeling I'm head of the Twilight Sparkle group now, too, since the main admin is down to logging in once a week or so.

Site admin might be a little harder to drift into, tho'.

Looking at the list, you can probably cross off Apomiixis. They were last on the site Oct 18, and first on the site Oct 1st. QuirkyGalade hasn't been on since Nov 14th, either...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, it isn't really that surprising, because one reason why I volunteer as admin so much and accept adminships is that I don't like groups going adminless, and I always figure it's a good idea to be there if something does happen. Often I volunteer as an admin on groups where the main admin's already not doing that much adminning.

There are plenty of cases where I'd rather have the admin I was taking over from back, too. I miss Lumie...

And no problem. If we need to, we can always go recruiting for a few admins, too.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the new thread!

--Sweetie Belle

6234927 You know, i randomly remembered this recently and thought "Crap! Was i supposed to have something written by now?!" and then saw there had been no new word in the thread. :twilightblush:

i'm still interested in doing something, though i won't have much writing time the rest of the year....

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