My Little Mix-Race / Hybrids / Half Breeds 150 members · 221 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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Group Admin

Please put your O.C.'s bio here

I'll come up with some and I'll let you know.

Sun Flower

Sun Flower is a chimera between an earth pony and a pegasus. Her parents met when her mother visited her father's farm to deliver a supply of rain. After she moved to Cloudsdale, she missed the fields of flowers from her fillyhood home and decided to bring something like them up to the skies. Using obsolete weather production equipment from a number of surplus auctions, she produced a levitating hydroponic garden just outside the city. She spends her spare time maintaining this garden, enjoying the colors and smells of the flowers. The garden is open to anypony who wishes to visit, so long as they agree not to pick too many flowers or deliberately mess up the flowerbeds.

Falling Star

Falling Star is a tetragametic chimera between an earth pony and a unicorn. Like his father, he is a patrol officer who prefers keeping the routes over working from behind a desk.

His mixed traits make him look like a magically stunted unicorn, but he makes up for his limited magic with his strength and stamina. He is known to have chased criminals down to the limit of their endurance.

When off-duty, he can usually be found shooting the breeze with the other officers from his shift at The Water Hole. He is also a regular volunteer for Samaritan's Saddlebags, and often finds himself repairing roofs and pulling away fallen tree limbs after natural (and the occasionally unnatural) disasters.

Obsidian Crystal

Obsidian is a the child of the unicorn stallion Quartz Stone and the pegasus mare Gneiss Crystal. His younger sister, Feldspar Stone, is a regular pegasus.

He is a tetragametic chimera of a unicorn and a pegasus. The most noticeable manner in which this manifests itself is the fact that he has wings and a horn, although it also manifests in his eye color. He has one blue eye and one green one.

Because he is two types of pony put together, his magic is split between the two types, which means he can become drained quite easily if he overuses magic from either of them.

Rather unusually, he can channel pegasus magic through his horn, boosting the strength of other pegasi or allowing other ponies to use pegasus abilities such as cloudwalking. This does, however require that he constantly maintain the magic field around them, which contributes significantly towards his risk of magic drain.

He enjoys making up games, looking at the stars, and hanging out with his sister.

He thoroughly hates being mistaken for an alicorn.

Group Admin

Lol, I also have an O.C. named Sunflower-Knot
Zebra Unicorn, (ZebraCorn)

she loves to knit, make knots, be a scout

and you know about CottonRose

half sister of Sunflower

Flame Feather

Flame Feather is the hybrid child of a pegasus father and a kirin mother. He inherited his father's wings, but not his father's ability to interact with clouds. Similarly, he has his mother's nirik form, but not her telekinesis.

Other pegasi in the area would mock his family for their ground-based lifestyle when he was growing up. The family considered moving to his mother's home village to avoid the others several times, but the constraints of his father's job prevented them from doing so.

He has enjoyed flying for as long as he could remember, and his dream from colthood was to be a stunt flyer, but his lower-than-average pegasus magic impeded his ability to fly in the same way as other pegasi. To compensate, he learned to rely on momentum, flying as high as he can, then using gravity to build up speed with which he executes the maneuvers themselves.

As a barnstormer, he often incorporates his nirik form into the finale of his shows, much to the delight of the audiences. His use of that form earned him the nickname "Equine Torch," which is regularly used for his introduction.

Nice style.

I guess if Sunflower-Knot is a Zebracorn, that makes her a mix-race/hybrid too then, which makes this forum a good place for her as well.

Group Admin

Yes, she's a the Daughters of the 4 Moms

any Questions about her sisters ?

do you think all Kirin are female
have you ever seen a male one ?

I don't think they're all female. In fact, whenever I finish coming up with a backstory for Shadowfire from the criminal chapter in that story, I'm making his father a kirin.

Granted, I was rather curious about why they all look the same regardless of whether they're male or female. Turns out, the animators of the show had planned on drawing two body styles for them, somewhat like the more common mares and stallions, but they ran out of time and had to resort to deleting the eyelashes off some of the existing models. Thus, the only visible difference between the two is that males don't have eyelashes and females do.

Group Admin

Are you doing that just because I said that ?

Really ?

The big kirin mystery has finally been solved! After years of debating what makes a kirin male or female, we've finally got a big reveal out of Big Jim over on Twitter.

Eyelashes are the only difference between the males and females, due to time constraints.

This also means Autumn referring to Cinder Glow as a "dude" in the play was just Cinder playing a role.

2019 really is the year of information. Expect more hard hitting news here on Equestria Daily as we fall further and further into pony induced insanity.

any Questions about the 8 Daughters of the 4 Moms ?

what do you think of the story ideal ?
MALE Alicorn/PegaCorn O.C.s Bio !
[hr ]


what do you think of the story ideal ?
MALE Alicorn/PegaCorn O.C.s Bio !

If Light Heart101 wants to do it, I wouldn't mind trying it. I'm not sure where the story would lead, but I've got a feeling it could lead somewhere interesting.

Are you doing that just because I said that ?

Just doing what?

Group Admin

He's a panser do even he doesn't know where the story would go
I have an ideal,
You're O.C. have been living in PonyVille for a will, and then one day, Light becomes an alicorn

making the father the one that is a Kirin

p.s. P.M.

If we were to colab, I'd like to figure out a cohesive plot for it, but I'd want to read your stories first.

Group Admin

7870359 7870400
should we have this chat here ?

I'd like to figure out a cohesive plot for it,

I thought you were a Pancer ?
p.s. here's my ideal
Obsidian Crystal have been living in PonyVille for years, and then one day, Light becomes an alicorn

I'd want to read your stories first.

TA Pegasus Horn
Hello. My name's Obsidian, and before you ask, no. I'm not an alicorn.
Ignimbrite · 21k words  ·  41  0 · 638 views
EHeavier than Air
A flightless pegasus recruits the local half-pegasus to help her take to the air.
Ignimbrite · 1.3k words · 238 views

Figuring out a plot does sound like a good idea. It's not exactly my strongest area, but that won't stop me from trying to help if you want me to.

Also, I wanted to read your stories first too. Light Heart's Origin is great. (Especially the joke about the haircut. I don't know why that one sticks out, but it's a good one.)

Group Admin


Figuring out a plot does sound like a good idea.

What did you have in mind ?

Figuring out a plot does sound like a good idea.

how about... and run away to... MoonRacer ?
Would need to start ready the what if story for that

Also, I wanted to read your stories first too.

I have read both of you two's stories

Also, I wanted to read your stories first too.

Ya that is a funny joke

If you are done reading both of them
maybe you could start reading
MoonRacer: The land of misfits.

TMoonRacer: The land of misfits.
how would the story have been different if the mane 6 wereN'T 100% ponies
NicLove · 168k words  ·  49  3 · 1.9k views

it know other things about Light Heart
p.s. we also have 3 unpublished sequels in his StoryVers

Warning, his backstory will make you feel triggered, you have been warned.

Shred is a dragon/changeling(pre season 6) hybrid with yellow scales, a black underbelly, dragonfly wings, carapace covered forelimbs with holes, bug antenna instead of horns, a black and yellow striped wasp style abdomen at the end of his tail, a blue frill like the drones, and blue bug eyes that have slit pupils to show where he is looking. He also has multiple scars all over his body from fights and the day that he lost his parents.

He can only change the forelimbs only as a limit to the shape changing due to his dragon heritage, the sticky stuff that the changelings use as a replacement for fire breath and can be shot out in a stream, and he has a venom that he uses only in a serious fight.

His parents met when his mother was using his father to get love, but was soon discovered. They fell for each other and soon had Shred. Unfortunately, things aren't always good to those who are different.

The woods near Equestria (the one that is part of the jungle) was home to the family up until the day that the ponies found them. They had decided to have a picnic outside of the trees, and a trio of ponies, who were raised in speciesist households, found Shred as he was playing with some stones and making them into a small fort. He saw them and invited them to play with him, but they made fun of him for how he looked and attacked him. The earth pony punched him hard enough to cause him to leave a small divot and wrecked the fort, the pegasus blew dust into Shred's eyes using the wind being made by their wings, and the unicorn launched the remains of the fort at the blinded hybrid, who became angry and attacked them causing the three to run home to say that they were attacked by a freak. Shred then went to his parents, who were a little freaked out by the multiple wounds on their son's body, and told them what happened. His father said that they needed to leave, but it was too late. The troublemakers' families then appeared via teleportation and attacked Shred's family. His father stayed behind to help keep the ponies back and died in the process. Shred and his mother did make it back to their home, a log cabin, but the speciesist families found them and burned the house down. Inside, Shred and his mother got buried and injured by the burning rubble. Once the fire stopped, Shred's mother, who could barely move due to her taking the brunt of the falling rubble to protect her son, was dragged out and killed after the males, who were left behind to watch for signs of life, had their fun with her. Shred saw the whole thing and completely lost it. The next thing he knew, he had blood covering himself as tears were flowing down his face. He then saw all of the bodies and the destroyed town in shock, sadness, guilt, and regret. That's when he was found by the king of the land of the hybrids and taken back with him after burying his parents.

Group Admin

use this
[spoiler]to had[/spoiler]
to had

That's when he was found by the king of the land of the hybrids and taken back with him after burying his parents.

Do you mean my O.C. Kirouac ?

also this makes me think of my O.C.
Loyal-Dark / Shifting-Surprise

Group Admin

ok, and what do you think of my O.C.

Loyal-Dark / Shifting-Surprise

Years ago, there was a graduation party, with all the school in the neighboring towns coming. There were 3 changeling who decide to come (in disguise) (one as a hot earth-pony stallion (Fire-Breaker), one as a sexy pegasus mare (Fly-Off), and the last one a cute unicorn mare(Heart-Kiss) ) to feed on the love to young adults desperate to be no longer be the one in there group of friends to be only one stell single. They want to chatted with the the ponies using there there changeling-magic/Emotion-Detection to do a Cold-Reading.
One of the mares (Hotherly) with a Girly Pink body, Fresh Lavender Purple mane & tail, Sunshine Yellow eyes, who was a bit drunk, was super fascinated and impressed that she invited one of them to come with her up-stairs, the one disguised as the earth-pony stallion want with her, being encourage by Heart-Kiss, not knowing was she wanted, but he could sens that she love his persona, so he didn't mind nor did he ask questions. She dragged him into one of the room that had a bed, when he realized what was going on it was to late. She pushed him onto the bed and they had some fun. Well, fun for her. do you want to know more ?
when they were done, she pasted out on his. he moved her off of his, and went down-stairs, living her to sleep. When he got down-stairs he immediately left the party.
the one disguise as the pegasus mare flu off after she got annoyed of the none pegasus stallion touching her wings.
Will the one disguise as the unicorn mare had stayed until the end of the party, making-out with both stallions and mares.

When Hotherly woke-up she realized that she had casual-sex with a stanger, which wasn't the first time she did that. Moths later she realized that she was pregnant, she was so happy about that, was always wanted to be a single-mom, she wanted to have kids of her own, but she didn't want to get married. The only thing she was unhappy with is that she at lest wanted to know who who the father was or at the lest-est remember how he looks.
moths want by, and Hotherly fond a permanent place in a border house, and got her old baby things from her parents, which were happy to become grand-parents, but thought that it was a bit early and young for this to be happening.
When her water finely broke, and she was brout to the hospital, she give-ed birth with the help of a doctor that was a few day for his retirement. When the doctor saw the top of the baby's head coming out, he fond it strange, not becomes the tuft of mane on the head was the almost the same color as the mother, except darker, the same with the cote color (same as the mother but darker), and the baby was compliantly out, the doctor's eyes widened, it was a, what will be know as a half-ling.
The doctor was horrified, will the mother was surprise and a bit sad that her baby isn't cute, but happy that at lest her baby was "healthy"
Some of the doctors and nurse thought of disposing of the baby, but every time they thought of that, the baby started to cry.

As he grew up, no kids wanted to play with him and no parents wanted there kids to play with a freak.
Since he was raissed with out his changeling parent, he never know how to change into anything, especially not a pony.
No school from none of the town wanted him to learn form them, he had to be home schooled.
His grand-parents stopped visiting them after his first birth day.

When his became a teen, he finely accepted that pony society will never accept him, so they night before his B-day his ran off form home.
moths later he finely fond the changeling-hive. (finding it with the instinck that every changeling are born with.) Finely he would be accept, finely he would belong. But rite when Queen Chrysalis saw him, she shunned him, telling him that they didn't want his impurity.
He ran off in tears.
Time has past, he fond himself in the forgotten forest, in one days it was going to be a year since he run away from home, crying will he thought about ending his life, he heard someone or something walking not far from where he was, he didn't care what it was nor if the thing fond him, he jest lathers hungry, hurt and lonely, and fell into unconsciousness. When he woke-up, he fond himself in a cave carved into a mountain, next to a village in the forgotten forest. The one that had saved him was a hybrid even weirder them him. It had dragon claws for frond legs and pony's hooves for back legs. The creature introduced him self as Kirouac .
Feeling grateful, he decited to serve Kirouac, helping him clean his his room and other things.

When Kirouac became King of New-MoonRace, he was the first to kneel, and officially declared himself has he sever had Kirouac's servent.

I just hope he's not a secret villain.

Group Admin

To who ?

Loyal-Dark is Loyal to her king
she would do anything for hiim
and she wasnts everypony and non-pony to see that he is the only, and one true ruler

Currently not fully ready but my blog has the it.
Edit:Here's a link for those interested!:scootangel:

Group Admin

Then put a link to it for now

Oh. I saw the one that was titled Evil?

Group Admin



p.s. it was for a Fan-Fic where...
Friends on Other Side
and becomese of this story
that's why I made


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