Filly Fantasy VI 280 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

With this update, Esper names, Spell names, Lore names, and enemy ability names, have been changed to allow for longer names than before. No major renames have occurred with this, stuff will still be recognizable. But stuff like Icega is Blizzaga, MagicStorm is now Magic Storm, Lightstorm is Thunderstorm, Dark Bolt is now Dark Thundaga, and so forth.

Characters also have Classes displayed in the menu. These mean nothing but provide a little aesthetic flavoring to things. And in that, I decided to have a little fun. Included in the download form now on will be two .ips patch files, "Funny Classes" and "Normal Classes". "Funny Classes" changes the Classes to joke titles for humor, "Normal Classes" changes them back. Applying the patches is very easy, double-click to open like a normal file and a File Open box will appear; navigate to the rom file and select it to apply the patch.

There is one known glitch with this update - in the party select menu, Esper names move to the left a bit and partially cover up the character portrait. And I am fine with this - accomodating these longer names basically meant redesigning the game menus slightly, repositioning where text goes and where the cursor goes accordingly. Believe me, you don't want to know what it would take to have the Espers aligned properly with the portrait, suffice to say it's a lot more complicated than you would think.

As always please report any glitches you experience with this update.

Wow, that's really cool.

Nice little update.

And you used the File I sent to test considering the names of the characters up there. :rainbowlaugh: Neat.

Group Admin

It worked. :pinkiehappy:

Got a small glitch. The first spell on every esper has a learn rate that is followed by 'ss'. For example Gusty teaches Cure at a rate of 'x 8ss' now.

Actually, update on that. It only happens to Luna, Celestia and Cadence. Not to mention Flash get's one that has a 'd' at the end instead of the 'ss' and Pinkie gets 'er'. Clearly, this is a spillover of the new classes. Anything longer than the word 'Wonderbolt' is too long.

Group Admin

Thanks, I'll have a look

Group Admin

Updated with fix

I'll see how the new version looks, but two new things to report: Pinkie's Themes are now off center while in battle. The cursor is inside of them. Other glitch, all equipment that teach spells. Instead of informing you what the learn rate is, it says for example "Thunder: x" and just cuts off there. Can't see what the learn rates are now.

Group Admin

Both are now fixed.

Pinkie's Themes are still misaligned in battle.

Group Admin

And fixed again.

Group Admin

A note, I'm aware that Luna's Blitzes don't display properly in the menu, I'm working on fixing it.

They don't? Just looked. What's wrong with them?
I found a more legitimate concern. I can't tell how much MP the Espers cost in the menu anymore.

Group Admin

Well they sort of do, I gave them longer names but they didn't show up in the menu. I'll revert to the shorter names and have a look at the MP tomorrow.

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