Filly Fantasy VI 280 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Sky's post reminded me about Desperation Attacks so I wanted to take another look at changing their mechanics. Here's what I could do:

* Leave them as-is; when in Near Fatal status (kicks in and out at 1/8 max HP), 1/16 chance of a Desperation Attack
* Raise the HP Threshold for Near Fatal to 1/4
* Raise the likelihood of a DA occurring to 1/8 or even 1/4
* Do both of the above
* Remove the HP requirement entirely - Desperation Attacks have a 1/16 chance of ocurring, anytime.


Can you do all of the above? 1/16 chance of occuring anytime, going up to 1/8 when at 1/4th HP?

Also, can you answer the questions I posed in Sky's post about the Desperation Attacks? What each does exactly, and their mechanics/damage formulas?

Group Admin

I did answer your question. And no, that would not be possible, at least not with my current level of programming knowledge.

I'd say ' Do both of the above ' .

The secretive and high requirements for them is certainly cool its own right, but even if a player knows about it, its really hard to pull off said moves without going out of the way to use them.

Even in vanilla Pony Fantasy VI and the main game, I think I only saw two desperation attacks in my life not counting videos. It would be nice to increase the likelihood of seeing them as they are an underused mechanic and you can go the whole game without seeing them except in the coliseum or if someone HP to 1's you. So all of the above please!

While it would be kinda cool to see a system similar to ff8's where the chance of it occurring slowly increases as your health goes down, I would understand if that's impossible for you.

So boosting the chance to 1/8 is fine.

I'd say both boosting the chance to 1/8 and setting the Near Fatal stat at 1/4 hp.

I rather prefer to be able to at least have some control over when the attacks happen as some times I'd prefer if the character would just attack instead (I know crazy right?) The best example I can give is Cadence, as I've actually had this happen before, but sometimes I just want the damage to finish the fight rather than heal Cadence. Another example would be Fluttershy, where (even though your probably are not attacking regularly with her) she could end up casting redundant buffs on herself thus wasting a turn.

That's not getting into the end game where interrupting Boulder Synergies means actually dealing less damage overall due to the damage cap.

So the 1/16 chance for any fight command leaves a bad taste in my mouth. but I do agree that in its current state Desperation attacks are a bit too rare to ever even see, which is kinda a shame.

Definitely not make it any time. That would make any fight or boss fight have a RNG chance of just blowing through the fight.
Raising the threshold to 1/4 is probably good enough (especially since that would effect Flash guarding others as well) but possibly raising the likelihood could work too.

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