Filly Fantasy VI 280 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Because I wanted to show some straight gameplay not chopped up into a trailer, and come on, who isn't gonna be hyped to face this guy?

Okay, that looks pretty amazing.

"Wrath", huh? So instead of dragons, it's older generation MLP baddies?

This game is gonna be awesome!

Though I'm going to wait until the beta is finished before trying it, if that's okay.

That's awesome. I was noticing that several of the Espers are named for G1 ponies so far too.

Group Admin

5104161 With two exceptions, all of them are.

5103902 That is awesome that you guys are using first gen. enemies like that. So is Tirek on that list?

Group Admin

5104245 No, Tirek is used for Humbaba.

5104246 That was the green one encountered right after the so called apocalypse right? I'm having trouble remembering because it's been so long for me.

Group Admin

5104264 Yes. The one Twilight/Terra goes berserk on when he threatens the village. :raritywink:

5104265 Okay, thanks for that. It's only been about twenty years since the last time I played Final Fantasy 6 and I really have trouble remembering certain events.

5103902 Okay that is thoroughly impressive! :pinkiehappy:

5104290 So I take it you're thoroughly impressed then?

5104293 :eeyup: Would love to play it as Final Fantasy VI is my favorite of them all (next to Final Fantasy Tactics), but alas, my computer cannot support this game :fluttershbad:

5104342 Yeah I doubt either of mine could run it too. I really can't afford anything spectacular after all.

5104349 That makes both of us sad! :fluttershyouch:

5104377 I'm not sad myself, there is nothing I can do about it. I'm not sure I could look at those graphics for very long these days anyway. 16 bit tends to strain my eyes now-a-days. Still I really do like the idea and will support it to what extent I can.

5104395 Well I'll take back the sad then :derpytongue2:

5104483 I'm a Goofy fan here! Proceeds to do the signature Goofy holler Yaaaahhhhoohohohohoi!

5104503 :facehoof: *sighs* I wonder what the Tirek boss battle looks like.

Emulators should be able to run this full speed on a Pentium 1 from 1995 and at playable speed on an 80486. How old is your computer?

5107432 More than ten years and I can't quote you the specs, I don't know them.

5107432 Pretty old and may I say a bit busted...

It could be related to the emulator you're using - newer ones expect more power. If you're on Windows, try ZSnes. I know from personal experience that it can run FF3 at full speed on Windows 95 with a Pentium processor at 133 MHz

For other OSes, try Snes9x. It's a bit slower, but still ran at a reasonable speed, and your computer is about 10 years newer than that.

Also, regardless of the emulator, try turning off any sort of post-processing, anti-aliasing, etc

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