Filly Fantasy VI 280 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

PLAYER'S NOTE - Check the group threads regularly for updates for various fixes and tweaks. This thread will always host the most recent version.

Yes. Here it is at last.

Now, a couple things before you get to playing.

First - this is a beta. As in, not finished. There are placeholder sprites (for instance, Maud is just a grey and purple Pinkie Pie), there are glitches, and there may be balance concerns.

As you play through, if you find any glitches or other oversights, let me know. These include typos, equipment or spells being made available too early (a shop selling a weapon way too strong for that point in the game, for instance), a character that's supposed to be the same NPC getting a different sprite in two different places, etc. And traditional glitches may also occur, I hope not because that's why I played through the first half of the game myself, but it may happen.

If possible, take a screenshot of any glitches you find, it'll make it much easier for me to pinpoint what's happening and where. Report the bugs here and I'll try to do regular updates of the Beta with fixes, depending on the type and frequency of the reported bugs. If it's just some typos, meh. If someone finds something that crashes the game, I'll fix it ASAP and get a good version out.

So, yeah. Any other questions and concerns, let me know. For now, have fun! :D

5084979 This looks delicious! Did you submit it to EQD?

Group Admin

5085000 Yup. Waiting to hear back from them.

Looking forward to trying it! Probably not until mid to late weekend though. Gots other stuffs ta duu~~

Have loved what I've seen so far of the trailers tho.

Same. Leaving for the weekend. I'll get to it when I can.

So far so good. Question, do espers have level up bonuses?

Group Admin

5085498 Yes, but different ones than before.

5084979 Consider me twice as hyped now :pinkiehappy:

Some more questions/comments
1. Are Gau's rages controllable?
2. Does Mog still stumble, or did you remove that?
3. More importantly, did you do anything about the Vanish/Doom issue?
4. Is it possible to mess with Locke's steal chance, so it's not so level dependent?
5. Is the Evade stat still useless?
6. Can you, or whoever's working on this mod, implement some sort of "Hold B to dash" thing? Couple other FF6 mods do this, makes things a lot more convenient, and saves a relic slot. Course, I use fast forward most of the time anyway.
7. When I get to that point, I'm gonna see if the KUTAN glitch still works (I think if you make that one guard in South Figaro stand still, should solve that issue)
8. This game has some amusing glitches. Did you know it's possible to "resurrect" general Leo? There was an LP over on Something Awful (should be on showcasing every glitch in FF6.

Group Admin


1. Are Gau's rages controllable?

To an extent. Rage only lasts one turn, so while Scootaloo will still randomly attack or use the enemy's special attack, next turn you have full control again so you can try again, or not.

2. Does Mog still stumble, or did you remove that?

That's still in.

3. More importantly, did you do anything about the Vanish/Doom issue?

Yup, that's gone.

4. Is it possible to mess with Locke's steal chance, so it's not so level dependent?

I admit I'm not sure. Could you elaborate?

5. Is the Evade stat still useless?

Nope, Evade bug has been fixed.

6. Can you, or whoever's working on this mod, implement some sort of "Hold B to dash" thing? Couple other FF6 mods do this, makes things a lot more convenient, and saves a relic slot. Course, I use fast forward most of the time anyway.

While I could implement that (as you said, other mods have), I'm not going to for the reason it would save a Relic slot. :p Part of the mod's intent was to add more tactical decision making, like more elemental equipment and nerfing some more overpowered characters while buffing weaker ones. If a player wants to use a relic slot to sprint, that's their decision as a player.

7. When I get to that point, I'm gonna see if the KUTAN glitch still works (I think if you make that one guard in South Figaro stand still, should solve that issue)
8. This game has some amusing glitches. Did you know it's possible to "resurrect" general Leo? There was an LP over on Something Awful (should be on showcasing every glitch in FF6.

I've not fixed those, but I'm not sure if I can or not either way. I'll look into it, though.

There we go, fun times reading that.
Good to know about Gau, lets see if I can't abuse that fact as much as I did in Pony Fantasy 6. Still really strong in vanilla FF6.
Regarding the Steal command, I don't know the exact formula, but any monster/boss that's too much higher than Locke's level, is nearly impossible to steal from. I guess I just get impatient when reloading several hundred times when trying to steal something from a monster, when I can buy said item in the next town over.
Course, with the exception of one or two boss encounters, and a mob on the Floating Continent, not much worrying about in the World of Balance.

Group Admin

So, anyone try it out yet? :pinkiehappy:

There are a few inconsistencies in the dialog text.

Personally, having Discord kill Shining Armor doesn't fit for my taste to this hack.
You could use the Guest Adder patch and rework that cutscene so that Shining Armor doesn't die.

Also, shouldn't the Earthen Ring, Pegasus Ring, and Unicorn Ring be equip-able to Alicorns?

Do you need any kind of emulator to play the game?
Sorry if my spelling is a bit of :)

Group Admin

5086654 Yes

5086580 Logically, yes, but then the alicorns would be able to equip almost any equipment in the game, which would be overpowered.

What inconsistencies did you notice?

I'm playing the beta, and I've hit a point I can't get past. After the Discord battle in Neighshe, everyone sees the esper and Twilight flies off. Rather than showing her fly around the world map to whatever Zozo is called, I'm given an airship that disappears when I land. I only have Twilight in my party and no way of continuing the game. Is this a known problem? I really wanted to continue playing.

I also saw a formation in the Phantom Train that consisted of a Ghost and two blank targets that broke the game if I attacked them. I'm assuming they're supposed to be clouds like I see in other battles around the area, but I'm not sure.

Group Admin

5090192 The Phantom Train formations, I'll take a look and see what's happened.

The Discord battle, whoops! I'll fix that immediately and upload a fixed rom (which I need to do anyway).

Sorry for the late response, was a busy day yesterday.

Found a text issue. When talking to the returners after saying no to Banon/Zecora the first time, the guy who gives you a genji glove, still gives you a genji glove, but it appears in your inventory as "light shoe". Text box says Received Genji Glove, but is named differently in your inventory. Still seems to function normally.

Also there's a bit of gibberish in the text box that appears when zecora falls in battle. Something like "Zecora!!sl..."

Group Admin

5091321 Thanks for letting me know. I'll have them fixed in the next update.

Yep, still works. Course pecky/Kutan is useless, no equipment, low stats, no abilities. WoR's gonna be a real pain short of level grinding (Or game genie <_<)
Obviously I'm gonna be reloading to an earlier save. TunnelArmor's really hard with solo locke, gotta grind a bit and break that thunder rod one can find in the cave.

On another note, stealing the clothes off the merchants in Flash's scenario reveals a human sprite underneath.

Group Admin

Ah yes, that Kutan glitch. I'll see what I can do.

As for the human sprite bit, funny you mention that, the latest update fixed their sprite. I meant to before putting out the beta but it slipped my mind.

For the love of Celestia, any chance of speeding up the swdtech command? Takes forever to charge up, why I almost never use Cyan.

Group Admin

5091433 A speed patch has already been applied, as Cyan/Applejack levels up, it'll charge faster and faster.

Oh that's good to know, thanks.

Typo: Luna says "...Simplcity" when attempting to teach AJ how to use the magitek armor in the camp

The Steel Claws have an awkward attack animation. AJ swipes something, then some thin squares appear around the enemy.

Group Admin

5091477 Check, thanks.

Heh, I like the Siegfried encounter in the Train. Runs out of MP after casting three spells, then gets insta-killed via possession.

Also thank you for keeping this moment a thing

Quote AJ after giving Scootaloo a muffin: "Are you two are done yet?"

In the snowfield decisive battle, Zecora looks quite purple.

And I'm pretty sure Discord escaped and got off one last attack before the battle ended.

Group Admin

5092010 Yes, sadly my Luna was too low-level to suplex the train.

GRAH, PURPLE ZECORA IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE... long story short, I've been struggling with that since the start. Thanks for letting me know.

As for Discord, I noticed that too. It would be a relatively easy fix, but really, that behavior is kinda fitting for Discord, so I left it in.

Really wish I was a high enough level for train suplexing.

I continued from the Neighshe battle to the southern continent without any incident. The factory and subsequent minecart escape were really difficult. I don't know if it was my level (~16) or my character choices (AJ, Scoots) that made it so tough. Nothing wrong with it the way it is though.

Now I'm back in Neighshe, and I see this guy's face... two half faces?

StoneShafrons sell for 2 bits in Neighshe. It's quite the steal at that price. Probably a bit cheaper than intended?

Also, when recruiting Pinkie, after her woes of not being able to join earlier on, she says "Come on, let's get go!" rather than what I assume should be "let's get going!"

Group Admin

5092490 Thanks very much for the report, I'll fix hem immediately. :twilightsmile:

What's your thoughts on early game Celestia? Seems rather useless until after you get espers, no natural magic, no magicite to use with the summon command. Is it possible to give her some low-level spells, or start with an esper? One would think Tia would know a spell or two.

Also was it intentional that Luna doesn't learn Fire Dance until a much later level? So we can't AOE our way through most encounters. Already Lv18 and still nothing new.

Flash... Flashback spoilers
Flash is a Pegasus... he can fly, so why did Sunset push him out of the one danger he should be immune to?

Regarding the controllable rage thing you applied to this mod, when Scootaloo emulates a monster, she gains it's buffs/weaknesses. Do those effects last throughout the whole battle? or are they temporary? I'm thinking of the Magic Urn rage, use of which causes Gau to absorb all elements. Use that on most boss fights... that and the free Cure3 never hurts.

plot spoilers
Just cleared Zozo, are most espers renamed after older gen ponies?

The description for the spell, Dispel "Maintains poor status". Intentional, or worth a rephrasing?

Octavia's text box still thinks she's named Conductor shortly after the Maneiac's 5 minute comment. I know she is the conductor, dunno if you wanted to keep using her name

If you fail the timed segment of the opera house, would it be possible to force Cadance into the KO status after you're kicked out? Considering she just took a 5 ton weight to the head.

I agree on early game Celestia. She doesn't have much going for her at that point. Her low Vigor doesn't help, but AlicornBlade evens it out. Until magic comes into play though, she's just a weaker Luna without access to Blitz as far as I can tell. I'm sure she more than makes up for it when you get summons and the MP/osmose to use it. I admittedly haven't used her much yet.

I've continued from Sealed Gate to just before Floating Continent. I'm really liking what I've seen. A few things stuck out, so I took pictures of them this time to make them easier to find.

The ghost enemies in Sealed Gate that I completely forgot the name of have their bottom halves misaligned from their top half. Also I'm dying horribly, but that's fine, I just underestimated them.

Besides that, all I found that needed report was dialog. From Sombra calling Manehattan Albrook,

to Flash calling Thamasa and using "she's" instead of "she'll"

Also the espers just continually went through the walking animation as this scene played out. That's supposed to happen?

I've really been enjoying the game so far. I can't wait to see what kind of things I'll find in the WoR. I've just got a few small things to take care of around the world and then I'll be getting there.

Group Admin

5094032 Magic is a game limitation I can't do much about. Terra and Celes are the only ones with natural spell lists, and while other characters could be given natural magic, it would be the same pool - ie, if Cadance learns Shell at Level 12, everyone else with her spell list would, too.

Beyond that, I've been concerned with Celestia myself. Originally her ability was a renamed Shock, which did damage dependent on steps taken. But that's obviously overpowered. I also considered giving her the Alicorn/Blitz ability, but then we have two identical characters and that's boring. I'm admittedly not quite sure what to do beyond swapping her and Luna's base stats for Celestia has better physical power in the early game. I'm open to suggestions, though.

Yes, Luna and the later Fire Dance was intentional.

Flash Sentry and Sunset, admittedly a contrivance of the plot. Event editing for FF6 is a bit out of my league at the moment, as it requires Hex editing. I've thought, if it would even be possible, that I could make it a cave-in and have some rocks fall on them, though.

For Gau, his statuses last until he uses another Rage, at which point he takes on that monster's statuses instead.

Check on Dispel and Octavia. Cadance, it could probably be done, but that'd be event editing again and to be frank, isn't a big concern.

As for the Zozo spoiler, head to the Magitek Factory and find out. :raritywink: Short answer - no, not named for. Are. At least that's the intent.

5094413 Ah, typoes, why I need pre-readers. Thanks very much for the report. The Espers walking, yes. The original Esper sprites played their walk animations continuously to flap their wings. That's another thing event editing can take care of once I delve into it in greater depth.

If you really wanted to give Celestia a spell, could you make the AlicornBlade teach a low level spell? That would benefit all the alicorns though, and magic is supposed to be rare early game, so probably not the best idea.

Switching Celestia's and Luna's stats could work. Celestia gets a decent boost to fight damage, and Luna can make better use of the magic power with her blitzes. I'm not sure how magic power effects summons, if at all, but I'd think the more useful summons to use would be of the non-damage variety, so not much loss there.

This has me wondering now, none of the espers I have claim to give a bonus to Vigor. Just Magic, HP, MP, and Stamina. Are there any that increase Vigor?

Group Admin

5094755 Yes, though looking at the Espers, not as many as I thought, only two and late in the World of Ruin. Another change for an update patch. I'll put it out Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on how many fixes are needed. I hope to be ready to enter Kefka's Tower at that point; with my own playtest done, I'll be trying the event editing.

The thunder claw has a chance at casting poison. One would think it would cast Bolt1, but since this replaced Sabin's poison claw, something must've gotten mixed up. How much trouble is it to replace what spells weapons have a chance at casting?

Also I spent something like 500 tries trying to steal the Wind Cutter sword from that boss in the minecart segment. If I got the steal formula right... only 0.35%. Thankfully there's not a lot I care about in the WoB (Couple of things do get on the Floating Continent).

Group Admin

5096506 No trouble at all, just an oversight on my part. Thanks.

Typo: "Took the treasure from Lightning Dist" When choosing between her and Pinkie. Poor Pinkie... at least it makes sense for Lightning to jump off that cliff, she can fly away.
I like Pinkies comment after saving her. She kinda does join up at the start, for the tutorial at least.

One more thing, when talking to the soldiers before the emperors banquet, still says "X people". Should be ponies instead.

Another typo: Rarity says "I'm just living a peaceful life, seweing for this village"

In terms of balancing, breaking/using elemental rods still does a ton of damage. 2.5K to generic mobs, 4.9K on the Flameeater boss (boosted with certain equipment). I have a habit of abusing things like this whenever I can.
I admit I'm miffed about the lack of an Atma weapon, unless it was moved.

And I just had an instance where Twi used a flame rod on Ultros, then immediately used a 2nd flame rod on herself. Guess how well that went. Pretty sure no status effects were involved. Took two Coffee's to get her back to life... something to do with the cutscene in that battle?

Group Admin

5098227 I have no idea what you mean with the Ultros battle.

As for the rods, I don't believe that can be fixed easily unless I remove the using them as item thing altogether, as they ignore defense and the only way I know of to weaken them is to lower the spell power. If it's possible to have them regard defense, though, I'll see about affecting that.

As for Ultima Weapon, it's there, but is an ultimate weapon now and moved to the World of Ruin.

Was a strange instance, don't think I could repeat it. Kinda saved over that file, didn't keep any backups. I wanna say I had used the rod, then another character acted first and triggered the cutscene. Then the shenanigans happened.

Ultima weapon: Can you still steal it from the 3rd tier of the final boss? Or does said boss still have the aurora ring (or whatever you find in the sealed gate cave) in its steal table?

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