Legends (FOE Extention) 8 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

Please, introduce yourself and tell us all why you're here. Like do you plan to write expansions, write stories in the world, do art for it, or do you just want to watch us all fail miserably? Whichever, I'd love to see some people actually join the group at some point, thx.

4909366 I came here for the free cookies. I also edit, if you're interested.

Group Admin

4909708 yes, yes I would like. I need edits

Stories and to watch the fail attempts. lel.

Group Admin

4909787 fair enough, I'm leading this their's going to be alot of fail

4909762 PM me what you want me to edit.

Group Admin

4909827 I've got nothing but the master doc in ledgends so far... but I do have one other thing if you'd be so kind

I'm here to provide the occasional idea when asked and maybe critique some things, provide a different perspective and all. Also because I was invited and seeing as I hadn't been invited to a group before I figured "what do I have to lose?" so, yeah. :twilightsheepish: I think I replied to your post a while back so you may have to remind me what this is all about or at least what you have so far. As a side note, it's good to be here. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4911177 considering I completely stopped doing anything on fimfiction I can't realy remeber, it's all about a world that takes place post fallout Equestria where many stories have been lost or made into ledgends. I'm going to try writing it again.

5235824 If you need help, feel free to PM me or just reply on here, other than that your premise sounds pretty good and I wish you luck :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I just wish I had an editor.

5241082 I'll help where I can, but you could prolly find quite a few here

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