Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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You're walking past a church one day. You stop to look at it for a moment, and on impulse (and upon seeing nobody around), turn your head to the clear blue sky and give out a challenge: “God, if you're really there, you can prove it by giving me a clear sign right now!” Moments later, a flash of light blinds you, and a massive BOOM shakes you to the bones and knocks you off your feet. When you regain your senses, you look in front of you, only to see that the lawn you were facing has had a massive cross shape charred into it.

How would this affect your life?

6407541 I'd take samples from the charred and uncharred ground. Perhaps it was set up in advance. A simple gunpowder could have caused this. Perhaps there are wires somewhere that ignited it. I'd devote much of my time analyzing it.

If I found no explanation, I'd test it again by giving god more challenges. If those were met in the controlled environment, I'd probably become a believer. Not necessarily in God, though. It could just be an advanced alien playing hidden camera on me.

Either way, I'd devote more of my time to research this and similar events. I'd want to know more.

If I was given undeniable, independently verifiable proof of god, my reaction would be Stephen Fry's.

Then keep on living my life my way

Group Admin

My reaction:
"Well, it turns out that God is real. Huh. Now, the real question is, how do we kill him?"

Basically I'd do what 6407628 said. I'd want to make sure it wasn't just a weird coincidence, and try to determine if it was actually a god behind it or if there were other explanations that made sense as well.


It wouldn't change things for me much at all. Firstly because my worldview isn't really dependent on God existing or not, and secondly because I think that if God truly deigned to show himself, it wouldn't be through some weird ambiguous nonsense like appearing on toast.

If he wants people who don't believe in him to change their minds, all he has to do is perform actions that cannot possibly be explained in any other way. And I don't feel like that should be especially hard for the creator of the universe to do.

Basically stuff that's already been explained here as well as being slightly anxious around grass.


I suppose i still wouldn't belive in a god. Psychology is a weird thing, but no kind of sensory input could possibly warrant the belief in some deity. None whatsoever (yes, this is part of the reason i consider myself an Antitheist, because there is no possible definition of god that is not either inconsistent, incoherent or ultimately inconsequential). So i hope i would still be that reasonable. I'd consider god doing this AND turning off my critical thinking so i convert to be a sign of him though. I'd still not be reasonably justified to believe this bullshit, but i would anyway.

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