Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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Last week, I made a blogpost about mine hypothesis that religion is like the homicidal behavior of HAL 9000. I posted it in appropriate groups, the Skeptics’ Guide to Equestria, Religious Tolerance, and Atheist Bronies. In religious Tolerance, several members pointed out that Atheistical Dictators genocide in the name of gods not existing:

¡Oh my! ¡That is right! ⸘Do you remember when Stalin genocided all theists in the Soviet Union in the name of gods not existing‽ ¡Oh wait! ¡That never happened!:

Dictators of all stripes murder to stay in power. Atheistical Dictators do not kill in the name of gods not existing, but sometimes other kinds of Dictators do:

The Catholic Fashistical Dictators, murdered Jews, Atheists, Jehovah’s Witness, et cetera in the name of God.

Here are 2 videos. One covers whom dictators have genocided and why. The other is a surprise:

There has never even been a stabbing in the name of atheism. There have been atheists that have done bad things, like Stalin, but he did what he did in the name of Communism, not atheism.

I wouldn't really call Stalinist Russia atheist. Stalin made himself into a godlike figure and used the resulting cult to cull his political enemies. It was more like Stalin was a dictator

What's with the upside down exclamation points? It's not something used in English, feels like using åäö in random English words.

Stalin didn't even commit genocide lmao.




True. Not only did not Stalin kill in the name of gods not existing, but he wanted people to worship him. Other countries tired of either being conquered or the only a few exploiting the many which had communist-revolutions have their leaders emulate the example of Stalin (The family Kim has a strong Cult of Personality in North Korea to this day).


That is inverted punctuation. It comes in 3 flavors:

  • ¡Inverted ExclamationPoint!
  • ⸘Inverted Interrobang (also known as Gnaborretni)‽
  • ¿Inverted QuestionMark?

¿Why do not you give inverted punctuation a try?


Stalin sure was great at causing millions of premature deaths.


Stalin sure was great at causing millions of premature deaths.

Considering the Germans were sort of invading it's fair to say that they deserved it.


Many Soviet Citizens had nonwar-related premature deaths under Stalin. At least Stalin did not genocide in the name of gods not existing, but the Holocaust basically was Hitler doing the Lord’s Work.


Many Soviet Citizens had nonwar-related premature deaths under Stalin.

That didn't mean it was genocide.

After all, Kulaks aren't a race.


If Trump would start mass-murdering Democrats, ¿would that be genocide? Reification (¿when is a thing a thing?)

No. Democrats aren't a race.

Genocide doesn't require a race, just a large, deliberate killing.

Your apologetics for a mass murderer is disgusting. It's no better than Neo-Nazis denying the Holocaust.


Genocide doesn't require a race, just a large, deliberate killing.

A government killing a large group of its own people is known as democide. Genocide is specifically on ethnic grounds.

Your apologetics for a mass murder is disgusting.

Setting a country's grain on fire is a mass murder of its own.

You want authoritative definitions? According to the United Nations:

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

So, yeah, more than just race.

Setting a country's grain on fire is a mass murder of its own.

“The Nazis killed millions of people! Why are you defending them?”
“Setting a country's grain on fire is a mass murder of its own.“

Edit: I looked up ‘democide’. Guess what I found?

Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder".
{emphasis added}


a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,

Kulaks aren't any of those things.

Democideis a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government,including genocide,

That genocide is democide doesn't mean that all democide is genocide.

“The Nazis killed millions of people! Why are you defending them?”
“Setting a country's grain on fire is a mass murder of its own.“

Jews, homosexuals, journalists, communists and the clergy didn't set grain on fire.


¿Why do not you give inverted punctuation a try?

Because it has no place in the English language.

6398618 As previously said, Kulaks are not a race.

I've had this conversation with him before. It leads nowhere. :facehoof:

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