Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Group Admin

You know how a lot of Christians (such as Eric Hovind) say that the only reason they and other Christians keep to any morals at all is because they believe God exists?

Well what if they were telling the truth with that, and a scientist found irrefutable proof that there is no God? Millions of blood-thirsty Christians pour into the streets to go on murder rampages. Whatever atheists are around must now try to flee from the Christians long enough for them to kill themselves off.

Of course, you don't know who's an atheist and who's a(n ex-)Christian... you don't know who you can trust.

My counter idea:

Many short-sighted assholes in the world behave the way they do because they think this world is transitory. They're going to heaven, and the rapture/armageddon are going to happen soon anyway.

What if we did find irrefutable proof and those people suddenly realized just how much of a rotten bastard they collectively have been, and sweeping changes for peace and prosperity took place?

Group Admin


Well that wouldn't have as much action in it.

They made that movie,

it's called the Purge 2 Anarchy

It might be more of a psychological horror.

seeing how Christians are antiscience... I doubt behavior or beliefs would change. low immersion

Group Admin


Well what if like, 2 pages of the bible have been stuck together this whole time? And that was the last page? And it said 'psyche'?

That'd get em.

that'd be hilarious, and might convince a few but their are a lot of weird inconsistencies that would clue someone in who actually read the Bible seriously. Just excerpts is enough to see that the whole thing is full of holes

Group Admin


Yes. Even their savior was full of holes in the end.

And don't give me that 'resurrection' line. He was still full of holes after coming back, according to the story.

nice, night

If that happened, would it be morally acceptable to convince people that the discovery was faked and keep the real knowledge a secret for the rest of forever?
What if this has already occurred?

...I want to read a short story about that now...

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