Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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Answer before was incorrect/incomplete.

The lying is not there. The jealousy bit implies sin, but is is not, for God is only jealous for things that are rightfully His (worship). He does change His mind, but that is more for the benefit of man than Himself (as He knows the future). His anger is not an issue, it is righteous and just. And the act of sacrifice is pleasing to Him rather than the physical smells based on the fact that both meat and grain offerings were pleasing (Leviticus 2) and the fact that pagan offerings to idols were described as being pleasing to those same idols (Ezekiel 6:13).

That isn't what the Bible says.

" in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time,"
Titus 1:2

"Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden. For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God."
Deuteronomy 4:23-24

"Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come."
Isaiah 46:9-10

"He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he."
Deuteronomy 32:4

+ Leviticus 2 and Ezekiel 6:13 for sacrifice interpretation


The lying is not there.


The jealousy bit implies sin, but is is not, for God is only jealous for things that are rightfully His (worship).

Sickeningly dishonest twisting of concepts.

His anger is not an issue, it is righteous and just.

Sickeningly dishonest twisting of concepts.

And the act of sacrifice is pleasing to Him rather than the physical smells based on the fact that both meat and grain offerings were pleasing (Leviticus 2) and the fact that pagan offerings to idols were described as being pleasing to those same idols (Ezekiel 6:13).

Sickeningly dishonest twisting of concepts, but bonus points for drawing parallels between the god of the bible and pagan idols.

This is something like the tenth time you've either started or commented on a thread in this group, and every time you do, your pattern is to mindlessly repeat apologetics that we've already seen a dozen other places and either deny or ignore any counterarguments. You are the stereotype of willful ignorance and lying for religion.
Seriously, what is your goal, here? You aren't here to learn for yourself, nor are you here to teach us; both of those would require actually honestly engaging in discussion. It's like you're just here to waste people's time. So I'm going to treat it like that from now on.

If you watched the second season premiere of My Little Pony, the one with Discord, and it was exactly how the episodes actually go, except at the end a little snippet comes up on screen saying that Discord is the good guy and Twilight is the bad guy, how would your impression of the episode change? If you treated it the way you read the Bible, you would leave the episode believing wholeheartedly that Discord was the good guy, and anybody who claimed otherwise, anybody who challenged that snippet at the end by pointing to Discord's behavior throughout the episode, is obviously wrong.

Oh, and the Bible literally says that God lies in multiple places; again, look it up, I'm not going to do the legwork for you when you have shown a minimal capability to use Google. I'll know if you haven't looked it up if you continue to deny that it's there; the only person who looks bad if you're dishonest is you.



God's Holy Word has declared that God cannot lie. You must be mistaken.

Sickeningly dishonest twisting of concepts.

I don't think it's really twisting it. The concepts differ in practice between men and God, as we are so different from each other.

your pattern is to mindlessly repeat apologetics that we've already seen a dozen other places and either deny or ignore any counterarguments

How do I ignore your counterarguments? You say God lies, and I provide a verse that states God cannot lie.

Seriously, what is your goal, here?

Just havin a conversation I guess. Don't even really know myself


If you treated it the way you read the Bible, you would leave the episode believing wholeheartedly that Discord was the good guy, and anybody who claimed otherwise, anybody who challenged that snippet at the end by pointing to Discord's behavior throughout the episode, is obviously wrong.

So you're saying the Bible says God is evil up until the very end? If anything, I'd think it would be the other way around, what with the apocalypse and all.

Oh, and the Bible literally says that God lies in multiple places; again, look it up, I'm not going to do the legwork for you when you have shown a minimal capability to use Google.

I have provided a verse which states God cannot lie and have found no verses where He does. What verses are you referring to?


God's Holy Word has declared that God cannot lie. You must be mistaken.

I'm not. Look it up.

I don't think it's really twisting it. The concepts differ in practice between men and God, as we are so different from each other.

You don't think it's really twisting it? It's just twisting it a little bit, then? No, the concepts don't differ. They're the same concepts; you don't get to redefine them for your convenience.

How do I ignore your counterarguments?

Very easily, apparently.

You say God lies, and I provide a verse that states God cannot lie.

Remember when I said I would know if you hadn't actually bothered to look it up? This is that point. Dishonesty will get you nowhere.

So you're saying the Bible says God is evil up until the very end? If anything, I'd think it would be the other way around, what with the apocalypse and all.

To say this with a straight face, you would have to have absolutely no knowledge of anything in the Bible. Hence, I'm going to assume you're being dishonest instead, because the idea that you don't even know the story of Noah's Flood stretches credibility.
And it all went over your head, anyway.

I have provided a verse which states God cannot lie and have found no verses where He does. What verses are you referring to?

Remember when I said I wouldn't babysit you anymore? Yeah; I'm not going to go fetch verses for you. I know they're there; I've seen them. If you don't know about them, then you haven't looked. It's not my problem if you can't find them, it's yours. You don't win any points for willful ignorance. Besides, I'm pretty sure that these exact passages have been quoted to you before in previous exchanges. You've just, you know, ignored them, and then blocked them out of your head entirely so that you act like you've never even heard of them the next time they're brought up.


But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Genesis 2: 17)

Adam did not die that day. Instead he was cast out, had some kids with Eve, and lived quite a long time. In fact, his death was caused by not eating of the tree of immortality, which God prevented by exiling him and Eve from the garden.

"And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel." (Ezekiel 14: 9)

He can and will lie and deceive even his own prophets, then punish them with death.

Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."  (John 14: 11 – 14)

I asked Jesus for a pegasus pony before making this post. I have made this post and still no pony.

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17: 20)

I can assure you my faith is merely as small as a mustard seed. I did also only ask for a pony. I like where every mountain I know of is currently positioned.

Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” (Matthew 16: 28) 

Every single one of those people is currently dead, and not one of them saw the rapture.


I'm not. Look it up.

Why not provide evidence to back up your claim?

You don't think it's really twisting it? It's just twisting it a little bit, then?

As in I don't think it is actually twisting it.

They're the same concepts; you don't get to redefine them for your convenience.

There is a difference between anger and righteous anger. There is a difference between coveting someone else's things and being jealous over ones own possessions.

Very easily, apparently.

I just don't think they're correct.

the idea that you don't even know the story of Noah's Flood stretches credibility.

The Flood doesn't make God evil. It was Just and righteous punishment/judgement.

Remember when I said I wouldn't babysit you anymore? Yeah; I'm not going to go fetch verses for you.

I'm not asking for your instruction. I'm arguing your points.


Adam did not die that day. Instead he was cast out, had some kids with Eve, and lived quite a long time.

This is not a literal day and is better translated in the NIV as
"but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."


One enquiry sent to me about Genesis 2:17 said that the verse says “in that day” you shall surely die. So, the enquirer said, it sure seems to say that Adam would die physically that day. But the demonstrative pronoun, that is not in the Hebrew text at this point. The Hebrew has beyôm (בְּיוֹם), where the Hebrew preposition b (ב, usually is translated “in”) is connected as a prefix to yôm (יוֹם, which is the word for “day”). This Hebrew temporal adverb is often translated with the English prepositional phrase “in the day that.” This would be the essentially “woodenly literal” translation (although “the” and “that” are not in the Hebrew but are added to make the English sound smooth). But only sometimes (not always) does beyômrefer to a literal day, in which case the context makes it clear. This same construction (beyôm) appears in Genesis 2:4 and does not refer to a specific 24-hour day but to the whole Creation Week of six literal days. See also Numbers 7:10–84, where in verses 10 and 84 beyôm refers to a period of twelve days of sacrifice. But a different construction occurs in between those verses. There in verses 121824, etc., which describe the sacrifices of each of those days, bayyôm (בַּיּוֹם) is used, where the “a” (the vowel mark under the first Hebrew letter on the right) and the dot (dagesh) under the second letter on the right (yod) indicate the definite article “the.” (For days 11 and 12, in verses 72 and 78, we find beyôm). The phrase beyôm is therefore sometimes rightly translated as “when,” referring to a period longer than a day, as in the NIV in both Genesis 2:4 and Genesis 2:17 (and in Numbers 7:10 and 84 and elsewhere—the NAS, HCSB and NKJV versions also translate it as “when” in these verses in Numbers).

He can and will lie and deceive even his own prophets, then punish them with death.

God will not lie, but He may use lies to further his Will.

God predestined the death of Jesus at the hands of Herod, Pilate, the Gentiles, and the Jews.  Yet God was not the one who forced them to sin.  When we say that God ordains, or that he predestines something bad to happen, we're saying that he is allowing it to happen by his sovereign will.  We call this his permissive will.  It is his will to permit it, because it is part of his greater plan.  He plans to permit it.  He could alter it, but he decides not to do so. Likewise, in 1 Kings 22:22, God was revealing to us the reality of the spiritual realm, though in human terms, of His ordained sovereign plan by which Ahab would be destroyed by the counsel of his false prophets. God sending a deceiving spirit does not mean that he is a deceiver.  He was merely sending a demonic force, allowing it to perform what was natural to it, to do something that was part of the greater plan of God.  If I send my wife to the store to get something, I am not the one doing it -- she is.  If I know that in the process she is going to speed and break the law, am I the one guilty for her speeding?  Of course not, since she is exercising her free choice.

I asked Jesus for a pegasus pony before making this post. I have made this post and still no pony.

The requests must be within the Will of God.

We have another condition to the promise of “ask and receive” in John 14:14, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Here, Jesus does not promise His disciples anything and everything they want; rather, He instructs them to ask “in my name.” To pray in Jesus’ name is to pray on the basis of Jesus’ authority, but it also involves praying according to the will of God, for the will of God is what Jesus always did (John 6:38). This truth is stated explicitly in 1 John 5:14, “If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” Our requests must be congruent with the will of God.

I can assure you my faith is merely as small as a mustard seed. I did also only ask for a pony. I like where very mountain I know of is currently positioned.

More metaphorical

In the context of Matthew 17, Jesus rebukes the disciples for their weak faith and says that even if they had mustard seed-sized faith, they could command the mountain to move. Contextually, the mountain must refer to the demon that was afflicting the man’s son. Jesus tells His disciples that, if their faith was stronger, they could have commanded the demon to leave the boy, and it would be so. This was clearly the case in Matthew 10 when Jesus sent them out to cure diseases, cast out demons, and spread the gospel. Therefore, it is clear from the context that Jesus does not intend to assert that mustard seed-sized faith can literally move mountains. Rather, the expression Jesus uses was a common colloquialism of that day; to a Jew of Jesus’ day, a mountain is a metaphor signifying a seemingly impossible task. Faith that can move mountains is not meant to imply a faith that can literally move literal mountains. The point Jesus was making is that even a little bit of faith—faith the size of a tiny mustard seed—can overcome mountainous obstacles in our lives.

Every single one of those people is currently dead, and not one of them saw the rapture.

Don't think it's referring to the rapture

 Luke 9:27 says, "I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God." See also Matthew 16:28 and Mark 9:1 for the parallel quotes. In each of the synoptic Gospels, the next event immediately after this promise from Jesus is the transfiguration. Rather than interpreting Jesus' promise as referring to His coming to establish His kingdom on earth, the context indicates that Jesus was referring to the transfiguration. The Greek word translated "kingdom" can also be translated "royal splendor," meaning that the three disciples standing there would see Christ as He really is—the King of heaven—which occurred in the transfiguration.


This is not a literal day and is better translated in the NIV as
"but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."

My Bible says that day. I don't care what it says in other languages. God said same day. You don't get to tell me that this holy, unchanging, never wrong book is wrong just because you don't like what mine says.

Furthermore, there were two parts to the lie. One was the immediacy of the death. The other was causation. Eating the fruit did not in and of itself kill Adam. Nor did God slay Adam for disobedience as was the intent behind the threat. What killed Adam isn't specified, but presumed old age due to omission. God knew ahead of time that this all would happen, but the Genesis story attempts to shift blame to Adam (and often more speficially to Eve).

The lie is that it is Adam's action that resulted in his death, by disobeying God. Therefore it is a lie, because God planned it that way, created Adam knowing Adam would do it, did not give Adam free will to do otherwise, nor the knowledge of good and evil to have a choice. He set the garden up with the tree and its fruit within reach, knowing Adam would eat of it. He made the serpent knowing it would tell Eve who would tell Adam.

Also, "answersingenesis" lol. I can check that one off the bucketlist. Someone seriously attempted to quote them in defense of something against me. What a riot.

God will not lie, but He may use lies to further his Will.

Fuck you, that's lying.

The requests must be within the Will of God.

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Any thing. You don't get to put your limits on God's/Jesus's offer. God knows exactly what I will do with a pegasus pony, and approves of it.

Don't think it's referring to the rapture

Yes it is.

I know the intent of God. I'm right, you're wrong.

The Bible says God cannot lie, but the Bible shows God lying often. It is self-contradictory, and bullshit. All the other things Turtle claimed are in it are also in it. You are one dishonest fuck.

Group Admin


God will not lie, but He may use lies to further his Will.

I'm not replying to you. I'm just using a reply to further my will.


It is right that He is jealous of worship and that He changes his mind, but that's about it.

Does that sound like a perfectly just god to you? Are you sure you're not just finding excuses for the bad patches of his personality?

Wouldn't your god be even better if He didn't change his mind?


Why not provide evidence to back up your claim?

I told you why: Because it's not my problem if you can't get past your own willful ignorance, it's yours. If you were a fresh face, I would give you the benefit of the doubt and provide the evidence, but you've commented here enough that I know you by now. You would ignore anything I presented.

There is a difference between coveting someone else's things and being jealous over ones own possessions.

See, this is one of those statements that makes me think you're dishonest. Nobody seriously believes that you can be ‘jealous’ of your own things. That's not what that word means in any sane context.
Edit: Apparently it actually can mean that. Huh. I learned something. Let me try that again:
Nobody seriously believes that being jealous is anything good.

I'm not asking for your instruction. I'm arguing your points.

No, you're denying my points. There's a massive difference.

You want to know why I think you're here? I think you're here because you were told by your preacher that you're supposed to be a good little Christian and try to convert the heathens, and you think that repeating this mindless blather is up to the task, and acting all innocent when we ask why you're spewing it is sufficient cover. I've talked to reasonable Christians, who actually engage with arguments and acknowledge well-made points. I've talked to honest Christians, who come to the conversation with an open mind and no deceptive intent. You are neither. I'm done with you.


My Bible says that day. I don't care what it says in other languages. God said same day. You don't get to tell me that this holy, unchanging, never wrong book is wrong just because you don't like what mine says.

The original Hebrew/Greek Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. Errors in translation, however few and far in between, still exist.

Furthermore, there were two parts to the lie. One was the immediacy of the death. The other was causation. Eating the fruit did not in and of itself kill Adam.

Eating the fruit allowed Adam and Eve to learn of evil, introducing sin into the world. It is this sin that led to death.
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 6:23
Without sin there is no death.

did not give Adam free will to do otherwise

Not eating the fruit was always an option.

nor the knowledge of good and evil to have a choice

You don't need knowledge of good and evil to follow someone's commands

He set the garden up with the tree and its fruit within reach, knowing Adam would eat of it. He made the serpent knowing it would tell Eve who would tell Adam.

Free will requires an option to disobey, otherwise it is not free will.

Fuck you, that's lying.

It is not God doing the lying, it is the prophet.
Alternative translation:
" ‘And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the Lord have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel."
Ezekiel 14:9

Any thing. You don't get to put your limits on God's/Jesus's offer.

I'm not putting limits on the offer. Jesus is.
“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
John 14:14

Yes it is.

If it were the rapture, it wouldn't make sense. If it is the transfiguration, it would. So it must be the transfiguration.

Don't think that's an accurate analogy. You yourself are still replying.


Does that sound like a perfectly just god to you?


Wouldn't your god be even better if He didn't change his mind?

Nope. Whether He changes His mind or not, His Will is still carried out.


You would ignore anything I presented.

Most Biblical arguments I would see as incorrect

Nobody seriously believes that being jealous is anything good.

Is it not just and fair to be accredited your own works?

No, you're denying my points.

This implies that I'm not giving any evidence, which I am.

You want to know why I think you're here? I think you're here because you were told by your preacher that you're supposed to be a good little Christian and try to convert the heathens, and you think that repeating this mindless blather is up to the task, and acting all innocent when we ask why you're spewing it is sufficient cover.

Converting is not really on my mind when I answer, but if you want I could try to lay out a case for conversion. Really don't think you'll bite (being mostly an appeal to spirituality/emotion/faith) but I could do it anyway.


Converting is not really on my mind when I answer,

Nothing is on your mind when you answer.


The original Hebrew/Greek Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. Errors in translation, however few and far in between, still exist.

Reread what you just said. Greek was original or was it Hebrew? They're two different languages. They're two different regions. They're two different sets of "original" words.

The translations are divinely inspired. Those errors made in the originals involved the writers resisting the guidance of their hand, a resistance that was less prone in the English-speaking translators. God knew we would all eventually speak English (give it time) and knew that the English version of his words would hold the most truth eventually.

Not eating the fruit was always an option.

No it wasn't as that was against God's Will. Adam did not have the option. He was created, according to the story, by an all-powerful God who knew what "choice" would be made. Not only did God create Adam with that intent, he enabled the "sin" by placing the damn tree in the damn garden, and placing the damn snake in the damn garden also.

Free will requires an option to disobey, otherwise it is not free will.

The story makes no fucking sense if the "option" existed at all for Adam and Eve to just blissfully remain ignorant for all of time. That option would never be taken. There would be no story. You want to know what that would even look like if there really was an option to not eat?


You don't need knowledge of good and evil to follow someone's commands

You need knowledge of good and evil to be considered evil for choosing an evil option. The lion is not evil for killing humans and eating them. Mr. Lecter is evil for doing the same. The lion, in the context of the Bible, has no knowledge of good and evil to know that killing and eating humans is wrong. And no, it is not 'in the lion's nature" either, as the Bible specifically states all animals were put on the earth for Man to dominate and use as he pleases. Lions' nature is to eat other animals, not Man.

God lied. He blamed his own blameless creation for following his script. Everything you're quoting that attempts to support your side is more lies.

You seek to change the Divine Word of God to suit your own agenda. You will prefer "original" over translation when it suits your agenda. Your agenda is to try to mold God into your image of what he is. You're flat out wrong though. You attempt to change God into an honest person, when he clearly is a dishonest one. All errors you're trying to enshrine to fit your agenda are blasphemy against the true, dishonest God described in the Bible.

" ‘And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the Lord have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel."
Ezekiel 14:9

Still says the same thing. You fail at trying to even find a "translation" that better suits your needs. Dishonest, deceiving, enticing god trying to trick his own prophets into untruth, then killing them when they follow his efforts. Never mind that they're powerless to resist these attempts from an all-powerful being, and it is all part of his script no matter what they choose anyway.

I'm not putting limits on the offer. Jesus is.
“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
John 14:14

I asked in his name. Jesus knows exactly what and why I asked, and that it is in accordance to his Will. You don't get to claim that I did it wrong, you're not JesusGod.

His failing to make good on his promise fits the true nature of his dishonest nature though. He's a liar, and that is but one of many promises he's shifted from, changed, abandoned, forgotten, or just outright manipulated.

If it were the rapture, it wouldn't make sense. If it is the transfiguration, it would. So it must be the transfiguration.

It makes perfect sense: it was a lie. Your "transfiguration" story doesn't make any sense truth or lie.



Reread what you just said. Greek was original or was it Hebrew?

Hebrew for OT Greek for NT

The translations are divinely inspired.


No it wasn't as that was against God's Will

The fact that we can act out of God's plan for us proves we have free will

Not only did God create Adam with that intent

He didn't create Adam with the precondition that he would choose to eat the apple. God knowing what choice Adam was going to make doesn't make it any less of a choice.

The story makes no fucking sense if the "option" existed at all for Adam and Eve to just blissfully remain ignorant for all of time.

Because the Bible is written after the fact where one option was taken. The whole Bible is based off of Adam and Eve's decision to eat the apple. If Adam had chosen differently, than there would be no Bible or a need for one.

You need knowledge of good and evil to be considered evil for choosing an evil option.

Not if that option was presented as evil. God told Adam not to eat the fruit lest he die. Adam didn't know it was sin, but he did know it was against His Father's wishes, he wasn't totally blind to the wrongness of the choice.

He blamed his own blameless creation for following his script.

God doesn't control our actions. We do.

You seek to change the Divine Word of God to suit your own agenda.

I'm not changing anything. I'm using translations that make sense given context over those that don't.

Dishonest, deceiving, enticing god trying to trick his own prophets into untruth, then killing them when they follow his efforts. Never mind that they're powerless to resist these attempts from an all-powerful being, and it is all part of his script no matter what they choose anyway.

These prophets are false prophets misleading the people of Israel. All God is doing is giving them more false prophecies so that they may profess them, be found to be liars, and be destroyed.

I asked in his name. Jesus knows exactly what and why I asked, and that it is in accordance to his Will.

Pegasi are not in God's Will. Also you have to believe in Jesus to ask of Him.

Your "transfiguration" story doesn't make any sense truth or lie.

how so

And the original Avestan was older and more accurate than the Hebrew translations. We can keep going back. Your arbitrary version of the story isn't the oldest nor the most true.



Again, you're wrong, I'm right. We can do this all day. It's pointless and boring. You have no substance. You make claims, and have nothing to back them with.

For example:

The fact that we can act out of God's plan for us proves we have free will

No it doesn't. It proves we don't have free will. You're not even making a lick of sense with that.

He didn't create Adam with the precondition that he would choose to eat the apple. God knowing what choice Adam was going to make doesn't make it any less of a choice.

Yes he did and yes it does.

Not if that option was presented as evil. God told Adam not to eat the fruit lest he die. Adam didn't know it was sin, but he did know it was against His Father's wishes, he wasn't totally blind to the wrongness of the choice.

Yes it still is, because the concept of evil isn't known or understood to Adam. He was indeed blind, because he had no knowledge of good or evil. He had no way of knowing that to disobey was wrong.

God doesn't control our actions. We do.

Puppets on strings. You can imagine you control your actions, but you're wrong. It is literally impossible to deviate from the script. God controls the script. He made it.

I'm not changing anything. I'm using translations that make sense given context over those that don't.

Wrong, you are changing things to fit your agenda. You want to sugarcoat this fictional character to seem "better" and more appealing. You don't get to do that. You can make up your own fictional character and decide it is or isn't however you please, but you don't get to change basic facts about someone else's fictional character. The God in the Bible is a liar. Plain and simple.

These prophets are false prophets misleading the people of Israel. All God is doing is giving them more false prophecies so that they may profess them, be found to be liars, and be destroyed.

You can keep trying to add stuff all you want. He's still deceptive and wrong. "Oh, well, these are bad people, so it's OK to frame them. I mean, this guy murdered his neighbor, so it's OK to plant evidence to insinuate that he also robbed his neighbor. I mean, if you add more crimes, then that will make it easier for him to get punished for murder, so it's all fine."

Yup, we can tell that you're immoral. You don't need to keep digging yourself deeper here. Not only do you suck at trying to defend the fictional character that you're such a big fan of, you are really showing your own character here.

Pegasi are not in God's Will. Also you have to believe in Jesus to ask of Him.

Yes they are, no I don't, and I said the magic words and he didn't hold up his end of the promise. He's a liar. Nowhere does it say all this other crap you keep trying to put in. It plainly says what I quoted it to say.

I'll expand on it. My example, of pegasi, is but one of many. Fervantly faithful and pious folk have gone to their graves, never wavering in their belief, but not getting what they prayed for: comfort for their families, their neighbors, and so on. There are plenty of people with missing limbs who are still missing limbs no matter how faithful and believing the folks praying on their behalf are. There are people who pray for personal gain and achieve it every day, off of their own efforts sure, but they did pray too.

Prayer has been demonstrated to be useless. In all cases, no matter how believing or faithful the person is, no matter what they pray for. All you have are lies that say otherwise.

how so

Because I said so. Just like everything else in this discussion.


God doesn't control our actions. We do.

Then how can God know what those actions will be in advance?

Eating the fruit allowed Adam and Eve to learn of evil, introducing sin into the world. 

It was God who introduced sin into the world. He's the one who created the lying snake.

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