Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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They got us guys! We probably should have thought this through more!:raritydespair:

(the above is one of the dankest christian memes ever)

6146054 I don't get it.


I don't get it.

Seconding this. Not sure what the argument even is here, unless the Greek Pantheon is somehow making a main-stream comeback. :unsuresweetie:

Dank pagan memes?

Group Admin



No, this was made by a christian. The argument is that atheists say no god exists, but clearly gods such as the sun, moon and Kim Jong Un exist so atheism is impossible.

Here is a video of distinguished Christian philosophers discussing it (shortly after stating they have a superior understanding of particle physics)

Is at about 1:14:20


See, that's what confused me, given the whole 'No Other Gods Before Me' deal it seems a really odd and desperate for a Christian to use this as an argument.

'The Sun exists, thus Helios does as well, and that's thus both God's doing and you should worship the guy you can't see, feel, or study or you'll burn in Hell forever and ever instead of worrying about that silly Tartarus place!'

I mean, just wha...? Even the freaking 'bananas thus no croco-ducks' thing from a few years ago had more internal logic, at least. :rainbowhuh:

Apparently the Sun is something you need to believe in, instead of having an understanding that there's something physically there. Unless they think the Sun and Earth is a hologram.

Words are magic. You can say certain words involving Jesus, and the magic of the words does some magicky stuff involving the magic skydaddy. If you say certain other magic words, you go to hell. Because Magic Skydaddy doesn't like those words. Like using his Name in vain.

"Helios" is a magic word for the totally fake god of the Sun. It literally cannot mean anything else, because magic. So we atheists really do believe in a god. Some god. Doesn't matter which one. You can't have no gods, damnit. You can't just not believe in the magic words. You have to believe in the magic words too, or else I might doubt they work with my magic skydaddy. They work because everyone nods and agrees they work. The Emperor really does have fabulous clothing.

Yeah, I mixed up the "you" "we" and "I" positions up there, arbitrarily mid-thought. I think that actually helps describe the "logic" better.

my brain hurts. I think its working.


It exists! See? I wrote it, so it at least exists in textual form. Furthermore, anything that can be imagined exists in a universe of our creation. Checkmate, atheists.

But we don't live in that universe. We live in this one, where simply imagining things doesn't make it so. I'm imagining you're a beautiful lady right now.

I can also imagine a universe in which left is right, up is down, and short is long. I can imagine a universe in which the three-toed sloths rule over everything, including the bluejays. In that same universe, the bluejays rule over everything, including the three-toed sloths. I can imagine nonsensical and contradictory universes.

Some things are actually impossible. Being able to imagine a thing does not make it possible, even in an infinite universe model. Only things which are possible can exist in infinite multiverses.

But they do exist . . . as concepts! Solid Snake is a real thing . . . just not a real person. Same thing with God. God exists in some form so long as we can reference him and point to an actual thing, even if that thing is an idea.

By now, I hope you aren't taking me seriously.

I just quoted John Oliver and Stephen Hawking. Seriousness is irrelevant. You lose. :duck:

6146054 Trying to understand religious "logic" makes my brain hurt. :facehoof:

I think the only quotes from John Oliver that I would actually recognize are his mad burns against his own appearance and Britishness.

Two gods Christians apparently believe in: The God Helios, and the Goddess Gaia. Now they get to burn in Hell with the rest of us ‘polytheists’.

So objects can't exist without having some sort of divine aspect? Did the creators of this meme just stumble over into animism in their desperation to make a point against atheism?

Was that a Weird Al reference? Nice. :D

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