Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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4962353 The atheists in these comics are very unrelatable.

I think I lost a few brain cells reading this...

I laughed a lot. Anyways, regarding the fortress comic-
The atheists are aiming for the foundation, the Christians, balloons above. Let's add some logic. If I pop a balloon, what's to stop a new one being blown up? Nothing. If I destroy the foundation of a fortress, its likely to fall and crush the people inside, it will never regain former glory. The road to rebuilding it would be painfully long, painful, and not worth the time because its not as strong as it was.

The rest, are hilariously terrible.

Group Admin


Well unfortunately that cartoon has a sequel.

We were so close!:raritydespair:

Those are so bad, even parodies of creationists aren't that bonkers.
1: There is a fairly large and convincing body of evidence that the Ford Motor Company exists and produces cars.
2: "...if I only had a brain..."
3: They said, "new facts," not, "corrected facts," implying that while Mr. Bible Humper was jerking it to Leviticus, scientists were out learning new things.
4: LOL @ the Christians just shooting at whatever the fuck they feel like: "pet issue" balloons, each other, the air, etc.
5.1: lolwut?
5.2: No, seriously, WTF?
5.3: This guy is one of the lowest effort trolls I've ever seen.
6: "If we just assume I'm right, then everyone who thinks different is obviously stupid." *huffs paint* *eats paste*

Sequel, or rebuttal? Cuz I'm not seeing a logical progression from the first to the second.

*proceeds to bolster defenses after momentary cease fire*
*momentary cease fire*
*fortress is now immune to their medieval cannons, and we have nukes, guns, tasers, grenades, missiles*
Aim... FIRE!
*reduces their puny stone ramparts to dust in the wind*

There isn't a stick long enough to measure how deep in bullshit these comics are.

4962353 Creationist "humor" is too stupid to be funny. :facehoof:

One of these comics is actually atheistic. Who can find it?

These comics are so dumb that they somehow manages to make creationists seem even dumber...and that's quite a feat.


I honestly thought these cartoons were being satirical until I looked a little deeper. That's how idiotic they are.

And I bet the idiots who wrote them think they're soooo clever.

Group Admin


Nah, these are real.

First and last are from Adam 4D
Creationwise is a comic from Answers in Genesis.
The Primates is a comic straight from Ray Comfort himself.
The only one I don't know the origins of is the castle one, though it tends to be referred to as an 'anti-evolution' cartoon and is apparently sold as a poster at the Institute for Creation Research.

Group Admin

Poe's Law, baby.

'Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article'


Depressing, but hardly surprising.


Indeed, I was thinking about Poe's Law while I read them, actually. Parodying creationists, like parodying Donald Trump or breatharians, is as pointless as trying to set fire on fire. You can't really mock something that is already a mockery of everything.

I was thinking along the same lines too. We don't even go that far when we make fun of creationists, but these appear to be the genuine article. Someone somewhere is actually drinking that kool-aid and sincerely taking those comics at face value.


Adam4D reminds me of the oatmeal comic...if the oatmeal was stupid and boring.
Yet, there's something that reminds me of it.

What braindead Jesus-freak wrote these?!

The fourth one is especially bad, since its actually self-defeating! Christians aim at the balloons, which aren't keeping the Humanism castle up. Humanists shoot at the foundation of the Christian castle, which is an actual battle plan.


Um, yeah. Logic. There is none. Which, is, you know, the entire point of science. Ow, my brain.
These idiotic cartoonists are basically showing how little they understand reality.

The sad thing is that they clearly think these are cutting zingers and the very epitome of logic.

They're just so proud of themselves for coming up with these "witty" dismissals of atheist positions.

4962353 I want to go on a rant about everything wrong with these comics but A) That's preaching to the choir B) I'd die before I finished C) They're too deep in to even consider they're wrong.


as pointless as trying to set fire on fire

That hurt my mind so much trying to figure out what exactly I was reading...

I think "...Strawman?" was the only clear thought that flitted through my conscious before getting buried in bullsh*t.

Hey, I remember this thread

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