ReadingSins 429 members · 651 stories
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From the desk of:
A Guy On The Internet

Dear Fimfiction
Attn: knighty
Britain, United Kingdom

Dear Fimfiction, more specifically, creator and admin knighty,

Quite a while ago, you decided to do some regular maintenance with the website and in your journey to help the website run at peak efficiency, you found several threads with over 50 thousand comments, all of which were role playing forums. Upon this discovery, you decided to ban role play on the entire website. I honestly think that doing that was a very good idea, however, that's not what this letter is going to be about; we'll save that topic for another day.

Returning to what I was saying, along with your ban of role play, you also decided to disable group notifications, saying that you were doing so as a temporary measure until everything gets sorted out.

It's been, what, six months since you enabled that temporary measure? If you don't know what the definition of temporary is, I'll spell it out for you:


lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent

Let me emphasize that last part: not permanent. How the fuck is six months "temporary"? Seriously, how the fuck does that happen?

The problem is much deeper than that, I'm afraid. You see, one of the biggest reasons people joined groups to begin with is because there are usually threads within those groups where users can discuss various topics. This is why the group notifications were one of the most useful features on this site; they delivered new threads to the user immediately after they are posted. This is how groups grew, thrived and flourished. The threads brought us some really great things, but now with group notifications disabled, they have slowed down a significant amount.

Don't get me wrong here, the threads do still exist. However, there has been a really fucking huge decrease in the amount of new threads posted every day. This isn't the only damage disabled notifications are doing as many groups have been severely harmed by this move. Many groups with less than 500 members have pretty much been killed because of this and groups with more people have suffered a real stab in the heart. They might still be alive and active, but they aren't as active as they used to be.

knighty, if you are reading this, please restore group thread notifications. Not only will this help revive many groups and provide many new threads, it will also help newer groups survive as well. Group such as ReadingSins, which I fear will wither away and be forgotten forever.

Please, return the notifications. For the sake of the groups.


P.S. Your "solution" to this problem will not work. Your suggestion to fix this problem is simply to go to the "groups" button at the top and go through the thread from there. The problem in this is that the groups button only gives me so many threads while the notifications gave me all the threads that were posted throughout the day. Besides, your method also involves going directly to the group I want and going to the forum manually. Considering the massive amounts of groups I am a part of, I don't think that this can really work. So again, please fix the notifications.


Unfortunately, I have to agree with Sprite here.

We could however, send him a physical petition if we possessed the organizational skills.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3562446 Do we have a mailing address?

3562267 As the parasprite put it, this is beating a dead horse since I've seen a number of threads about this on different groups and blogs during my short time here. The problem stems from the servers not being able to handle group notifications from what I've been told, so I'd imagine that the group notifications could come back provided that the servers are upgraded at some point. However, I'd imagine that upgrading servers would be expensive, so that might take some time.


Sadly no.

That would be the first step.

Perhaps if we had a mass donating campaign to upgrade the servers as well?

Though it will still be at least a year before I start making a salary... Who will bell the cat, eh?

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3562847 I could, but I prefer dogs, thank you. My Caucasian shepherd is proof of that.

Group Admin

It's a commonly known fact that temporary things last the longest... :trollestia:

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