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So, I was going to use Yanfly's CTB plugin in my current project, so that the battle system would resemble that of Final Fantasy X. However, when I tried to test my game, it was using the default battle system. When I was trying to figure out what the problem was, it turned out that both the ATB and CTB plugins were basically discontinued.

From my perspective, as someone who wanted to emulate FFX's niche system, this really sucks. Granted, that system was based on switching in the right party member for the job on the fly, and I can still do that with the default system, but it's not what I had imagined. Let me put it this way: the default system considers a "turn" as a full round of each actor and enemy acting, thus you decide everyone's actions at the start. CTB considered a turn as each person's turn to act, which meant you chose a character's action only when it came time for them to use it, like in Persona or Xenosaga...or FFX. From Yanfly at least, the option to set up our games like that is now gone.

That's odd. CTB is still working perfectly fine for my game.

I am aware it has stopped getting updates and that future plugins yanfly is making may not work well with it, but you can still get CTB to work. What changes did you do to your game to get it to stop working? Or did you simply add CTB Plugin and forget to tell Yanfly's Battle Engine Core that you want to use CTB?

Edit: If worst comes to it, there is always ITBS Plugin as an alternative. It was made off of CTB as an alternate style.

5690318 I was using CTB, and I specifically told it to use that system. What happened instead? I got a popup about the Animated SV Enemies plugin (that I wasn't even using) and the CTB plugin was just ignored.

After playtesting thus far, though, the default system works rather well for my game. I might just stick with it.

So this is a free install of the plugin, yes? This is not an plugin that use to work in your game and then stopped working. Because from the sound of things, the plugin wasn't setup properly in the first place if it is asking for a plugin you are not using (which means somewhere you've told a core plugin to use Animated SV Enemies). This could be because of something in Yanfly's core, or in CTB, or maybe they were not placed in the correct plugin order (Order of Plugins matter greatly, be it yanfly's or others. Placing one too high or low and you ruin all your plugins).

5690662 Definitely not that last one. I make sure to order the plugins so they'll work.

So what is the full list of plugins you are (or were) using with CTB?

5691255 In this order:
-Core Engine
-Battle Engine
-Action Sequence Packs 1-3
-Counter Control (on, but not really in use)
-Visual HP Gauge
-Party System
-Actor Party Switch
-Victory Aftermath
-Aftermath Level Up
-Message Core

Have you tried running the game with just Core Engine, Battle Engine, and CTB on, while the others are disabled (not remove so you don't lose any edits you may have made, just simple switched to "Off") and see if CTB still works? If I was to guess based on the error message, it sounds like Action Sequence Packs 1-3 may be the one not playing well with CTB. Being that it is the plugin that would have something to do with Animated SV Enemies plugin, plus it is the only plugin I haven't been using on my game, which CTB has been still working on.

(Also, this one is already an obvious question, but is your CTB version 1.15?)

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