The Twidash Army 570 members · 532 stories
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Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I've been wanting to set this up for a while, but I've never been too comfortable with gaming over the internet with ponies I don't know. It's different here in Army, though. I'm game if you are!

For those who don't know (or who call it by a different name) Mafia is a forum game of good versus evil, in which a larger team of good players, the Townies or Villagers, take on a smaller but more organized evil team known as the Mafia or Werewolves. The game takes place over day and night cycles, with the Villagers spending the day voting to lynch a player in the hopes of removing members of the Mafia from play and the Mafia spending the nights deciding which Villager to kill next. On top of that, some players have their own special roles and abilities. The key is in your roleplaying skills: sticking to your character's role without revealing enough to get you killed, convincing others to lynch the player you want to lynch, or even pretending to be on a team you're not! The goal is to remove enough of the other team from play to win before they kill you and the rest of your team. It's a game of wits, luck, betrayal and paranoia! Sounds like a lot of fun to me! :pinkiehappy:

The game requires a handful of players and a moderator. I don't think we could manage one tonight, but at the very least we can try to gather up enough players and decide when would be a good time to play. If you're interested and you're usually on Fimfiction at a certain time on certain days, let the rest of us know (be sure to mention your time zone!) so we can try to organize a game that's easy for everypony to attend. I'll leave my info in another post.

So what do you think, everypony? Who wants to play a game of Ponies versus Changelings?

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Most days I can get online anytime between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. EST. There's usually some wiggle room there too. I'll volunteer to be the moderator; I kinda want to try out a rule set I've been toying with that fits the MLP theme a little better than the usual. :twilightsmile: It'll require seven players, though, not including myself.


The key is in your roleplaying skills: sticking to your character's role without revealing enough to get you killed

I think this is actually against the rules here, though. Knighty banned roleplaying in the forums about a month ago. If there's another forum you have in mind, I may be up to it, but the hours are a bit of trouble for me. I work from 8-4:30 and I'm usually up at 5 to get to work (I write before I start) and I'm not home until 5 or so.


Unless I can be a background pony!

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I thought so at first myself, but I stumbled upon another Mafia group here on Fimfiction that seems to be doing just fine. Besides, that blog post was edited after the fact:

edit: I'm not going to delete the groups anymore, just clean up problematic threads.

The other group took this to mean that we'll be fine with forum games until the thread length starts getting out of hand, and since they're running a game now and in the planning stages of another I'm inclined to believe them. A game of seven players that's played half over the forum and half over PMs should be fine.
A background pony? Is that, like, the redshirt of the fandom? :rainbowlaugh:


Ahah. I don't do a lot of role-play anymore... Not since my MU* days. I didn't pay much attention to the post after it came up, honestly. I suppose it really depends on when the active hours are for me, or if it matters. Most of the roleplay I've done has been in the form of story trading or live, instant response style roleplay.

Also, no, I don't think so. I adore background ponies. I did start to write a LyraBon adventure before I realized that I had a decent premise... but the characters I was using felt like wood. I'm working on my back-storying and finding a lot of ways to improve a lot of my stories by exploring the untold backstory for context, theme, and conflict.

Count me in, you know, if that's possible with a funky schedule. (I also tend to wander away for a while to go write or edit show captures for the cover arts.)

3261923 I would be game, i am normally on pretty much from 4:30 to 10-ish, and I think I'm eastern, I can never remember the different types, currently its 8:15 for me.

3261955 oh come on, being that Lyra would be no fair!


I've never actually read that story. The premise always threw me off. Always alone.

3262045 it is good, good but sad at some times, although it always seems to have at least a semi happy ending to each chapter.


No... Just the premise makes me cringe. I may be very high on the introverted scale, but the thought of being without people, without being remembered past the time I'm with someone... that sticks with me.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I've only roleplayed once, and that was over Facebook messages. It was... mediocre. :rainbowlaugh: Turns out the friend I was RPing with doesn't have the attention span for the kind of story I like to weave into an RP.
Lyra and Bon Bon are a great pair, but I'm glad you hit the pause button when you realized you weren't doing them justice. I'm sure it'll be a lot better once you get to know your rendition of the characters. Personally, I won't write about somepony I don't know. I had Twilight's entire timeline written down before I started 'True Love'! :twilightsheepish:
Eeyup, that's eastern, same as me. What about you, Noble? What time zone are you in?
3262042 3262053
Oh my stars, I cried so many times... Out of all of the stories I've read on this site, Background Pony is easily my favorite fic. It'll break you over and over until you finally reach the end. I read it a year ago and I still don't think I've recovered. :fluttercry: I just wanna hug her so baaad...
Noble, I say this with all the warmth I can muster: I'd nope the fuck away from this one if I were you.

3262069 I haven't finished it yet, but it is a good story.


I read three paragraphs into the first chapter. Said goodbye and haven't looked back.

Lyra and Bon Bon are a great pair, but I'm glad you hit the pause button when you realized you weren't doing them justice. I'm sure it'll be a lot better once you get to know your rendition of the characters

Yep. I have all of Applejack and Fluttershy partially mapped out for my Appleshy Fic. Now I need to work on the background and side characters and give them more than just one dimension's worth of meaning (for the ones that will appear more than just momentarily, of course.)

I'm also working on Celestia, Rainbow and Twi, Scootaloo, and most of 10,000 years worth of pre-Equestrian History. My anthropology class is helping somewhat with that, at least. And all the pre-historical fiction I've read. And my fascination with Native American myth.

As for timezone - I'm a midwesterner, dontcha know. That would be central.



I guess you can be that Lyra.


Yet another one I haven't read. No... I'd actually rather be Fluttershy. I've been getting some practice writing first person present perspective for her for concept bits and pieces... And in my blogs. My followers are all getting an eyeful of AppleShy whether they want to or not... Well. I suppose if they want to read the blogs that is.


Unless I can be a background pony!

Fluttershy. is. NOT. A back round pony, she is best pony.


I don't disagree with you. I never said she was a background pony. I am allowed to change my mind, and I thought it would be fun to be Fluttershy. Come now, would I be writing first person Fluttershy if I thought she wasn't a good, even great, deep character with a lot of hidden potential in her unspoken backstory?

3262110 I know, you just didn't state that you changed your mind... that and i wanted to do a fake over reaction.


My mind is like quicksilver... Well, no. I guess it's not Quicksilver is mercury and that's toxic. So. Um. I just change my mind quite a lot. I'm also a nut.

3262128 now what, you seem like a fun person, let's be friends, have a follow.


Right back atcha. Enjoy my nuttiness! I just hope you're not allergic. Cuz I'm nutty. Oh, also I am doing a blog series on my journey of growth as a writer, including little tidbits I pick up along the way. I hope you find them informative :twilightsmile:

3262146 nope, not allergic to nuts, just cat hair and pollen... did I mention that I love cats... allergies are annoying.


I love cats too. I love my kitty. Nemo. He'sa pretty kitty, and the most affectionate cat I've ever met.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Speaking of finishing stories, I'm up to 512 in my Read Later list. I guess I should get started on 'Austraeoh'... :raritywink:

Whoops, looks like I forgot something... Hey, what's that over there? :rainbowlaugh:


Itsa button! *click* *Bleep!*

Seriously, I still have no idea how that became my most popular story.


I'm up to 512 in my Read Later list.


Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I know! I'm terrible. :twilightsheepish: I think I've read ten stories in the last month, if that.

3262173 I used to have a cat, he died near the start of the school year, we had him for a long time too.:fluttercry:

That was my thought as well... My read list is a stately 39... I move them off at a fairly steady pace, but I don't add a lot to it, either.


Oh... :fluttercry: That's a horrible way to start a school year...

3262200 It's not that bad, really.

I... don't read a lot online. I get distracted way, way too easily on the computer. Most of my reading is done via Kindle. But mostly of late it's been craft books. I learn best by doing, but I also need a guide. So that's what I've been reading.

3262208 the year before that my grandmother died... less than a week before my birth day, now that sucked.:fluttercry:


Digital hugs, incoming!

3262249 Did you at least get to know her?

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Your mileage may vary. What I do know is that I didn't even make it to the new chapter of 'Asylum' yet, and I've been jonesing for that one for months!

Then you're wasting your time in a much more useful manner than I typically do, haha. Self-improvement is always a good use of your time.

3262201 3262249
At least you have your memories. My grandfather's been dying on and off for years, and while it gets difficult to bear sometimes, I've found solace in memories from my childhood of watching him walk around the house imitating a gorilla. :twilightsmile: It was funnier than it sounds at the time.

3262279 Do what you please.

3262266 oh yeah, I knew her.
3262279 now if only my memory was worked on the things i want it to, and not random useless facts, like apparently, the Hudson bay area in Canada has less gravity than other places on earth.
3262263 I'll stay with a mind hug, digital hug sounds a little, shock-y.

3262299 Excellent. This might sound kinda' cliche, but I never really got to meet any of my grandparents.

3262313 that sucks. I see you went back to your face.

3262330 Just for a little spell.


I remember fondly all of my grandparents. My paternal grandparents owned a farm that we used to visit every summer. I live just a few miles away from that farm now, and visit it often to sit in the field and remember when I was just little, and the field that once felt like it would take forever to run across now takes me just a few minutes. My maternal grandparents lived in a city in a cozy little house with my two aunts. I don't have much chance to visit them anymore, sadly. Work and life tend to get in the way.

I don't have any grandparents left anymore, but I love them all dearly. I visit my paternal grandparent's grave every few months to say hi. I don't think of them as much as I used to, and it hurts less, but I won't ever forget what they taught me.

The farmers, simple people with a lot of wisdom, and the engineer and the teacher, a complex pair with a great intellect shared between them.

Sorry... Tangential.

Anyway... I'ma go read and write for a bit. Then I have homework to do.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Wow. That is fascinating.

That was quite sweet, Noble. I'm going to opt to stay out of this one until I can get into the right headspace to rewrite 'Folksong'. I should be hitting the hay anyway. Long day, long night, and a longer tomorrow by the looks of it. Maybe I'll get some work done on 'Stellar' if I'm lucky.

Goodnight, everypony! Keep me posted about that game!

Don't apologize for being tangential. That was really touching. You made me regret not knowing my own grandparents better. Other than poker, I wish I could say what I learned from them.

Group Admin



I totally read that like RD in the first episode of Mentally Advanced Series. :rainbowlaugh:


and most of 10,000 years worth of pre-Equestrian History.

In my headcanon, equine-based lifeforms have only been on the planet for a little over 2,500 years. :derpytongue2:

Sorry... Tangential.

You can be tangential so long as you pardon me for being obtuse most times. :derpytongue2:

3262380 I live in EST. I work 8 hour days and 12 hour days. My 8's are always on Mon and Thurs, and on those days I'm on after approximately 4:30-5:00. My 12's will keep me off until 8-ish. They're on Tue and alternating Wed and Fri. I have weekends off, but I'm usually not on until the evening on Sun. ...I'm not sure what we can do with that...

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I think the main problem will be working around my schedule, not the rest of the Army's. :twilightsheepish: I think I'm the only one who's not typically on past eight in the evening, eastern. Well, if we gather enough players I'll just have to make time!

Group Admin

3263837 There are days I can't get on until 8, so yeah. Lol.

Oh, that's right! This thread was about a game. I just read the string of comments last night and...forgot. Whoops.

My schedule is going to go bat**** crazy for the summer, but I'll be able to get on most evenings. Also, my roleplaying experience is limited to the "OMFG, hu pulld aggro?!" variety.

If you can find more players, I'd be willing to give this a shot.

Group Admin

3263952 You play MMO's? :pinkiegasp: ESO? :pinkiecrazy::heart:

Group Admin


I've been wanting to set this up for a while, but I've never been too comfortable with gaming over the internet with ponies I don't know. It's different here in Army, though. I'm game if you are!

I'm so glad this group is close enough to make you feel comfortable like that! :heart::pinkiehappy: I'm so happy I could cry. :pinkiesad2: This sort of camaraderie is what we wanted for the group. This made my day. :twilightsmile::yay:

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