The Twidash Army 570 members · 532 stories
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Rainbow loses? unless they made the sonic rainboom illegal I call HACKS!

3213224 I thought so too, but the checkered flag generally means the end of the race.

Group Admin

3213125 Well, it is a relay, and her team's not the strongest. :unsuresweetie:

3216951 I have a funny feeling sonic rainbooms are illegal… guess we will find out.

Provided the writer took the time to acknowledge it of course

Group Admin

3216957 I see no reason it would be. It's merely a byproduct of breaking the sound barrier. It's not her fault if she flies faster than the speed of sound. :trixieshiftleft:

agreed, however, there is no way spitfire could beat her if she was using it. and being that the rainbow trail behind her was not staying around (you can see it fading a few feet behind her) it tells me that she was not using it. maybe she already did?

however she did not use it for the tryouts either... (Not that I like remembering Rainbow falls mind you-worst episode of S4 IMO)

Group Admin

3216967 I think last week's episode was the worst. :unsuresweetie:

Like I said, it's a relay. Spitfire is really fast. It's possible with Rainbow's sub-par team that she started way WAY behind Spitfire in the first place.


I think last week's episode was the worst

odd. what did you hate about it?

Group Admin

3216978 It wasn't funny at all, everyone seemed completely OOC, and I'm sick and tired of how season 4 keeps portraying Rainbow Dash as this mare who just ditches her friends for any shiny thing she happens to walk by (metaphor). I mean, I'm all for their elements not defining them, but she's still the element of harmony! This is the second time that they've made her into an inconsiderate bitch toward her friends, especially Fluttershy. :twilightangry2:

Cant argue that.
Rainbow sold fluttershy into slave labor (can't imaginin why I don't think futterdash works as a ship)
Rarity was anything but generous
Applejack was well applejack aka boring
Pinkie seemed to reach new levels of annoying

the only one I really liked was Twilight in this one. however it got mad props from me for at least acknowalging that Twilight being a princess is a Big Fucking Deal (BFD) something they avoided all throughout S4

I found it entertaining though unlike Rainbow falls (which just left me wearied out)

however, we all have our own opinions.

Group Admin

3217021 See, I didn't mind Rainbow Falls except for the whole "Rainbow betrays her friends...twice" thing. :ajbemused: I got a small hint of Twidash in it, so that was nice. Also, we got to hear more from Bulk Biceps than "YEAAAHHH!!" It also confirmed his name wasn't...ugh...Snowflake. :facehoof:

The only joke in Trade Ya' that was even remotely funny was when Pinkie pulled out Celestia's actual crown out of god knows where. Lol. Let's not forget...the plotline. :ajbemused::facehoof:

It's soooo overdone! It's been done by countless cartoons before, and if we're to the point where we have to cycle through old cartoon tropes, then god help us all. :raritydespair:

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Well, in all fairness you have to look at how fast Rainbow's going when she pulls off a Sonic Rainboom. It could be that, given how much she needs to angle herself to go through specific hoops and whatnot, she isn't able to pull off the Rainboom at the time. That, or the writers said "fuck it" and didn't bother to mention it.

And Rainbow Falls was amazing, so hush you! :ajsmug:


Total agreement. I didn't mind Rainbow and Fluttershy's part very much (hell, Rainbow's reactions and facial expressions made the episode for me). Rarity and Applejack were... really boring. Their arguments and interactions were great, but the impetus for them was dumb (especially Applejack's).

I think the biggest thing about it that bugged me was the whole Twilight/Pinkie bit. Twilight was completely unnecessary and Pinkie was a total bitch. She knew Twilight was uncomfortable with what she was doing, but went ahead and did it anyways. And Pinkie's whole "Oh, that was totally my plan" thing at the end was utter bullshit, as was Twilight's random-ass epiphany.

All in all, this episode was pretty boring. The only thing it accomplished was making me hate Pinkie for about 22 minutes.


Like i said when I watched Rainbow falls I felt confused. yes there was some good Twidash moments in it but I could not articulate why I did not like it. However it was when I watched this video I realized it was because of all the plot holes and OOC moments in it.

this guy said it better then I ever could


I can buy the first part of what you said but this?

And Rainbow Falls was amazing, so hush you!

we will have to agree to disagree cause, wow….

making me hate Pinkie for about 22 minutes.

Like Filli Vanilli did for me, although I enjoyed the rest of the episode

Group Contributor


we will have to agree to disagree cause, wow

I was being facetious there (hence the AJ emote). I was not actually being serious, even though I did quite like Rainbow Falls. The setting was contrived, yes, but I love it not for the story (if you're looking for well-woven and intricate plots, then MLP may not be the best place to go to), but for the character interactions. Bulk Biceps was funny, Rainbow Dash was great, and the potential for TwiDash there was pretty damn solid.

Group Admin

3217081 Ok...those are admittedly valid points. :twilightsheepish:


well-woven and intricate plots

this is not normally an issue for me, unless they step over their own cannon. (Like RF did.)

Bulk Biceps was funny

I did laugh at him, however he needed a damn reason for being there.

A simple line or 2 would have eliminated any issue. its lazy writing at best. Not giving a shit at worst

also he flew fine in the wonder bolts academy WTF? again, don't step on your own CANNON!

Group Admin


Bulk Biceps was funny, Rainbow Dash was great, and the potential for TwiDash there was pretty damn solid.

Brohoof to that.

Group Contributor


Very true and very valid points. I'm not saying Rainbow Falls was the greatest episode, but compared to a lot of other episodes this season (Trade Ya, Twilight Time, and Daring Don't come to mind), it's on my "liked" list. That being said, it's still nowhere near as good as other episodes like Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, or even Castle Mania, but still enjoyable enough for me to watch it more than once.

Retcon your own episode that you later reference…

Cause we won't notice?

Like i said when I watched it I was 'confused' I knew something was off, but I could not articulate it.

Now that I have some experience writing I see it all to well.

for fanfictions and actual episodes characterization has to be number 1

using characters like Rainbow dash and the rest automatically place certion expectations in our heads. they need to be On-Script sorta speak (this is good and bad as you don't need to explain this, however its bad cause these are not your characters. you have an expectation to know how they act given cannon material)

you can take them Off-script but they need a valid/logical reason for doing so.and you need to spell that out.

Fluttershy is fine with performing in the Equestria games~WTF? thats off script You need to explain.
Fluttershy is scared of singing in front of a Ponville crowd~ thats on script G2G


Ahh i liked Twilight Time

Group Contributor


Twilight Time was okay for one reason, and that was because it led to this "deleted scene:"


Damn straight.

Group Admin

I have to wonder...I came into this fandom between Equestria Girls and Season 4... Was there this much debate about the other seasons and/or EG?

I heard there was a shit fit over EG

I did not mind it, to me it was another universe they could do whatever they wanted (although we needed more info on Sunset shimmer and Celestia was kinda manipulative (but thats nothing new))

But I am like you, I came in between EG and Season 4 too..

From what I have seen of S4 ending, my fan fics might soon be AU stuff… Oh well

Group Admin

3217184 AU? :rainbowhuh: Well we may get more info on her. There's apparently going to be a second one, so I look forward to that. As of now, my canon for what's going on in the human world is in someone's story on here. :rainbowkiss:


Ya beyond Twilight, spike and pinkie none knows what happened there

Were there issues? hell ya.

But I took it as something fun to enjoy and was not disappointed.

I can see that if someone took it as something more serous they would have been but its all about the expectations you set for yourself going in.

Group Admin

Actually...I had absolutely no problem with EG. Lol. I loved it. This is the story I was talking about, btw.

3217220 Hmm looks interesting. Might check it out.

When? IDK i got 91 stories on my read later list now lol

Group Admin

3217232 Oh wow. I'm only up to 60, but only because I don't have your two in there.

3217236 needless to say my read write balance is shot.

Might take a break after BoI just to catch up lol

Group Admin

3217249 Taking a break makes it worse. Trust me. My ratio used to be perfect, and I wrote around 4,000 words a day, on top of editing for people. Taking a break makes it waaaay worse.

Ya i had similar experiences with the week break i took 2 weeks ago. it was a bad idea then and would probably be now.

4k words a day? nice.

Group Admin

3217277 I had 3 stories going at once at that point. :twilightsheepish: Now I barely write 1,000 a week.

3217324 LOL fuck ya

Real men like ponies!

I think I avg about 10-12k words a week. depends on the week of course

Group Admin

3217353 I thought you'd like that. It was a stroke of luck I found it right after we were talking about how much you like the original. Lol.

3217666 you sir are correct!!!

Group Admin

3217674 *old money voice* Hmmm, yes. Fortuitous indeed. :moustache:

Lol. I just finally watched Frozen, and OMG!!! It's soooo adorable! :rainbowkiss:

You JUST watched Frozen??? Wow…

LOL, did you see the special part at the end? with the other snowman?

Group Admin

3217714 No. The video I was streaming cut out right before the credits. :applecry:

Group Admin

3217739 That. Was. So. Cool! :rainbowkiss:


Skiping 5 years should not be a problem.

I have a few suggestions though if you want to hear them I will PM them to you


KK going to be a minute

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