KRissCHu573NotsoNewBronyRameslack 4 members · 0 stories
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I dont know where else to ask this so I just made a new tread for it. Coverart, what are you planing on useing? are we useing anything at all? should I make something and in that case what?

3125257 Hmm, you do have a point, I have thought about using the existing one, but I think a new one might be in order. Problem is, I just can't settle on one idea and a lot of them are probably quite ambitious.

Here's the most prominent one in my head right now:
The main subject is obviously the Crusaders themselves, maybe add Rainbow Dash in her Reaper Suit posing next to Scootaloo in her suit and Rain Sight could be standing on her hind legs with precision gloves equipped in a fighting pose.

Leave enough space for Sovereign 2.0 and Seeker for when they join the CMC in later chapters. Kind of like a evolving coverart if you will.

Another idea would be a piece with the CMC in the foreground but the background would be split into segments, each segment occupied by characters from the story according to their faction with their own individual background, though I admit this idea is mostly inspired by a Kingdom Heart wallpaper I saw.

Anyways I'll stop my babbling here. Now,I'd like to hear Kriss' thoughts and your own input on them.

3125408 Mostly what I was thinking was to just update Sweetie belle in her ghostgear since that was apparently an eyecatcher, and maybe have one or two other characters in there too.

3125778 Well, you're the artist and the artist knows best but are you saying that you're going to update the CMC or just Sweetie herself?

3125807 I have not though much of it yet so for now its just a suggestion since a coverart is there to grab the attention of the readers you kind of want something that will draw the eyes to it. And just so you know the artist dose not always know best =P

3126092 Well, there's no rushing the creative process and besides, there's plenty of time to come up with something.

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3129017 Well, this came to my mind, but I think it may be a bit much. I thought maybe we could have the CMC, Dash, Sovi 2.0, Rain Sight and Seeker all lined and geared up(maybe have Rain standing on her hind legs, wear Karn's gauntlet on one hoof, and on the other, wearing a precision glove, to hold a shotgun, or rifle of some sort). As back ground to have a black silouete of half of Discord's face(the one with his fang) smirking and his eye glowing yellow. Right next to it to have a black siluete of half of Amon's face, with his eye glowing red(cuss they are the big forces that move things from behind the scenes). And lastly, have Pinkie Pie peek out from behind Discord's head. (Maybe throw in a Twilight somewhere in there if you want.)


3130047 I whould preffer to not have to many characters in the picture becaus it will look clutred if everyone is in there gear

3130185 How about the CMC as the main focus while the rest are just headshots or have all of them as headshots?

3130199 I will give it some thinking and see where I end up, but feel free to drop suggestions here anyway

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3130208 Yeah, having them as headshots would be better. Though what do you think about that Discord/Amon thing with Pinkie?

3130224 I like the idea with the Disc/Amo but I whould probbably leave pinke out of that so it dont look wierd

3130227 Besides, having Pinkie near Discord might give away spoilers.:pinkiecrazy:

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3130227 Being weird was the idea. :pinkiecrazy:
3130242 You have a point sir. :moustache:

I did a little sketching on Sweetie and Apple bloom in order to get some ideas to the coverart and this is what I have so far
I am going to add Scootaloo to this aswell when I can thing of pose that will fit the picture and not have it look aout of place. And I was also thinking of haveing Disc/Amon`s face or something as a background.

3133810 Hmm, I'd like to pose a question to you two. Do we have Apple Bloom learn how to use a gun(like a pistol), or do we keep her as the tech master of the group?

We know she can handle explosives, but I don't to make people feel like we're ripping off P-21 from Project Horizon:applecry:

3133861 I think we can have her know how to use a gun (or have Rain show her how just so she can defend herself) but we dont have to put her in any serious fighting. My impression is that she preffer to work as a "support" for the rest of the group by hacking computers and fixing stuff.

By the way who or what is P-21?? and what is Project horizon?

3133909 Hmm, I guess you are right, she did mention that zerg would occasionally wander onto the farm, so I guess she'd know how to use one to defend their farmstead...well, provided she has precision gloves on. Maybe change the gun to a tool to make it more...appropriate?

Come to think of it, how does she use a computer/laptop with hooves?:derpyderp2:

Oh, P-21 is a character from Fallout Equestria:Project Horizon, a sidestory to Fallout Equestria.
I won't spoil it for you, in case you ever start reading it, but P-21 is a stallion that fight's by using explosives of all kinds. His primary weapon is a grenade launcher.

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3133861 Ok, to start, wtf is P-21 and Project Horizon? :unsuresweetie:
2nd: Well she should at least know how to handle a small gun(like the Engineer from TF2).

Next, that's nice looking. Though that thing I will repeat it. To have their heads' halves, and full black, aside from a silverish lining which to show the shape of the heads(including Discord's fang and smirk) and the two eyes which will respectively be yellow and red.

Aside from that what else are we including in the pic?

3133929 Fallout Equestria side story character. Uses explosives as his weapon, favorite weapon is a unique grenade launcher. Ain't gonna say anymore spoilers.

I think you mean have silhouettes of Amon and Discord's face, cut them in half and slap them together, and bring out little details like their eyes showing(glowing in Amon's case) there a definite headshot of Amon for reference?

Well, the CMC are definitely in it, how would you feel about adding headshots of the other party members at the sides, Rame?

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3133922 I see. Hehe, using only explosives. =w= Err.. sorry I got snapped back into the book I'm reading(Seires: The Malazan Book of The Fallen - Definitely go give that shit a read whenever you can!), and there are these guys called sappers(also called saboteurs), a particular wing of soldiers of this type called the Bridgeburners use Moranth munitions, which are these alchemical explosives, the most powerful of which called Cussers...well, picture a centipede which is big enough to wrap its body several times around ships the size of Titanic, and then sink it. One of those got a Cusser shot into its mouth and its entire head turned to jello. + the Bridgeburners have this sick and twisted sense of humor which I SOOOOOOOOOO ADORE! :pinkiecrazy:

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3133939 So far just this:

But because it's not yet confirmed I was thinking just using:

You know? Like this (thing above) black for both guys, only on Discord's side the eye to be yellow and to have this little silver lining which shows his smirk.

I dont think I will ever read fallout equestria becaus I dont have any intrest in the fallout games =P

But aside from that with the DiscAmon thing I think we are pretty much in an agreement on what we want it to look like so thats one part done I guess.
The CmC should definitly be in the picture but since the cast is pretty big Im not sure on where to draw the line on who to put in the picture and who to not put in there.

Also they use typewrighters in the show so I guess they can work a computer too right =P

3133945 Yeah, you mentioned it in your blogpost some time ago. Might take you up on that...eventually, the local bookstores and library don't exactly stock up on any good books.:ajbemused:

Anyways, back to the story, your mentioning of sappers got me thinking. Wanna come up with some ideas for tech to be featured in the story? I made a thread for that sometime ago, It's not much since I can only find few detailed mentions of tech in the story itself. Feel free to expand it.

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3133957 Never played Fallout games, didn't have any idea that was related with Fallout Equestria. Tried to give it a read, but it didn't appeal to me, and it was too long.

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3133962 To be fair, now that I was reminded of it, I kind of want to make a sapper OC...mmmm...

But, I shall hold in that desire. I shall try to look for things.

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3133957 Um, bro you should look up from your last reply and see the two pics I posted with some explaination. I must leave you for now guys. PEACE!

3133957 Well, we got a headshot of Amon...sort of but it does fit the bill, vague and ominous.

Hmm, you're right, there are a ton of characters running about the Sector, maybe stick to the CMC's party, like Sovi 2.0, Rain Sight and Rainbow?

3133962 Well if you want tec talk you can always have Apple bloom take an interest in her friends gear since she is a bit of a mechanik. We can also work in a bit of gun talk there, then we atleast know for sure that she can use a gun if needed. It will also give them time to just be friends for a while.

3133974 Yeah I think you misunderstood me. I meant for us to come up with new or upgraded tech that we could feature in the story.

Like the precision gloves, the HFB, the Comet fighters and all those other original tech we've seen so far in the story. I kind of like to expand on that aspect since the units from the game are more or less considered obsolete by the time of the story.

3133981 Hmm yes I see what you mean lets see if I can think something up :trixieshiftleft:
:trixieshiftright: How about a new version of the Viking spaceship, one that is not as dangerous for the pilot as the old one was. Give it some new weapons plus some other minor upgrades and call it the Raider all purpose fighter or something.

3133995 Feel free to add your idea in this thread. Ships, Vehicles and Tech

I have placed a loose guideline you can follow. The History part can be added later.

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3134003 Okay, I sort of wrapped up the Karn segment. You can view it in the story. However, be warned, it is SUPER RAW. I didn't have the time to break it down to quotes and stuff, so at the moment it's just a massive wall of text.

I have been working a bit more on the cover art and I think it looks pretty good at the moment but I still want your oppinion on the mather.

Dont worry about where they are placed in the picture here, its just temporerly so you can see all three of them. Also I did give Scoots armour a little redesign so it will fit her body better and not look so big and out of place. Ofcourse this is nowhere near finished I just wanted to show you what I have done so far.

3163644 Oooh, nice. Though there's a couple of things I'd like to point out.
Even though Sweetie's pose is cool, I don't think she fights with her guns like that, I think she can but she mostly uses her telekinesis to hold guns.

Apple Bloom looks very cool in that pose, guess she could learn how to stand on her hind legs later on.

Scootaloo's pose is dynamic and epic, though the armor's redesign shouldn't be scaled down too much, but since this is just a sketch, I have no idea how small it would be.

Come to think of it, Kriss, in comparison to the Terrans, how scaled down are the pony's version of their tech? Or is everything the same size and proportion?

3163714 Yeah I can understand your concearns here but let me try to explain myself. The primery way for Sweetie to fight with her gun is to use her magic ofcourse, but I whould like to think that the gun is designed so it can be used by hoofs aswell incase magic is disabled (+ it looks cooler this way :P).
For Apple bloom tho I thought that all ponies in this story knew how to stand on there hindlegs since there is alot of tech and machins that require presisiongloves to operate correct me if I am wrong on that. And the main reason for the redesign of Scoots armour is the fact that the legs of ponies and humans look and work diffrent. I will probbably make her armour a little bigger but not to big becaus that will just look wierd and out of place.

3164013 Ok, I can see Sweetie doing that now.

As for the second bit, no, not everypony can stand on their hindlegs(though the latest episode kind of disproved that:derpytongue2:) In the story, most if not all ponies who do stand on their hindlegs were trained to do so in the military or the militia.
They are trained this way so they can operate the power armor which are still made in Terran designs, with the additional function that allows the pony in the suit to switch to bipedal mode.

The weapons are more or less designed to be operated by hands, making any civilian uprisings difficult since they can't use the guns without access to precision gloves/power armor.

While most ponies can learn to use precision gloves, it doesn't necessarily mean they can stand on their hindlegs. Also, I feel that precision gloves are more of a tool used in work that requires precision, like surgery or design.

With the bit about power armor in mind, your old design of Scootaloo's Reaper suit is more faithful to Unholy's version than this one is since Reapers were described being taller than a pony. Still, we could have Apple Bloom and Tinker make a smaller suit from parts.

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3164013 He has a point there(about the gun). About ponies standing on their hind legs - what NSNB said.
3164144 Well from what I got, the pony-armor isn't much smaller than the Terrans' design. A head or a head and a half shorter, and a couple of santimeters less thick. The reason behind that I think is that if the limbs of the pony weren't fully inside of the power armor, even if the lower parts of the mech-limbs got damaged, the pony's limbs had a greater chance of remaining intact.

I must agree, the design for the Reaper armor from your previous cover art fits much better to the story's lore. Still the design you got going for the drawing so far is pretty bouse~! :pinkiehappy:
(Just one little note if I may :pinkiesmile: - When you do the head portraits of some of the side characters, would you kindly draw Rain Sight with a loose mane. The coverart you did for me is super awesome, but I'm not really feeling her as a bob-tail-mane type of person. :twilightblush:)

So should I just scrap the new look for Scoot or is it okey if I just fix it up a bit? I already was planing to make the armour a bit bigger tho.

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3164717 Well, don't fully scrap it, the pose is UBER awesome, just buff up the armor's size a bit. :raritywink:

It would be a shame to scrap it but if you can adjust the size and proportions a little more to the original in the cover art, then that'd be great.

But if it's easier to start from scratch, then go ahead it's your call as the artist.

I will buff up the armour a bit, should be easy enough.

One last thing, I know Apple Bloom looks badass and all in that pose, but I feel like she doesn't look the part of the handymare anymore and though character development is good for the story, I can't really picture her change from the funny tech specialist to something so serious...I feel like I'm looking at a ponified version of this

What do you two think?

3164744 I think that its a sketch and as such it can and will change a bit before its done :rainbowwild:

Update time

Things that I have fixed include Apple bloom not looking like a killer and more like an engineer. Scootaloos armour should now be about the same size as it is in the old coverart its still slimmer and more agile looking tho since it IS an assult armour after all (cant have her looking like a brikwall). made some minor adjustments and added various on all three characters details. So if you feel these designes to be agreeable then I can start doing the hard part and add colour and shit. :scootangel:

Okay less issue with Apple Bloom now, though Scootaloo's assault armor still looks off to me.

While I agree with you that we can't have her looking like she's in full blown power armor like Shining. Her armor is still more terran in appearance, which means slightly longer arms and legs(are those legs or a pony hind leg?) Though it could be the perspective that's messing with me:unsuresweetie:

What do you think Kriss?

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318107p9 What Not So New said.

I asure you that her arms and legs are longer but since she is at the angle that she is it might not look that way. And her hindlegs are formed after her pony legs becaus they bend diffrently from human legs. It can probbably be worked around in a power armour becaus they are bigger but like I said reaper suits are designed for speed and agility so to me it makes sense. She dose have boots/feets on her armour though for that extra stability.

I still have to disagree on the hindlegs. The armors are built around the pony so they appear more human like once the armor is put on. This Scootaloo does look more bulked up in comparison, but the armor looks more like light infantry armor with a jetpack than mechanized armor.

I won't argue that Reaper Armor is supposed to be light and agile due to it's function, you are right in that regard, but I think the comparison is between the bulky armors used by the marines. And also, I think the bulk of the Reaper Armor is to house the mechanisms required to operate the armor itself as well as to carry all that fuel they need for their jetpacks as well as bombs and spare munitions for their pistol.

What I'm saying is, you might need to start scratch with Scootaloo. The pose is great so keep that. The primary issue I'm having is the armor's diminutive size.
Apologies for making you waste your time on Scootaloo's sketch.

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3182349 Yes, Nony(do you mind me calling you Nony? Not So New Brony is a bit too long, and addressing you as NSNB doesn't really feel right to me.) is right on both accounts. The reaper armor, though smaller than marine armor has a lot of stuff to hold in, and all mech armor is like a shell around the pony. On the inside it's suited for pony limbs, but on the outside aside from it's smaller size is no different than actual terran armor. Sorry we're being so picky about...this chicken-shit outfit :rainbowlaugh: (Get it?)

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