The Entertainers 28 members · 113 stories
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Group Admin

Do you remember how most people do not like Alicorn OCs, most of the time their reasons are because they always do things that aren't so connected to MLP, are Omnipotent or OP, and most of the time just seeking multiple mates (we've surely seen this plenty of times, darling). But most of all, to any OC in general, the creator of this OC is usually targeted by many with hate or disapproval instead of critque review or advise that can be said so lightly it would not bring much of a big, huge, and mean problem.

Let us start from square one now, dearies.

We make OCs and take certain aspects applying from ourselves. We throw in an fictional character to live a life we always wanted or always wanted to get out of. How we do it is either drawing, writing, or singing a song about it. When we put our work into literature, we are new to it. Any new member on FimFiction writing their first fanfic can get quite sensitive when certain things are pointed out to them in an bad manner without being put lightly at it and explained thoroughly about it. It can be quite annoying, pestering, and for the most of all hurtful.

Most who are told their OCs are bad, generic, and even annoying can be affected by this and therefore not take a light approach to this like others could resorting into them quitting from making a story that would be most entertaining to read. No OC is bad if the reader takes time to explain what they see to the writer calmly, fluently, and without a bitter judgment appointed to their own opinion (since most of the time it is hard not to give your own opinion if you are simply giving out generalizable suggestions).

No one wants someone quitting from doing what they love on here or it would simply be saying that FimFiction no longer remains as a site for Fanfics relating to our favourite show, instead just another typical blog site full of bad critics just not pointing out some good judgment to help a reader instead of bashing on them with mistakes they might have missed. No one is perfect in this world, at all. And there can't also be a better person above another either. We all have to try helping out others in some way so why not help them out in this sort of category.

Alicorn OCs gets most of the hate not just for how they are made, but because no one takes time to explain the situation behind it so that the writer/creator could make adjustments that would partake in the particular interest of readers. What if you made an alicorn with no knowledge of magic, no royal status, and no interest towards any of the cast characters, not even other OCs, and all they were good at was selling T-Shirts; would that be bashed upon. :duck:

So take the time to explain what you see calmly, do not rush and try to make the writer feel horrible or in other shape-form-or-way not write anymore. If you want to review a story, and give your own critque, do so in a light manner so that the writer can some day improve and do the same for others. We should not bring pain upon writers, we should help them be better and some day do the same for others.

Stay safe, darlings, and know; even she has some alicorn OCs of her own. :raritywink:

if you made an alicorn with no knowledge of magic, no royal status, and no interest towards any of the cast characters, not even other OCs, and all they were good at was selling T-Shirts; would that be bashed upon.

You're right. In my alicorn OC story I Ain't Your Sacrifice I wrote it like that (except for the T-shirts part) and received no bashing.

See I thought most people hated Alicorn OCs because most people found the addition of Cadence to the Alicorn Circles to be an unpleasant and unnecessary surprise by itself, and they regard Alicorns beyond Lulul & Celly to just be "cmon man really?"

Or is that just me

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