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Does anybody know where the story the piano pony went

I google the piano pony and and got 3 story's 2 have the same name and the other is closely named to it and a user name.
1. The Piano pony by Yuki Harima
2. Piano Pony by PurpleRibbon
3. Piano Mare by Aegis Shield
4. the user name Piano pony
hope that helps you.

Given that we're in the pregnancy group, I'm guessing you are looking for The Piano Pony, by Friendlyapples. I have an archived version of it, but it is no longer available on FimFiction.

Rather curious what the story was about. Any chance you could give me a synopsis?


It's extremely short (just over 1k words), so a 'synopsis' would basically be the entire thing in condensed form.

Basically, the unknown protagonist (The Piano Pony), has regular performances that are usually solo, but once a week meets up with other musicians for group performances. Has a one-night stand with a mare that is not explicitly named, but is very obviously Octavia. She gets pregnant but doesn't want the baby because it would ruin her career. He convinces her not to get an abortion by agreeing to take the baby when it is born. Octavia spends the entire pregnancy refusing to care or get attached to the baby, and generally trying to pretend it doesn't exist; she ends up going into labor on-stage and tries to perform through it, but another musician forces her to go to the hospital. The Piano Pony was not at the performance, but just happens to have decided to take a walk to the hospital and sees her arrive there. He goes in to be by her side for the birthing process. Octavia is unhappy through the entire process, and refuses to even look at the foal for fear of falling in love with it. The Piano Pony takes the baby for himself, as-agreed. They both go on with their lives, never seeing each other again as the Piano Pony laments his child never having a mother. Octavia regrets giving up the baby, because despite trying to not become attached, once the baby was gone she realizes she loved it despite her efforts not to.

Overall, it's a sappy, sentimental bit that has an odd structure, and (in my opinion) was kinda poorly written anyway. I can certainly see how some people would like it, but it didn't do anything for me.

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