Human in Equestria 16,893 members · 17,095 stories
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I've been thinking about having domesticated horses in my fic, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. I would like to hear some thoughts and opinions on this matter.

Edit: What I had in mind was humans using horses for their everyday needs, transportation, moving large carts, horses dawn plows, warfare, basically everything we have used domesticated horses for before the invention of automobiles. Also note that at some point if I chose to have horses in my story, the main character will have his own horse to keep up with his pony friends.

What do you think ponies reaction would be to see their larger cousins reduced as work tools and pets and not running free in the wild?

Technically, aren't all the characters in the show... domesticated?

I don't quite get what you mean.


I think eagle would mean that he would think of using "Earth" (Earthy-earth horses that we all know.) horses.


4452755 In the story I have planned, it's an earth where the humans and ponies live side by side with Equestria being a stand alone land continent. In that world, horses are to ponies like chimpanzees are to humans. Hope that makes sense.

Yes those kinds of horses.


You'll need to provide more information about why you're including them and what their purpose is in your story before we can comment on just how good of an idea this is for your story.

if you want a more general answer: yes, including domestic horses is a good idea if it supports your story idea and you can write it well.

It's worth pointing out that horses apparently DO exist in the FiM universe, if the Cutie Mark Crusader's song is to be believed.

"Reduced to work tools"

Yeah, sure. Nobody has ever had a horse as a pet, or for companionship. For certain, those who use their horses as beasts of burden don't care about them at all. Humans aren't capable of emotional connection with any animal that's not sapient.

And to answer your question more seriously, how do you feel about chimpanzees being put in zoos?

I'm just going to pretend that you did not made a smart remark that slightly angered me. Instead I will take last part of you comment into consideration.

Psht. A bit of sarcastic snark is all it takes to anger you? I'm not sure if the internet is a good place for you to be hanging out. :unsuresweetie:

I'm not angry, cuz nothing happened. :twilightsmile:

4452755 “They do have a certain intelligence that goes beyond simply animal needs, and it is that intelligence that humans have prized as much as their size and strength—they can be bonded with, trained and taught to accept a rider, and all they ask for in return is to be taken care of and treated well. Do not think of them as dumb beasts, Twilight, for that is an insult to them… and ultimately us as well. Humanity in fact owes much of their development as a race to them, for your own history books will say they made transportation and trade possible to early humans, as well as providing the means for large-scale agriculture and early industry,” she pointed out as her student remained silent, reflecting that Phoenix had said much the same thing.

“They are our roots, Twilight, and one we should freely acknowledge and pay homage to. They are also friends of humanity, and in that…” she trailed off to look pointedly at Twilight. “In that, they are actually ahead of us, and something we as ponies should yet aspire to be.”

-The Lawyer and the Unicorn

The quote you gave me has helped me figure out what I want to do now. Thanks friend! :pinkiehappy:

4457056 Thank the guy who wrote it, this qoute is in the latest chapter towards the end.

I'll do that. Thanks again.

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