High Quality Spike Shipping 1,530 members · 779 stories
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Of course Valentines day is coming up and this is THE day for ships to set sail. There was a blog about pony/human shipping but of course our favorite Dragon is once again left out. So I employ you to go out there, grab your pencils, pens, crayons, label makers, typewriters, what have you and flood the site with the love we know Spike is capable of giving.

The theme? Well why not follow a trend and go with human ships. Equestria high school? Why not. Earth? Sure. The citadel? ...OK? yeah! OK. Let's show all the mares that spike has swag. Even for those that aren't mares at all.

2763559 I got a Spike x human female story in the woodworks. :moustache:

2763571 glad to hear it. Can't wait to read.

Comment posted by beirirangu deleted Feb 3rd, 2014

2763559 very true... Spike is rarely paired with a human... but I would also say that Spike, himself, isn't exactly in the right position for that... most of the people that ship human and pony are straight men that would prefer not having a r63 version of a male... but then again a lot of women pair themselves with a sparkly vampire and a slutty werewolf (literally giving themselves the choice of necrophilia or bestiality) so a potentially fearsome and powerful dragon isn't too far out of the way... but then again there still is the damsel and the dragon trope... but now I'm just thinking too far into things

2763623 why not spike be the damsel? Magic happens and he winds up scared and alone in a strange world. A young woman walks by and sees him crying, more concerned about how he is, then what he is, she tries to comfort him. Spike sees a kind face and grabs her tight crying into her until he let's go and apologizes. From there, she finds out that his is a real dragon (after a demonstration) and the weather turns sour. She decides to take him to her home until they can sort this out. While there she asks if he wants something to eat, when Spike replies if she would let him cook something as thanks. She agrees and Spike proceeds to make the best dandylion pancakes a human has ever eaten...
There I go writing too much again...

Blood Brandy
Group Admin


I think I once saw a HumanxBarb one, but I think the problem is indeed a lack of female humans as main characters in HiE stories, and Spike being a dog in EG (Although that didn't stop a couple of Sparity shippers, I guess)

2763742 I meant the fact that he is a dragon... in old lore, dragons were very well known for capturing damsels for a knight in shining armor to save... but even then, the story you suggested (which isn't bad, just off center) is more of a comfort story where he might be sad that Rarity rejected him...

Perhaps a twist on the old storyline (which has practically become a trope in itself) of the damsel being kidnapped was actually being saved from an even worse fate or something... I duno... it sounded better in my head

2763749 a lot of us seem to forget 'magic'. Just because the portal happened one way one time, doesn't mean that every time. Plus twilight is ALWAYS experimenting, something is bound to go right eventually.

personally i like the idea of the damsels/princesses actively looking for a dragon to kidnap/claim them, and when the knights come to rescue them the ladies chase them off to protect their dragon :moustache:

2764033 like my favorite chapter of Greenfire (chapter 6) where Rarity tells off a knight for trying to kill Spike (well, his name's Greenfire in there)

2763764 when did I bring in rarity? This has nothing to do with the mane 6 or any pony from ponyville or equestria for that matter. The story I brought up was something happens to spike, maybe twilight is involved, and spike has to survive with the help of some kind souls until he can get back, pending he wants to go back. It would be more 'slice of life' then 'adventure'.

2764922 it was a suggestion of why he COULD be sad... unless they changed the meaning of the word "might" in that context without my knowledge...

2765005 sorry, I read wrong (I think). Why spike is sad is because he is lost in a strange world without twilight, who was just next to him before the magical explosion. For all he knew, she may not have survived. He looks around after he comes to, to see hundreds of hairless bipedal creatures. Seeing that would make anyone freak out a bit.
But this isn't about a story I'm not going to write. This is about you guys writing stories for valentines. (Why do I keep getting off track?)

2765087 yeah, you're pitching a whole specific story idea when you're asking about a simple concept...

2765102 I just can't help myself

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